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Prediction of embodied GHG emissions of building materials in Shanghai
Open Access Original Article 25 Jul 2024
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A review of household carbon footprint: measurement methods, evolution and emissions assessment
Open Access Original Article 20 Jun 2024
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Lifecycle carbon footprints of buildings and sustainability pathways in China
Open Access Review 29 Apr 2024
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Distributed photovoltaic adoption in rural Shandong, China: status, challenges, and influential factors
Open Access Original Article 11 Mar 2024
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Supporting decarbonization through vehicle rightsizing, automation, and ride-splitting
Open Access Commentary 31 Dec 2023
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Environmental footprint impacts of green energies, green energy finance and green governance in G7 countries
Open Access Original Article 31 Dec 2023
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A bibliometric review of carbon footprint research
Open Access Review 31 Dec 2023
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Carbon sequestration and geochronology in Southern England's seagrass meadows
Open Access Original Article 27 Sep 2023
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Seagrass ecosystem biodiversity mapping in part of Rote Island using multi-generation PlanetScope imagery
Open Access Original Article 21 Sep 2023
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Decreasing the urban carbon footprint with woody biomass biochar in the United States of America
Open Access Review 11 Sep 2023
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Carbon Footprints
ISSN 2831-932X (Online)


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