Synergistic regulation of color and mechanical properties of silicon nitride ceramics via engineering hollow structures of Eu-enriched secondary phases
Si3N4 ceramics, renowned for their superior mechanical properties, are widely regarded as the most promising materials for electronic device casing. This is particularly evident in the context of 5th generation mobile networks, where they outperform both glass and zirconia. However, achieving a synergetic balance between color and mechanical properties remains a significant challenge. In this study, we propose the use of phase separation in liquid phases, supported by a novel Eu2O3-YAG-MgO system, to engineer hollow structures. This approach aims to achieve high-toughness colored Si3N4 ceramics. The resulting hollow structure not only acts as a reinforcing phase in response to the stress field caused by lattice mismatch but also serves as one of the dominant chromophores. This is achieved through the 5d→4f transition of Eu2+ coupled with the 5D0→7FJ transition of Eu3+ under photon excitation. These findings offer new insights into the development of high-performance Si3N4 ceramics with well-controlled color.
The escalating demand for 5th generation mobile communication technology necessitates the development of enclosure materials for electronic products, including cell phones and smart wearable devices, to satisfy stringent properties standards[1,2]. These include high thermal conductivity (k), with k > 20 W/(m·K), for effective equipment cooling; low dielectric loss (tanδ), with tanδ < 10-3, for optimal signal transmission, high mechanical properties, with fracture toughness (KIC) > 10 MPa·m1/2 and high flexural strength
In the realm of color regulation, rare earth metal ions (Re3+) exhibit the capacity to absorb light in a manner that is triggered by the visible light excitation of a 4f→4f electron transition[5,6]. Notably, among these rare earth metal ions, Eu3+ ions have the ability to transmute ultraviolet (UV) radiation into a strong orange-red emission. They are also highly sensitive to their coordination environment due to the unique combination of intra-configurational 4f→4f transitions that are either magnetic or electric-dipole in nature[7,8]. These attributes position Eu3+ as a promising candidate for use as a colorant in the creation of orange, red, or similar orange-red Si3N4 ceramics. However, conventional coloring strategies such as dissolving Eu3+ ions within lattices to color ceramics, which has been successfully employed in zirconia[9-11], are not applicable to Si3N4 coloring. This is primarily due to the robust covalent nature of the Si-N bond in β-Si3N4[12], coupled with the substantial radius difference between Si4+ (0.41 Å[13]) and Eu3+ (1.06 Å[14]). In this case, the design of Eu3+-doped second crystal phases or new local structures as chromophores is the alternative way. Besides, it is reported that the introduction of second phases or novel local structures can also act as a feasible and practical way for improving mechanical properties[15-17].
The selection of sintering additives in the liquid phase sintering process of Si3N4 is critically important due to their significant influence on the formation of secondary phases and novel local structures. Compared to the conventional sintering additives [e.g., yttrium oxide-aluminum oxide (Y2O3-Al2O3)[18], ytterbium oxide-aluminum oxide (Yb2O3-Al2O3)[19], MgO[20], yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG, Y3Al5O12)[21], etc.], we develop YAG-MgO as a sintering additive for its lower eutectic temperature (< 1,613 K[21]) than YAG or MgO via the YAG-MgO-SiO2-Si3N4 reaction. The lower eutectic temperature offers more time for α-Si3N4 dissolution in the eutectic liquid phase, and then will promote the growth of high aspect ratio β-Si3N4 grains[22-24] and the formation of second crystal phases or novel local structures.
In this contribution, we propose using phase separation and crystallization in liquid phases supported by Eu2O3-YAG-MgO to engineer hollow structures for achieving the color change from yellow to orange-red, while ensuring excellent mechanical properties of Si3N4. The combined microstructural characterizations of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and cathodoluminescence (CL) were utilized to elucidate the crystallographic characteristics and chemical composition of the hollow structures, including morphology, chemical composition, distribution and luminescent characteristic. Based on these characterizations, the formation mechanism of the hollow structure in Si3N4 ceramics, as well as its impact on their color and mechanical properties, was meticulously analyzed and discussed.
Raw material
All raw materials were utilized in their analytical grade (99+%), with no additional purification required. Commercial α-Si3N4 powders (SN-E10, O 1.08 wt%, BET 9.64 m2/g, α > 95 wt%) were procured from UBE Industries Ltd, located in Yamaguchi, Japan. Additionally, other chemicals such as Eu2O3, Y2O3, Al2O3, and MgO were acquired from Haoxi Research Nanomaterials, Inc. situated in Shanghai, China.
Synthesis of YAG (Y3Al5O12) powders
YAG powders were synthesized by using purity Y2O3 and Al2O3 powders via a solid-state reaction method as reported[25,26]. The mole ratio of Y2O3 to Al2O3 powders was maintained at 3:5. Following this, the mixed powders were sintered at 1,400 °C for 3 h with the heating rate of 2 °C·min-1 in air using a muffle furnace. The resultant powders after sintering were sieved through a 100-mesh screen to spare. The sintered powder was subjected to X-ray diffraction analysis, which revealed the formation of only the YAG phase
Preparation of colored Si3N4 ceramic
Si3N4 Ceramic was prepared by gas pressure sintering using commercial α-Si3N4 powders as the primary raw materials, MgO powders and as-prepared YAG powders as sintering additives, Eu2O3 powders as colorants, Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) as a binder, and C2H5OH as a solvent. The mass fractions of YAG and MgO powders were fixed at 4 and 2 wt%, respectively. The quantities of PVB and C2H5OH incorporated were 0.8 to 1 wt% and 200 wt% of the total powder, respectively. Eu2O3 powders, with varying contents of 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 wt%, were uniformly blended with raw materials and other additives. This mixture was then subjected to a planetary ball mill for a duration of 2 h. The obtained slurry was subsequently dried and subjected to sieving through a 100-mesh screen. The fine powder is inserted into a stainless steel mold
The bulk densities (ρ) of the sintered samples were ascertained utilizing the Archimedes method, conducted in distilled water. The Vickers hardness (H) was measured using a Vickers microhardness tester (FV-700, Future-Tech, Japan). This measurement was conducted three times on a polished surface, with the load and holding time set at 10 kg and 10 s, respectively. The flexural strength (σ) was determined using a three-point bending test (Model 5566, Instron Co., High Wycombe, UK). This involved a span of 30 mm and a press speed of 0.5 mm/min, utilizing machined rectangle bars (3 mm × 4 mm × 36 mm) with a polished surface. The data from each specimen were averaged across six tests. The fracture toughness (KIC) was measured by the single-edge notched beam method (SENB) at room temperature with a crosshead speed of 0.05 mm/min for a span of 24 mm. The thermal diffusivity (λ) was measured using a laser thermal conductivity meter (LFA-457, Netzsch, Germany). The dielectric loss (tanδ) was measured at a frequency of 1 GHz with an impedance meter (E4991B), in accordance with IPC-TM-650 This standard stipulates that the specimens should have dimensions of 50 mm × 50 mm × 0.9 mm.
The bulk samples were subjected to phase identification via X-ray diffraction (XRD, D8 Advance, Bruker, Germany). The data collection for the diffraction was conducted within a range of 10°-80° 2θ, employing a scanning step of 10°/min. Prior to examination with SEM (Magellan 400, FEI, USA), the composites were ground using a resin-bonded diamond wheel (SD54R75B1/3) and polished with varying particle sizes (7, 5, 2.5, and 1 μm) of diamond slurry to achieve a surface finish of 0.02 μm. The microstructure of the samples was examined using transmission electron microscopy (TEM, JEM-2100, JEOL, Japan), encompassing STEM and HRTEM. Within the framework of STEM, both compositional and valence state analyses were conducted utilizing EDS and EELS, respectively. The valence state of the Eu element was also documented using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, ESCALAB 250, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA).
The optical reflectance within the wavelength range of 380 to 750 nm, along with the Commission International del’Eclairage (CIE) chromaticity coordinates, was ascertained utilizing a Spectrophotometer, which was procured from X-rite in USA. Before color measurement, calibration was conducted utilizing the instrument’s standard plate, encompassing both white calibration and zero position calibration. The mean values of L*, a*, and b* were computed to denote the chromaticity value of each sample following three surface measurements. This was achieved by positioning the sample in front of the measuring aperture, which has a diameter of 2 mm. Photoluminescence (PL) emission spectra were performed by a fluorescence spectrometer (Hitachi F-4600, Japan). The luminescence position inside the sample was determined by Scanning Electron Microscopy-Cathodoluminescence (SEM-CL, Gemini450, ZEISS). The optical energy gaps, denoted as Eg, were determined using the Wood and Tauc equation[27,28]. This method involved a transformation of diffuse reflectance spectra to estimate the value of Eg:
where α and hν represent the absorption coefficient and photon energy, respectively, A is a constant, Eg denotes the optical band gap, and n takes on values of 1/2 or 2 for direct allowed and indirect allowed transitions, respectively. According to literature[29,30], silicon nitride displays an optical absorption spectrum that is dominated by the indirect absorption process (n = 2).
During the liquid-phase sintering process of Si3N4 ceramics, the assembly of Eu ions, attributed to their high field strength and larger radius, leads to the segregation of the glass phase[31]. This phenomenon is depicted in Supplementary Figure 3. The liquid phase, enriched with Eu, encapsulates the pores, thereby forming a hollow structure at the grain boundary. Furthermore, the generation of these hollow structures within β grains transpires during the solution-reprecipitation process[12], which can be divided into two stages: initially, the α to β phase transformation in the liquid phase is facilitated by the homogeneous mixing of sintering additives (YAG-MgO) and colorants (Eu2O3) between 1,450-1,800 °C; all transformations into β are completed within this stage. Subsequently, the second stage involves the solution of small β grains and their reprecipitation on larger β grains at elevated temperatures (> 1,800 °C), concurrently introducing hollow structures into the larger β grains [Figure 1A]. A more comprehensive depiction of the second step is illustrated in Figure 1B and C. Two or more adjacent, small β grains with identical orientations are susceptible to dissolution, merging, and growth into larger β grains at elevated temperatures. Concurrently, the gas and liquid phases within the grain boundary are compressed into the β grains at the onset of the merger, and then persistently expelled to the grain boundary as the merger progresses. However, when sintering or grain growth is impeded, a limited amount of gas and liquid phase remains in the larger β grains. The residual liquid phase primarily consists of heavier Eu-clusters due to their lower diffusion rate and follows the growth of the β grain lattice, subsequently exhibiting a hexagonal morphology akin to that of the β grain. In contrast, the residual gas is enveloped by the hexagonal liquid phase, forming a hollow structure. Figure 1D illustrates the coloring process for Si3N4 ceramics, wherein Eu ions within the hollow structures absorb blue-green light and emit red-orange light due to electronic transitions under photon excitation.
Figure 1. Schematic illustration. (A) The solution-reprecipitation process: firstly, α-Si3N4 powders, colorants and sintering additives are uniformly mixed; secondly, α-β phase transformation during liquid phase sintering; thirdly, the solution of small β grains and reprecipitation on large β grains, accompanying by the introduction of hollow structures into the large β grains. (B) The generation process of the hollow structures within grains. (C) Proofs for the formation process of the hollow structure in β grain under scanning transmission electron microscopy. (D) Light propagation path in Si3N4 ceramics (left) and the schematic illustration of the hollow structure (right).
Samples with various Eu2O3 contents (2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 wt%) were designated as SEu-2, SEu-4, SEu-5, SEu-6, SEu-7, SEu-8, and SEu-9, respectively. SEM revealed that only rod-shaped grains and grain boundary liquid phases with distinct contrasts could be observed in the samples SEu-4, SEu-5, and SEu-6
Figure 2. The crystallographic feature and chemical information of the hollow structure. (A and B) STEM images of the sample SEu-5 (the orange and blue squares mark the grain section and grain boundary regions, respectively): The hollow structures were formed in the grains and the grain boundary phase; (C) STEM magnified image of the orange area; (D) STEM magnified image of the blue area; (E-H) HRTEM images corresponding to the region 1-4 (the inset shows the corresponding FFT pattern). (I) STEM-EDS elemental analysis of hollow structure in sample SEu-5.
The electron valence states and luminescence of Eu ions in Si3N4 ceramics were examined using XPS, STEM-EELS, and SEM-CL techniques, as depicted in Figure 3A-C and Supplementary Figure 10. The XPS analysis of the SEu-5 sample revealed that both Eu3+ and Eu2+ signals, identified as Eu3+:3d5/2,3/2 and
Figure 3. The valence states and luminescence of Eu ions. (A) STEM image of the sample SEu-5. (B) EELS spectra of the grain boundary phase (region 1), the hollow structure (region 2) and the β-Si3N4 grain (region 3) corresponding to the STEM image: The pairs of EELS signals at 1,135.8/1,164.0 eV attributed to the Eu3+. (C) SEM-CL spectra of the β grain (grey line) and the grain boundary phase (orange line): There is a broadband emission peak at 530 nm and four narrow emission lines at 593, 616, 656 and 697 nm. (D-F) The distribution density of hollow structures in the sample SEu-4 (D), SEu-5 (E), SEu-6 (F) and SEu-7 (G) (the X-axis is defined as the average number of hollow structures per unit area (nm-2); the percentage on the Y-axis refers to the relative frequency distributed in various hollow structure density intervals; the green lines mean Gauss Amp of the distribution density of hollow structure): With the increases of Eu2O3 content, the distribution density of hollow structure increases.
Figure 4. Color of Si3N4 ceramics. (A) Digital photo of Si3N4 ceramics with varying Eu2O3 mass rations: The orange color deepens with increasing Eu2O3 content. (B) L*, a* and b* parameters of Eu-doped Si3N4 ceramics: As the Eu2O3 content increases, the value of L* decreases, while the values of a* and b* increase. (C) Emission spectra of all samples by monitoring 465 nm excitation: As the Eu2O3 content increases, the emission spectra tend to redshift but the intensity of light emission is weakened. (D) Reflectance spectra of Eu-doped samples (the inset shows the reflected light of the samples is located in the wavelength range from 556 to 602 nm). (E) Plot of
The influence of hollow structures on the optical properties of Si3N4 ceramics was examined, as depicted in Figure 4. Yellow and orange Si3N4 ceramics were synthesized using varying Eu2O3 concentrations. As the
The impact of the hollow structures on the mechanical properties of Si3N4 ceramics was examined, as depicted in Figure 5 and Supplementary Figure 11. The KIC and σ initially increased, subsequently decreasing in line with the trend of relative density [Supplementary Figure 11]. The microstructures of the sample
Figure 5. The strain distribution of the hollow structure and physical properties of Si3N4 ceramics. (A) HRTEM graph of the sample
In summary, we introduce a microstructure design that involves the construction of Eu-doped hollow structures to synthesize Si3N4 ceramics. These ceramics exhibit a color transition from yellow to orange-red and possess superior mechanical properties. The hollow structure is characterized by its amorphous nature, with the core corresponding to the pore phase and the shell to the Eu-rich liquid phase. This structure functions as one of the dominant chromophores due to the 5d→4f transition of Eu2+, which is coupled with the 5D0→7FJ transition of Eu3+ under photon excitation. Specially, the distribution density of this chromophore correlates positively with the depth of orange. Our sample, SEu-5, demonstrates optimized mechanical properties, with a flexural strength of 915.5 ± 43.1 MPa and a fracture toughness of
The authors would like to express their gratitude to Mr. Jingwei Feng for his invaluable support and guidance on the use of the transmission electron microscope.
Authors’ contributions
Conceiving the idea and designing the experiment: Liu N
Performing sample prep, data acquisition, and data analysis: Liu N, Hu T
Advising the scientific discussion on this research: Fu Z, Wang Z, Xu F, Dong S
Financial support: Duan Y
Supervising this research: Hu T, Zhang J
All authors participated in the writing of the manuscript.
Availability of data and materials
Not applicable.
Financial support and sponsorship
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number: 52102082, Program Manager: Dr. Duan Y), Shanghai Science and Technology Committee (grant number: 21YF1454500, Program Manager: Dr. Duan Y), the State Key Laboratory of High Performance Ceramics and Superfine Microstructure of Shanghai Institute Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Conflicts of interest
All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.
Ethical approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
© The Author(s) 2024.
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Liu, N.; Hu, T.; Fu, Z.; Zhang, J.; Duan, Y.; Wang, Z.; Xu, F.; Dong, S. Synergistic regulation of color and mechanical properties of silicon nitride ceramics via engineering hollow structures of Eu-enriched secondary phases. Microstructures 2024, 4, 2024048.
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