
Figure 1. Analyses of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) in murine breast tumor model. (A) Photograph of a nude female mouse with 4T1 subcutaneous tumors in breast fat pad; (B) hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained 4T1 tumor section showing histological details of the murine breast carcinoma shown in (A); (C) confocal micrographs of frozen sections of 4T1 tumors after oral treatment with vehicle (top) or capecitabine (CPBN) (bottom) followed by aminolevulinic acid; red signal is mitochondrial PpIX; (D) quantitation of PpIX-specific fluorescence from confocal micrographs shown in (C); integrated fluorescence intensity was measured using IPLab software. Mean SEM (18 images from 6 tumors) from three independent experiments is shown. *P = 0.0001