Special Issue

Topic: Application of Neutron and Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction in Microstructural Analysis
Guest Editors
Special Issue Introduction
Advanced materials provide solutions to present and future challenges in energy, communications, nanotechnology, security, and transportation, and the development of new materials will promote the growth of future world economy. Precise and rapid characterisation in microstructures is critical in designing next generation materials.
Neutron scattering techniques are widely used to address the fundamental questions about the crystal structure and chemical composition of materials and their dynamic properties. Neutrons can also be used as an effective tool for exploring the behaviour of materials under applied stress or thermal, magnetic, or electrical fields; characterizing materials under real-life operating conditions with moving engineering components; and extending the service life of critical engineering structures. Neutrons penetrate most materials to depths of several centimetres depending on the specific attenuation properties of that material which make neutron scattering/radiography/imaging as a powerful non-destructive inspection method, which can favourably be applied for solving fundamental scientific issues and practical, industrial-related problems.
Synchrotron radiation sources provide indispensable instruments with tuneable, highly-polarized and intense X-rays for a wide range of research in materials science and engineering. The rapid progress of synchrotron-based X-ray diffraction/imaging methods with a high real and reciprocal spatial resolution provides powerful tools for characterizing multiscale microstructures in crystalline materials. It has led breakthroughs in fundamental and application aspects of diverse areas, including structural materials, catalysis, battery, photovoltaics, and fuel cells.
This Special Issue will focus on the application of neutron/synchrotron scattering techniques in material science and engineering research, which includes materials characterisation, new technologies and advanced computational methodologies. Both Original Research and Review articles are welcome in this Special Issue.
Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
● Neutron/Synchrotron diffraction on crystal structural analysis;
● Neutron/Synchrotron imaging;
● Small angle scattering;
● Residual stress measurement;
● Texture analysis;
● Mechanical behaviour;
● Time resolved in-situ phase transformation;
● Determination of magnetic structures;
● Hydrogen storage materials.
Submission Deadline
Submission Information
For Author Instructions, please refer to https://www.oaepublish.com/microstructures/author_instructions
For Online Submission, please login at https://www.oaecenter.com/login?JournalId=microstructures&IssueId=microstructures2502202239
Submission Deadline: 20 Feb 2025
Contacts: Yanlin Huang, Assistant Editor, editorialoffice@microstructj.com