Special Issue

Topic: ABC Transporters in Multidrug-Resistant Cancer

A Special Issue of Cancer Drug Resistance

ISSN 2578-532X (Online)

Submission deadline: 20 Nov 2020

Guest Editor

Prof. Thomas Litman
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Department of Immunology & Microbiology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Special Issue Introduction

ABC transporters, such as P-glycoprotein and ABCG2, are known to confer multidrug resistance (MDR) in cancer, thus rendering previously sensitive cancer cells multi-resistant to a large range of chemically unrelated compounds.

The aim of this Special Issue is to sum up the latest knowledge on the role and function of ABC transporters in cancer.

Specifically, the latest development on the following topics will be reviewed:

- The mechanisms of MDR and the implications for clinical drug resistance.
- How cancer cells increase MDR1 (ABCB1) expression.
- Evidence for the importance of ABC transporters in cancer.
- Regulation of the expression and trafficking of ABCG2.
- Defeating multidrug resistance in cancer: a new twist on an old story.


Multidrug resistance, ABC transporters, cancer, drug resistance, P-glycoprotein, ABCG2

Submission Deadline

20 Nov 2020

Submission Information

For Author Instructions, please refer to https://www.oaepublish.com/cdr/author_instructions
For Online Submission, please login at https://www.oaecenter.com/login?JournalId=cdr&IssueId=cdr201120446
Submission Deadline: 20 Nov 2020
Contacts: Chloe Yang, Assistant Editor, chloe@cdrjournal.com
Bill Li, Managing Editor, bill@cdrjournal.com

Published Articles

ABCA1 is associated with the development of acquired chemotherapy resistance and predicts poor ovarian cancer outcome
Open Access Original Article 18 Jun 2021
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UCP2 - Taking the heat out of P-glycoprotein?
Open Access Opinion 18 Jun 2021
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Cancer Drug Resistance
ISSN 2578-532X (Online)


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