
The Second Summit Forum and 2017 Second Editorial Board Meeting of the Journal Hepatoma Research Were Successfully Held in Nanning, Guangxi Province, China

Published on: 2 Jan 2018 Viewed: 4473

The second summit forum and the 2017 second Editorial Board meeting of Hepatoma Research were held on November 25, 2017, in the beautiful city of Nanning, Guangxi Province, China. The Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Professor Guang-Wen Cao, MD, PhD, Vice President, Cancer epidemiology Committee of China Anti-Cancer Association and Honorary Editor-in-Chief Professor Masao Omata, MD, Chief of Gastroenterology at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, along with 20 more Editorial Board Members participated in this meeting.

Professor Guang-Wen Cao presided over the opening of the meeting, and extended his sincere welcome to Professor Omata and other experts and Editorial Board members for taking time from their busy schedules to attend. Professor Cao then summarized the recent developments of the journal and expressed his appreciation to all the Editorial Board members, reviewers, authors, and journal readers for their support.

Following the academic discussions, the participants discussed the journal development in the past four months and provided valuable suggestions on the journal development next year. Journal Honourary Editor-in-Chief, Professor Masao Omata also gave his valuable suggestions on future journal development. And journal development plan in 2018 was made after the discussion. Finally, Professor Guang-Wen Cao, concluded the conference, and re-affirmed the academic achievements of all the experts and their contributions to the research content of Hepatoma Research, and thanked the Editorial Board members for offering their suggestions and contributions in achieving the journal's goals for the next three years.

Hepatoma Research
ISSN 2454-2520 (Online) 2394-5079 (Print)


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