
Figure 3. Examples of Coupled Mechanics in Mechano-acoustic Sensors. (A1-3) Covid sensor correlated with droplet generation during respiratory activities using PTV[23]. Copyright©2021, National Academy of Science; (B1-3) dual sensor focusing on the temporal variations of the neck for cardiopulmonary applications using 3D-PTV[24]. Copyright©2021, American Association for the Advancement of Science; (C1-3) swallowing sensor focusing on the spatial variations of the neck for dysphasia payments using 3D DIC[25]. Copyright©2022, Nature Publishing Group; (D1-3) speech sensor investigating the flow physics of plosive speech using PIV[10]. Copyright©2022, National Academy of Science. PTV: Particle tracking velocimetry; 3D: three-dimensional; DIC: digital image correlation; PIV: particle image velocimetry.