
Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics: Annual Report of 2018

Published on: 28 Jan 2019 Viewed: 2775

The Annual Report Meeting of Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics (JTGG) was held in the Xi’an Office of OAE Publishing Inc. on January 15, 2019. The Managing Editor, Ruirui Zhang, made a brief report of the journal development over the past year, which reads as follows.

In the year of 2018, JTGG published 21 articles, which include 12 Reviews, 5 Original articles, 1 Systematic review, 1 Editorial, 1 Opinion and 1 Case report. Among the 21 published articles, 18 articles are from 4 special issues respectively, i.e., 8 articles from “Personalized Genomic Medicine: Challenges and Opportunities for the Diagnosis and the Treatment of Human Disease” led by Prof. Sheng-Ying Qin, 6 articles from “Genetics and Genomics of Cancer” led by Prof. David N. Cooper, 2 articles from “MicroRNAs in Allergic Diseases” led by Prof. Faoud Terrence Ishmael and 2 articles from “Reversing X Chromosome Inactivation as a New Therapeutic Treatment for X-linked Diseases” led by Dr. Andrea Cerase.

With the publication of those relatively high-quality articles in 2018, the journal got the ISSN in early June 2018. By January 7, 2019, the journal had won a readership from 108 countries/regions, and the 21 published articles have been accumulatively read 28,330 times and downloaded 1,621 times. The top 5 most downloaded articles are also listed as follows.

In the early September 2018, the journal reorganized the Editorial Board (EB). Five new members joined our EB, i.e., Dr. Qasim Ayub (Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia), Prof. Taosheng Huang (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, USA), Prof. Gudrun A. Rappold (Heidelberg University, Germany), Prof. Niels Tommerup (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) and Dr. Yali Xue (The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, UK).

In addition, the newly designed website of the journal was successfully launched on December 4, 2018. The layout, color and fonts of the website really take a new look, and we have new sections like the "Editor's Choice", the "Latest", "Most Viewed", "Most Downloaded" and "Special Issue Articles" on the homepage. The layout display of all articles is like "waterfalls", which improves readers' experience of coherence when reading. Readers would have the same experience on smart phone like the PC end. On the same day, the new online submission system “MESAS”, was also successfully operated, which is more user-friendly and allows the whole article processing procedures to be realized online.

The development of the journal cannot be realized without the great supports of the whole Editorial Board, the editorial team and all the reviewers. On behalf of our Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Jian-Min Chen, we would like to thank all our colleagues for your continued support, and thank all readers for your attention! The journal is new but will continue publishing high-quality articles with rigorous peer review. Wish a promising 2019 for the journal!

Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics
ISSN 2578-5281 (Online)
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