Special Issue

Topic: Microglia: From Homeostasis to Neuroinflammation
A Special Issue of Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation
ISSN 2349-6142 (Online) 2347-8659 (Print)
Submission deadline: 31 Dec 2019
Guest Editors
Prof. Isabel Lastres-Becker
Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
Special Issue Introduction
Microglia are the primary innate immune cells in the CNS, comprising 5–10% of the glial cells in the brain. These cells orchestrate fundamental processes for the development and function of the CNS. For example, microglia are implicated in the regulation of inflammation, apoptosis, phagocytosis of cell debris, synaptic connectivity and synaptic pruning, which are essential aspects for sculpting neural circuits. For a long time, it has been thought that microglia are only relevant to some type of damage, although it has been demonstrated that microglia in a quiescent state have a relevant role in cellular homeostasis and cellular function. On the other hand, microglia play an essential role in the pathophysiology of several neurodegenerative diseases. Microglia are key cellular mediators of neuroinflammatory processes related to the expression of key inflammatory mediators as well as reactive oxygen species. Inflammatory factors produced by microglia and astrocytes can damage local brain areas and, further increase inflammation and glial activation, leading to a vicious inflammatory cycle (chronic neuroinflammation). Here, we review and discuss how those emerging functions that may provide new insight into how disruptions in microglia interact with the microenvironment could contribute to synapse loss and dysfunction, and consequently neurodegenerative disorders.
Microglia, synaptic pruning, inflammation, oxidative stress, phagocytosis, apoptosis, autophagy
Submission Deadline
31 Dec 2019
Submission Information
For Author Instructions, please refer to https://www.oaepublish.com/neurosciences/author_instructions
For Online Submission, please login at https://www.oaecenter.com/login?JournalId=nn&IssueId=neurosciences191231302
Submission Deadline: 31 Dec 2019
Contacts: Orla Meng, Managing Editor, editor002@nnjournal.net
Published Articles
Defining activation states of microglia in human brain tissue: an unresolved issue for Alzheimer’s disease
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Microglial heterogeneity: distinct cell types or differential functional adaptation?
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Microbiome meets microglia in neuroinflammation and neurological disorders
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Microglial process convergence on axonal segments in health and disease
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Physiological sex differences in microglia and their relevance in neurological disorders
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