
An informative planning-based multi-layer robot navigation system as applied in a poultry barn

Figure 3. Overall procedure of the multi-layer. The dashed blue lines represent the DCPP with the coverage directions. The informative planning protocol integrates coverage directions and continues to rapidly achieve spatial coverage with the least estimation uncertainty in the decomposed grids. Red circles are the dead broilers found by YOLO V4-based dead broiler detector in the boiler barn. The maroon grids are the hubs in the row-based environment. The green lines represent the hub-based multi-target paths. Note that the heat map in this figure only represents the distribution of the historical data of dead chickens, which is different from the information heat maps with generated coverage direction information in the rest of the paper. DCPP: Defined contribution pension plan.

Intelligence & Robotics
ISSN 2770-3541 (Online)
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