Special Issue

Topic: Surgical Resection for HCC: Insights into the Indications and the Prognosis

A Special Issue of Hepatoma Research

ISSN 2454-2520 (Online) 2394-5079 (Print)

Submission deadline: 30 May 2023

Guest Editor

Allan Tsung, MD
Director of Department of Surgical Oncology, the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus, OH, USA.

Special Issue Introduction

Special Issue webinar: Surgical Resection for HCC: Insights into the Indications and the Prognosis

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common primary liver cancer and as the risk factors associated with HCC continue to the rise, so will the incidence of HCC. Treatment algorithms for patients with HCC are complex taking into account not only the extent of tumor burden but also the patient's underlying liver dysfunction. Surgical resection remains a cornerstone of treatment for patients with HCC offering a potential chance for cure. Surgical resection is guided by both tumor burden and liver physiology where the surgeon must balance a complete tumor extirpation with leaving an adequate future liver remnant. Despite this, many patients are not surgical candidates for reasons including both patient and tumor factors. In addition, recurrence rates after resection remain high where up to seventy percent of patients experience disease recurrence in the liver at five years. In this edition of Hepatoma Research, we discuss the role of surgical resection as well as combination strategies for the treatment of patients with HCC.

The following topics are what we want to discuss in this Special Issue:
1. Criteria for Resection Beyond Barcelona Staging: Resecting the Aggressive Tumor
2. Resection of the Diseased Liver and the Patient's Physiologic Reserve
3. Management of the Future Liver Remnant: Strategies to Promote Hepatic Hypertrophy
4. Strategies of Tumor Downstaging for Resection
5. Resection versus Liver Transplant in the Well Compensated Liver
6. The Role of Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Treatment of HCC
7. Non-Resection Options for the Potentially Resectable HCC
8. Resection Strategy: Anatomic versus Non-Anatomic Resection
9. Surgical Treatment of Intra-Hepatic Recurrence
10. Adjuvant Treatment of HCC after Resection

Submission Deadline

30 May 2023

Submission Information

For Author Instructions, please refer to https://www.oaepublish.com/hr/author_instructions
For Online Submission, please login at https://www.oaecenter.com/login?JournalId=hr&IssueId=hr230530521
Submission Deadline: 30 May 2023
Contacts: Victoria Lee, Assistant Editor, editor_Victoria@hrjournal.net

Published Articles

The role of minimally invasive surgery in the treatment of HCC
Open Access Review 15 May 2022
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Adjuvant treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma after resection
Open Access Review 14 Oct 2021
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Management of future liver remnant: strategies to promote hepatic hypertrophy
Open Access Review 2 Sep 2021
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Hepatoma Research
ISSN 2454-2520 (Online) 2394-5079 (Print)


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