Figure 9. (A) Schematic of PVDF-HFP/EmimTFSI TDC, with and without PEG addition. (B) Voc of EmimTFSI, PVDF-HFP/EmimTFSI, and PVDF-HFP/EmimTFSI/PEG as a function of ΔT. (C) Diffusion coefficient of Emim+ and TFSI- with different PEG content. (D) Voc of 18 pairs p-type PVDF-HFP/EmimTFSI/PEG and n-type PVDF-HFP/EmimTFSI connected in series at different ΔT. (E) Chemical structures of EmimDCA, PVDF-HFP, and NaDCA. (F) Ionic conductivity and α of PVDF-HFP/EmimDCA/NaDCA TDC as a function of Na+ doping. (G) Ionic conductivity and α of PVDF-HFP/EmimDCA with different dopants at the concentration of 0.5 mol% with respect to EmimDCA. (H) The 4-stage charging-discharge cycle of PVDF-HFP/EmimDCA/NaDCA at a ΔT = 0.5 K (Rload = 5 kΩ). (I) Voltage during stage II with different Rload. (J) Average power density as a function of Rload with and without NaDCA. (A-D) Reprinted with permission Ref.[71]. Copyright 2019, The Author(s), Nature publishing group. (E-J) Reprinted with permission Ref.[59]. Copyright 2022, Wiley-VCH.