
Associate Editor Prof. Yaguang Xi Visited Editorial Office of JCMT

Published on: 14 Aug 2015 Viewed: 3748

Prof. Yaguang Xi, of Mitchell Cancer Institute, University of South Alabama (Alabama, USA) was invited to visit our Editorial Office of Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment (JCMT) during a short-term academic exchange on August 10, 2015. In the course of his visit, Prof. Xi discussed and speculated in depth how to create and reach a top-tier journal for JCMT to promote cancer research in China and in the whole world. Specifically, Prof. Xi first complimented both the goal and the management mode of JCMT.

He expressed his thought to our Editorial Board members for how to achieve great academic influence in the field of cancer research and benefit and promote JCMT rank. Prof. Xi also implied that cancer metastasis is the key cause of failure in clinical cancer therapy. Thus, research on the underlying molecular mechanism should be of great significance in the field of cancer research and therapy. Thus, JCMT could have a great opportunity to provide an excellent platform for academic and scientific exchange in such research. JCMT undoubtedly should play an important role in this field. However, it is surely important for JCMT  to be indexed by PubMed, SCI, and other important databases, Prof. Xi emphasized. He continued, JCMT could be thereafter, more visible and accept and publish most important findings in the field of cancer research and metastasis to facilitate academic exchange. In order to achieve this goal, the Editorial Office of JCMT should solicit or invite manuscripts from experts in the field and advertise JCMT in national and international academic meetings. Last but not least, Prof. Xi called for the Editorial Board members and all worldwide cancer researchers to contribute and submit high-quality manuscripts to JCMT. Such an effort, only this effort at the present stage, could promote JCMT to the next level and enrich our knowledge on cancer metastasis and therapy research.

Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment
ISSN 2454-2857 (Online) 2394-4722 (Print)


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