
Volume 3, Issue 2 (2023) – 5 articles

Cover Picture: During liver regeneration, rapid changes in sex hormones, in this case, estrogen and androgen, are accompanied by alterations in the expression of various genes relating to liver regeneration. Female mice have faster liver restoration than male mice, and ovariectomy interrupts hepatocyte proliferation and liver recovery post PHx. Administration of exogenous estrogen facilitates liver regeneration in male mice after PHx. These findings support that estrogen has therapeutic potential to promote liver regeneration by impacting hepatocyte proliferation after hepatic surgery. However, supplementation of 17α-ethynyl estradiol (EE), a synthetic estrogen widely used as an oral contraceptive, inhibited DNA synthesis in the livers of hepatectomized rats and delayed liver regeneration. Long-term treatment for 60 days with EE blocked S phase entry of hepatocytes by downregulating cell cycle promoters, such as PCNA, cyclin A, E, and cdk2, and upregulating cell cycle inhibitors p53 and p21.
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Metabolism and Target Organ Damage
ISSN 2769-6375 (Online)
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