
Figure 3. Neutrophils secrete MMP-9, S100A8, S100A9, NE, Cathepsin G, IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-12, and leukotriene B4(LTB4) in PMNs to promote metastasis. Neutrophils secrete vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and Bv8 to promote angiogenesis in PMN. TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor-α; PMN: premetastatic niche; EMT: Epithelial-mesenchymal transformation; CTLs: cytotoxic T lymphocytes; LMSCs: lung interstitial stromal cells; G-CSF: granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; Bv8: bombina variagata peptide 8. Created in