Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Mini-invasive Surgery in 2021
As the year 2021 comes to an end, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the reviewers for devoting time and effort to improving the quality of papers published in Mini-invasive Surgery (MIS) over the past year. At least two experts contribute comments to each published paper in MIS in the review process. These reviewers not only improve the quality of the manuscripts, but also contribute immeasurably to the further development of MIS. It is their careful analysis and constructive suggestions that establish the high standards of MIS, and all these will keep MIS making progress in the future. Hence, we are sincerely grateful to the following reviewers for their generous contributions in 2021.
Aabakken, Lars E. | Horn, Patrick | Palacios, Igor |
Alam, Perwez | Hsiao, Shengmou | Park, Jaiwun |
Alatise, Olusegun Isaac | Hsu, Chaowen | Park, Seung-won |
Biondi, Alberto | Huang, Yazeng | Parker, David M. |
Amato, Giuseppe | Huerta, Sergio | Barbosa Evora, Paulo Roberto |
Andalib, Amin | Igai, Hitoshi | Pecoraro, Angela |
Assalia, Ahmad | Iizuka, Toshiro | Pedone Anchora, Luigi |
Autorino, Riccardo | Irisawa, Atshishi | Peltrini, Roberto |
Bae, Sung-uk | Irtan, Sabine | Peterli, Ralph |
Bak, koang hum | Ninomiya, Itasu | Petroianu, Andy |
Balbay, Mevlana Derya | Iwashita, Takuji | Pontone, Stefano |
Balci, Akın Eraslan | Iyer, Sravisht | Porpiglia, Francesco |
Balla, Andrea | Izol, Volkan | Puscasiu, Lucian |
Bansal, Virinder Kumar | Izumo, Masaki | Radinovic, Andrea |
Beckerhinn, Philipp | Jawad, Muhammad A. | Katayama, Rafael C. |
Beekley, Alec C. | Kakouros, Nikolaos | Ramieri, Alessandro |
Berti, Sergio | Kanno, Toru | Ranasinghe, Weranja |
Bianco, Francesco M. | Kato, Motohiko | Rassweiler, Jens Jochen |
Binet, Aurélien | Kauffmann, Emanuele Federico | Raziel, Asnat |
Bintintan, Vasile | Kikuyama, Masataka | Regazzoli, Damiano |
Bongiolatti, Stefano | Kim, Gwang Ha | Repossini, Alberto M. |
Boru, Cristian Eugeniu | Kleiman, Neal S. | Restaino, Stefano |
Braghetto, Italo | Hashimoto, Kohei | Ricciardi, Sara |
Brathwaite, Collin | Koike, Tomoyuki | Riediger, Carina |
Broggi, Morgan | Kojima, Fumitsugu | Ruge, Hendrik |
Burgmans, Josephina P.J. | Konstantinidis, Ioannis T. | Runkel, Norbert |
Campi, Riccardo | Korovessis, Panagiotis | Ryozawa, Shomei |
Cao, Christopher | Kroon, Hidde M. | Safwat, Ahmed S |
Cappabianca, Paolo | Kukleta, Jan F. | Sahin, Tevfik Tolga |
Carbonara, Umberto | Kulaçoǧlu, Hakan I. | Saito, Kazutaka |
Carrión, Albert | Lamm, Gudrun | Sardo, Attilio Di Spiezio |
Cavaliere, Davide | LeBlanc, Karl Andrew | Sartori, Alberto |
Celia, Antonio | Lee, Kitfai | Sauté, Milton |
Chan, Steven Tuck Foo | Lee, Nathan J. | Scabini, Stefano |
Chevalier, Bernard | Leeds, John S | Schlottmann, Francisco |
Chou, Charles Chung Kuang | Lete, Iñaki | Scotti, Andrea |
Chow, Wai Keung | Levi Sandri, Giovanni Battista | Sembrano, Jonathan |
Conti, John A. | Lewandrowski, Kai Uwe | Serenari, Matteo |
Costi, Renato | Li, Wen | Signorini, Franco José |
Crocerossa, Fabio | Liao, Zhuan | Sikora, Sadiq S. |
Dardamanis, Dimitrios | Lindström, Per | Silecchia, Gianfranco |
De Groote, Ruben | Liu, Peng | Simone, Giuseppe |
De Luca, Stefano | Locatelli, Davide | Solari, Domenico |
De Maat, Gijs Eduard | Lopes, Luís | Song, Wan |
De Nucci, Germana | Macek, Petr | Spampinato, Marcello Giuseppe |
De simone, Belinda | Maehata, Tadateru | Sridhar, Ashwin Narasimha |
De-Aretxabala, Xabier U. | Mamas, Mamas Andreas | Staerkle, Ralph Fabian |
Della Corte, Luigi | Marchioni, Michele | Stier, Christine |
Deunk, Jaap | Marco, Rex A.W. | Takemura, Nobuyuki |
Doglietto, Francesco | Martini, Francesco | Tamai, Naoto |
D'Urso, Antonio | Martinie, John B. | Tanaka, Kyousuke |
Dziewierz, Artur | Martul, Dario | Tantia, Om |
Eftychiou, Christos | Martínez-Pérez, Aleix | Tebala, Giovanni Domenico |
Egberts, Jan Hendrik | Matsubara, Shigeki | Thorell, Anders |
Emous, Marloes | Matsui, Shigenaga | Tosi, Davide |
Esaki, Mitsuru | Mayer, Franz | Towe, Christopher W. |
Estévez-Loureiro, Rodrigo | McLucas, Bruce B. | Tuderti, Gabriele |
Fan, Ying | Memon, Muhammed | Tyritzis, Stavros Ioannis |
Ferriero, Mariaconsiglia | Meneghini, Agostino | Uraoka, Toshio |
Foletto, Mirto | Meredith, Kenneth L. | Veccia, Alessandro |
Fong, Yuman C. | Migliore, Marcello | Velagapudi, Poonam |
Fortelny, René Hartmann | Minervini, Andrea | Vitiello, Antonio |
Francavilla, Simone | Mir, Maria Carmen | Viñuela, Eduardo F. |
Friedland, Shai | Mittal, Sumeet K. | Waisberg, Jaques |
Friis-Andersen, Hans | Mobbs, Ralph Jasper | Wang, Guangzhi |
Fukunaga, Tetsu | Moonka, Ravi | Wei, Benjamin |
Fumagalli, Uberto | Morales, David L.S. | Weimann, Arved |
Ghazi, Ahmed | Moster, Marlene R. | Wilson, Paul |
Godino, Cosmo | Mueller, Ludwig | Yamashina, Takeshi |
Gonzalez, Michel | Mutter, Didier | Yamauchi, Yoshikane |
Gordini, Luca | Nagami, Yasuaki | Yang, Dong-Hoon |
Gossetti, Francesco | Nai Fovino, Luca | Yang, Wah |
Grover, Frederick L. | Nakai, Yousuke | Yerdel, Mehmet Ali |
Guruli, Georgi | Napoli, Niccolo | Yoshida, Akira |
Hatta, Waku | Ng, Chi-Fai | Yu, Haoyong |
Hautmann, Richard E. | Ninomiya, Itasu | Zarogoulidis, Paul |
Hawasli, Abdelkader A. | Novoa, Nuria | Zerbi, Alessandro |
Heiss, Markus Maria | Okimoto, Kenichiro | Zeus, Tobias |
Herbella, Fernando A. M. | Oo, Aung Myint | Zhao, David Xiao Ming |
Hiyama, Akihiko | Ou, Yen-Chuan | Zieliñski, Marcin |
Hochwald, Steven N. | Ozmen, Mehmet Mahir |
We greatly appreciate the contributions they made and the time they devoted to MIS. If you are interested in being a reviewer of MIS, please contact Ms. Jane Lee at and send a curriculum vitae. We look forward to having you with us!
Respectfully submitted by the Editorial Office of Mini-invasive Surgery.