
Identification of sequence-specific interactions of the CD44-intracellular domain with RUNX2 in the transcription of matrix metalloprotease-9 in human prostate cancer cells

Figure 4. Analysis of the effect of CD44-ICD overexpression on the expression of metastasis-related genes and migration in PC3 cells. Real-time PCR analysis of SOX2 (A), MMP-9 (B) and OPN (C) expression in PC3 and PC3-CD44-ICD cells. GAPDH was used as a loading control for real-time PCR analysis. PC3 (left panel) and PC3 cells transfected with CD44-ICD (right panel) were subjected to wound-closure assay. Phase contrast micrographs show migration at 0 and 24 h (D). Scale bar: 200 µm. The results shown are representative of three independent experiments. *P < 0.05 or **P < 0.01. CD44: Cluster of differentiation 44; ICD: intracellular domain

Cancer Drug Resistance
ISSN 2578-532X (Online)


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