Six Editorial Board Members of Carbon Footprints Recognized as “Highly Cited Researchers 2023” by Clarivate Analytics
On November 16, 2023, Clarivate Analytics released the “Highly Cited Researchers 2023” list. We extend our congratulations to six distinguished Editorial Board members of Carbon Footprints (CF) for their nominations as "Globally Highly Cited Researchers" by Clarivate Analytics! This commendable achievement underscores their significant contributions to the scientific field.
Prof. Yong Geng
Highly Cited Researcher 2023 -- Cross-Field
Prof. Yong Geng is the dean of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering and the SJTU-UNIDO Joint Research Institute for Green Growth, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China.
He has published over 440 peer-reviewed papers in international journals such as Science, Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature Communications, Science Advances, One Earth, Global Environmental Change, Water Research, Environmental Science & Technology, etc.
In 2013, he received the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars from the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). He is a Cheung Kong Scholar Chair Professor of the Ministry of Education. He is also serving in various organizations and scientific communities, such as a lead author in IPCC AR-5 and AR-6, a reviewer for many international journals, an expert in UN organizations (UNEP, UNIDO, UNU, UNCRD), and a consultant for Chinese local governments. He has been one of Clarivate’s global most highly cited researchers globally since 2019.
Research Interests: Industrial ecology; Environmental management; Climate change; Carbon emission accounting; Sustainable development
Special Issue in CF : Pathway and Policy Implications of Urban Low-Carbon Transition under Carbon Neutrality
Recent Popular Publication: How to build a circular economy for rare-earth elements
Prof. Zhu Liu
Highly Cited Researcher 2023 -- Environment and Ecology & Geosciences
Prof. Zhu Liu is the Inaugural Director of the Institute for Climate and Carbon Neutrality of the University of Hong Kong and the Professor and Principle Investigator at the Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University. Prof. Liu initiated and led the Carbon Monitor project that provides the first-ever global daily CO2 emission dataset.
He takes an integrated approach to assess the human impacts on the earth system in terms of greenhouse gas emissions (Nature 2015, Nature 2019) and has pioneered studies on anthropogenic carbon sink, the phenomenon and measurement that artifacts can uptake CO2 from the atmosphere (Nature Geoscience 2016). His broad research interests also encompass the Life-environment interrelationship in Early-life evolution (Chinese Science Bulletin 2007), astrobiology, and the science and policy towards advancing human sustainability.
Research Interests: Carbon emission; Sustainability science; Industrial ecology; Earth system science; Carbon neutrality
Recent Publication: Monitoring global carbon emissions in 2022
Prof. Joseph Sarkis
Highly Cited Researcher 2023 -- Cross-Field
Prof. Joseph Sarkis is a Professor of Management at Worcester Polytechnic Institute's Business School. He previously served as a faculty member at Clark University and the University of Texas at Arlington. His teaching and research focus on environmental sustainability, operations, and supply chain management. He has authored or co-authored over 500 publications, earning the designation of highly cited researcher from Thomson-Reuters/Clarivate Analytics (Web-of-Science) for eight years from 2016-2022. He has been noted as the most productive researcher in the field of supply chain management from 1995-2015.
Additionally, he serves as the Co-Editor of the Greening of Industry Networks Studies Springer-Nature Book Series, a visiting scholar at universities worldwide, an international program coordinator for the Greening of Industry Networks, and the Co-Chair of the Circular Economy Working Group of the Future Earth Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production Knowledge Action Network (KAN). He has contributed as a visiting International Scholar for several years at Hanken School of Economics' HUMLOG Institute and currently holds The Chaire d'excellence TEC-LOGd (Transport, Technology, Circular Economy and Sustainable Supply Chains) at the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - UPHF.
Research Interests: Supply chain management; Circular economy; Engineering management; Natural environment; Corporate environmental management
Special Issues in CF :
Digitizing Carbon Footprints Management
Recent Popular Publication:
How to build a circular economy for rare-earth elements
Assoc. Prof. Yuli Shan
Highly Cited Researcher 2023 -- Cross-Field
Dr Yuli Shan is an expert in climate change mitigation and sustainable transitions. His interdisciplinary research aims to reveal how human activities affect global and regional climate change. He also seeks alternative low-carbon approaches towards the achievement of climate targets and a net-zero emission society. Dr Shan is a Global Highly Cited Researcher since 2020 and a contributing author of the IPCC 6th assessment report. His international reputation for environmental resources accounting and climate change mitigation in developing countries has resulted in 20+ academic awards, 100+ publications in high-impact journals, high-profile media coverage, international conference and committee invites.
Research Interests: Accounting for Carbon Emissions, Climate Change Economics, Sustainable Development
Prof. Thomas Wiedmann
Highly Cited Researcher 2023 -- Cross-Field
Prof. Thomas Wiedmann is a Professor of sustainability research at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Sydney, Australia. Since 2021, he has also held the position of Adjunct Science Leader at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in Australia. Previously, he served as the Director of the Centre for Sustainability Accounting in York, UK. He gained industry-wide recognition for his scientific definition of "carbon footprint," published in 2008. He has been actively involved in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), serving as a lead author of the Sixth Assessment Report and a contributing author of the Fifth Assessment Report. He is a member of the Council of the International Input-Output Association (IIOA) and holds various roles in academic and research committees. Since 2015, Prof. Wiedmann has been consistently recognized as a "Highly Cited Researcher" by Clarivate Analytics. His expertise spans environmental sustainability, integrated sustainability assessment, environmental footprint analysis, environmental input-output analysis, industrial ecology, circular economy, ecological economics, sustainable consumption and production, climate change mitigation, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Research Interests: Environmental sustainability; Sustainability assessment; Multi-region input-output analysis; Environmental footprint analysis; Consumption-based accounting; Scenario simulation; Industrial ecology; Post-growth transformations
Prof. Huaping Sun
Highly Cited Researcher 2023 -- Cross-Field
Prof. Huaping Sun, a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Economics and Management, University of Science and Technology Beijing, previously worked as a postdoc at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He has published more than 60 SCI/SSCI papers in notable journals, including Energy, Energy Policy, China Economic Review, Journal of Environmental Management, etc.
Research Interests: Carbon finance and green innovation; Low-carbon trade and sustainable development; Industrial organization and global value chain
Special Issue in CF : Opportunities and Barriers from Achieving Low- to Net-Zero Carbon Cities
Popular Publication in 2023: Institutional quality and its spatial spillover effects on energy efficiency
The CF Editorial Office extends heartfelt congratulations to these accomplished individuals for their exceptional achievements and salutes all scientists dedicated to advancing environmental sciences.
Language Editor: Catherine Yang
Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office
Carbon Footprints (CF)