
2022 Annual Report of Metabolism and Target Organ Damage

Published on: 5 Jan 2023 Viewed: 1200

The year 2022 is of significance in the early development of Metabolism and Target Organ Damage (M&TOD). The journal has achieved remarkable progressunder the professional guidance of the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Amedeo Lonardo and the support of all Editorial Board members and Youth Editorial Board members in 2022.

Here, we would like to summarize the great progress made by M&TOD in the past year from the following perspectives:

1. Editorial Board
In 2022, two new outstanding scholars joined the Editorial Board and three new young scholars joined the Youth Editorial Board. As of December 31, 2022, there are a total of 59 Editorial Board Members on the board of M&TOD, mainly from 15 countries, including Italy, the UK, the USA, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, China, Germany, Israel, South Korea, Chile, Egypt, France, India, and Serbia.

2. Authorship
The Authors of M&TOD in 2022 come from 12 countries and regions, including Italy, the USA, the UK, Portugal, Belgium, Singapore, Australia, Egypt, India, Israel, China and Germany. Notably, some of them are from influential institutions such as German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD) in Germany, Harper University Hospital and Karmanos Cancer Institute in the USA, Case Western Reserve University in the USA, Queen Mary University of London in the UK, National University Hospital in Singapore, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in Italy, University Hospitals Leuven in Belgium, etc.

3. Readership
The readers of M&TOD in 2022 come from 127 countries/regions. The top 10 most distributed countries/regions are the USA, China, Italy, the UK, India, Hong Kong, Germany, Australia, Netherlands and France. Compared to 2021, the distributed countries/regions increased by 45, including Hong Kong, Germany and France.

4. Articles Publication
In 2022, M&TOD received 38 contributions and published 21 papers (5 Original Articles, 9 Review Articles, and 7 other types) with a total of 36,171 views and 13,499 downloads. The rejection rate in 2022 is about 29%. Seven papers have financial support. The support rate is about 33%.

Among all published papers in 2022, the following papers have been cited 14 times by some influential journals like Heliyon, Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition, Metabolism, Metabolism, life Metabolism, and International Journal of Molecular Sciences (from Google Scholars):
(1) Effect of cofactors on NAFLD/NASH and MAFLD. A paradigm illustrating the pathomechanics of organ dysfunction
(2) Metabolism and cancer-select topics
(3) Concise review: gamma-glutamyl transferase-evolution from an indiscriminate liver test to a biomarker of cardiometabolic risk
(4) Sarcopenia in the setting of nonalcoholic fatty liver
(5) From liver fat to full-blown metabolic disorder: the kidney as target organ
(6) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and metabolic fatty liver syndromes: a dangerous but neglected liaison
(7) Colorectal adenomas and MAFLD: a cross-sectional study in a Hispanic screening cohort

5. Special Issues
In 2022, we launched seven Special Issues under the leadership of renowned researchers from the University of South Dakota, the Wayne State University School of Medicine and Detroit Medical Center, the Duke University Medical Center in the USA, Linköping University in Sweden, Vall d’Hebron University Hospital in Spain, etc.

(1) Organ Dysfunction in Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease: Effect of Cofactors
(2) Metabolism and Cancer
(3) Laboratory Medicine in Metabolic Disorders and Target Organ Damage
(4) Hepatic Fibrosis and Cardiovascular Risk in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
(5) Sex Differences in Dysmetabolic Organ Damage and Senescence
(6) The Ectopic Fat Storage Syndrome: Organ Specific Steatosis and Its Relationship to Organ Damage
(7) Metabolic Impacts of Severe Infections

6. Webinar
In 2022, to improve the academic discussion and exchange of insights among experts, M&TOD launched the first webinar on "The Complications of Diabetes" in November 2022, which was chaired by Prof. Ketan Dhatariya, the Honorary Professor of Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia in the UK, the Chair of the Joint British Diabetes Societies Inpatient Care Group and the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists.

7. Journal Partners
In order to keep up with cutting-edge trends in the field and increase the influence of M&TOD, we have reached cooperation with two international groups and one conference.

On May 26, 2022, M&TOD became a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). M&TOD consistently adheres to the COPE Core Practices and follows the COPE Guidelines to ensure  a rigorous peer-review process under strict ethical policies.

M&TOD is committed to rigorous and fair standards to publish high-quality research. We expect to collaborate with more international excellent experts in the field and provide professional services to authors to bring significance to the medical community. We highly appreciate all support and contributions of all parties and look forward to further progress in the new year.

Respectfully submitted by the Editorial Office of Metabolism and Target Organ Damage

Metabolism and Target Organ Damage
ISSN 2769-6375 (Online)
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