Dr. Wah Yang
- President, Young IFSO.
- Vice-President, Jinan University Institute of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders.
- Director, Clinical Research and Training, International Bariatric Center, Jinan University.
- Director, Chinese Obesity and Metabolic Surgery (COMES) Collaborative & Database.
- COO and Secretary General, Asia Pacific Alliance for Obesity and Sarcopenia Metabolism (APAOSM).

Dr. Sjaak Pouwels
- Department of General, Abdominal Surgery and Coloproctology, Helios St. Elisabeth Klinik, Oberhausen, Germany.
- Department of Intensive Care Medicine, Elisabeth-Tweesteden Hospital - Tilburg, The Netherlands.
- Faculty of Health, Witten/Herdecke University, Witten, Germany.
Topic: Perspectives from a surgeon
Dr. Kwang Wei Tham
- Senior Consultant Endocrinologist, Woodlands Health, National Healthcare Group, Singapore.
- President, Singapore Association for the Study of Obesity (SASO).
- Chair, Integrated Health Committee, IFSO APC.
Topic: Perspectives from a physician
Ms. Jane N Buchwald
- The Chief Scientific Research Writer, CEO, and founder of the research writing and statistical analysis firm, Medwrite Medical Communications.
- The recipient of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA) Eric W. Martin Award for Excellence in Medical Writing.
- Served as Editor of the Bariatric News “Viewpoint” column (BariMD); Editor-in-Chief of The Minnesota Physician Journal (MP Publishing); and Technical Editor of The Report of the US Surgeon General (USDHHS, CDC).
Topic: Perspectives from a professional scientific research writer
Dr. Athanasios Pantelis
Fellowship in Metabolic Bariatric Surgery, Mohak Bariatric and Robotic Surgical Centre, Asia’s highest-volume bariatric center, 2023.
SCOPE Certified by the World Obesity Federation since 2023.
Peer reviewer for Obesity Surgery journal since 2019.
Topic: The place of new anti-obesity medications in weight regain and insufficient weight loss following metabolic bariatric surgery
Prof. Matthew Kroh
- The Vice Chair of Innovation and Technology in the Digestive Disease and Surgery Institute at Cleveland Clinic.
- The Section Head of Foregut Surgery and Surgical Endoscopy in the Department of General Surgery, and Professor of Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine.
- The Chair of the Digestive Disease Institute at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi.
- The Chair in the Society of American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgeons and the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery.
Topic: Innovations and New Technologies in Metabolic Disease Treatment: Implications for Research and New Opportunities
Dr. Dimitris Lapatsanis
- Consultant Upper GI and Bariatric Surgeon.
Scientific Director of Obesity & Metabolic Disorders Department.
Athens Medical Group, Psychiko Clinic.
Visiting Professor of Surgery at University of Athens Medical School.
Topic: New anti-obesity medications: a threat or an ally to metabolic bariatric surgery?
Prof. Roberto Cuomo
- The professor in Plastic Surgery at University of Siena (Italy) and am one of the youngest professor in plastic surgery in Italy.
- The chief of Master in Aesthetic Medicine in the university of Siena.
Topic: The methods to drawing the medial thigh lift
Time(EST, USA) | Chairs/Speakers | Topic |
06:00-06:05 AM | Wah Yang, Sjaak Pouwels | Welcome address |
06:05-06:20 AM | Jane Buchwald | Perspectives from a professional scientific research writer |
06:20-06:35 AM | Kwang-Wei Tham | Perspectives from a physician |
06:35-06:50AM | Sjaak Pouwels | Perspectives from a surgeon |
06:50-07:05 AM | Athanasios Pantelis | The place of new anti-obesity medications in weight regain and insufficient weight loss following metabolic bariatric surgery |
07:05-07:20 AM | Dimitris Lapatsanis | New anti-obesity medications: a threat or an ally to metabolic bariatric surgery? |
07:20-07:35 AM | Matthew Kroh | Innovations and New Technologies in Metabolic Disease Treatment: Implications for Research and New Opportunities |
07:35-07:50 AM | Roberto Cuomo | The methods to drawing the medial thigh lift |
07:50-08:05 AM | Wah Yang | M&TOD and APAOSM Introduction |
08:05-08:25 AM | Wah Yang, Sjaak Pouwels | Closing remarks |
NOTE: Each speaker will have a total of 15 minutes, with 10 minutes dedicated to presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.