
A Summit Forum and 2017 First Editorial Board Meeting of the Journal Hepatoma Research Were Successfully Held in Rongcheng, Shandong Province, China

Published on: 30 Jul 2017 Viewed: 4002

A summit forum and 2017 first Editorial Board meeting of the journal, Hepatoma Research, were held on July 16, 2017, in the beautiful city of Rongcheng, Shandong Province, China. This Editorial Board meeting was the second Editorial Board Meeting held in the journal’s history, the first being in New Orleans, in the USA in April 2016. The Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Professor Guang-Wen Cao, MD, PhD, chairman of the Department of Epidemiology, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China, and Professor Hui-Chuan Sun, MD, PhD, Deputy Head of the Department of Liver Surgery and Transplantation, Liver Cancer Institute and Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, along with 30 more Editorial Board members, participated in this meeting.

Professor Guang-Wen Cao presided over the opening of the meeting, and extended his sincere welcome to all the experts and Editorial Board members for taking time from their busy schedules to attend. Professor Cao then summarized the recent developments of the journal to express his appreciation to all the Editorial Board members, reviewers, authors, and journal readers for their support, and set forth the aim of making Hepatoma Research a journal with an impact factor of more than 5.0 within the next three years. Following Professor Cao's address, Mr. Min-Fan, Executive Director of OAE Publishing Inc., introduced the role of the publisher of Hepatoma Research and the principles of ensuring high-quality publications, re-affirming the continued efforts of the publisher to make Hepatoma Research an international academic journal with high academic impact.

During the conference, Professor Hui-Guo Ding from Beijing Youan Hospital, Professor Hui-Chuan Sun from Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital, Professor Jian-Guo Chen from Qidong Liver Cancer Institute, Professor Xiao-Qing Jiang from Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Professor Zhi-Bin Hu from Nanjing Medical University, Professor Yong Yang from Chinese Medical University, Professor Chun-Feng Qu from Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Professor Chun-Hong Ma from School of medicine, Shandong University, Professor De-Ke Jiang from Nanfang Hospital and Professor Bao-Sen Zhou from Chinese Medical University provided brief updates on recent developments in hepatoma research, which stimulated discussion from the experts attending the conference.

Professor Jin-Ke Cheng from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Professor Hong Tu from Shanghai Jiao-Tong University School of Medicine, and Professor Deng-Fu Yao,Director of the Tumor Institute, Nantong University, Jiangsu Province, China, presided over the discussions. Professor Feng-Min Lu from Peking University, Professor Jun Cheng from Beijing Ditan Hospital, Professor Yong-Bing Xiang from Shanghai Cancer Institute, Professor Yun-Fei Yuan from Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center, Professor Jin-Hua Hu from 302 Military Hospital of China, Professor Jun Zhao from Shanghai Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, Professor Zhen-Hai Zhang from Southern Medical University, Professor Zheng Wu from The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Professor Jin-Liang Xing, professor Yong-Zhan Nie, Professor Li-Min Xia and Professor Kai-Chun Wu from The Fourth Military Medical University, Professor Qing Xie from Ruijin Hospital, Professor Jian-Li Geng from Weihai Municipal Hospital and Professor Yan Wang from Southern Medical University were unable to attend the conference due to cancellation of flights or temporarily changed plans.

Following the academic discussions, the journal Editor-in-Chief, Professor Guang-Wen Cao, concluded the conference, and re-affirmed the academic achievements of all the experts and their contributions to the research content of Hepatoma Research, and encouraged the Editorial Board members to offer their suggestions and input into achieving the journal's goals for the next three years. There then followed a constructive discussion by the Editorial Board members of Hepatoma Research. The summit forum and Editorial Board meeting was successfully concluded following the supportive comments and thanks from Professor Guang-Wen Cao, who stated that, with the support of all the Editorial Board members' academic achievements and contributions, the journal, Hepatoma Research, could achieve, or surpass, its three-year goals.

Participants List (No Preference Ranking)
Hui-Guo Ding, Beijing Youan Hospital, China.
Chun-Feng Qu, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, China.
Jian-Hua Yin, Second Military Medical University, China.
Hui-Chuan Sun, Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital, China.
Xue Han, Shanghai (Yangpu District) Center for Disease Control & Prevention, China.
Zhi-Bin Hu, Nanjing Medical University, China.
Hong-Wei Zhang, Second Military Medical University, China.
Chun-Hong Ma, School of Basic Medicine, Shandong University, China.
De-Ke Jiang, Nanfang Hospital, China.
Lei Chen, Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, China.
Jia-Xin Xie, Bethune Medical NCO School of PLA, China.
Jin-Ke Cheng, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China.
Shao-Geng Zhang, 302 Military Hospital, China.
Xiao-Qing Jiang, Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, China.
Hong Tu, Shanghai Cancer Institute, China.
Fu Yang, Second Military Medical University, China.
Nan Li, Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital, China.
Jian-Guo Chen, Qidong Liver Cancer Institute, China.
Deng-Fu Yao, Nantong University, China.
Bao-Sen Zhou, Chinese Medical University, China.
Wen-Bo Yu, Fudan University, China.
Yong Yang, Chinese Medical University, China.
Hong-Xia Ni, Ningbo Municipal Center for Disease Control & Prevention, China.
Qi Zhang, (Original) Nanjing Military Regional Center for Disease Control & Prevention, China.
Bi-Yun Qian, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China.

Hepatoma Research
ISSN 2454-2520 (Online) 2394-5079 (Print)


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