Special Issue

Topic: Understanding the Mechanisms of Single-Atom Catalysis

A Special Issue of Energy Materials

ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)

Submission deadline: 30 Apr 2024

Guest Editors

Prof. Porun Liu
School of Environment and Science, Centre for Catalysis and Clean Energy, Griffith University, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.
Prof. Huajie Yin
Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui, China.
Prof. Tianyi Ma
School of Science, STEM College, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC,  Australia.

Special Issue Introduction

Catalysis lies at the core of modern industry, driving critical processes ranging from energy conversion and environmental remediation to the production of essential chemicals. Over the past decade, catalysis research has undergone a paradigm shift with the discovery and exploration of single-atom catalysts (SACs). These groundbreaking catalysts, where individual metal atoms are anchored on various supports, have exhibited exceptional catalytic activity, selectivity, and stability, reshaping the landscape of the catalysis research field.

The unique properties of SACs, such as unprecedented efficiency and cost-effectiveness, provide great promise for industrial processes. Nonetheless, a profound understanding of the underlying mechanisms governing their catalytic activity is highly desirable to fully unlock the potential of SACs. Therefore, this Special Issue seeks to provide an inclusive platform for researchers and scholars to disseminate their latest discoveries, innovative methodologies, and theoretical insights regarding the recent developments in SACs.

This Special Issue invites original research articles and reviews that delve into diverse aspects of single-atom catalysis, including, but not limited to, the following areas:
1. Design, Fabrication, and Characterization: Novel methods for synthesizing and characterizing SACs, employing advanced spectroscopic and microscopy techniques;
2. Mechanistic Investigations: In-depth studies into the catalytic mechanisms of SACs, unveiling the significance of coordination environments, electronic structures, and support interactions;
3. Practical Applications: Applications of SACs in various fields, such as energy conversion and storage (fuel cells, batteries), chemical transformations (hydrogenation, oxidation), environmental remediation (pollutant degradation, CO2 conversion), etc.;
4. Theoretical Studies: Exploration of the electronic structure, reaction pathways, and kinetics of single-atom catalysis with computational tools, enabling fundamental insights into experimental observations;
5. Promoting Factors: Studies focused on the influence of supports, promoters, and reaction conditions on the catalytic performance and stability of SACs.

Submission Deadline

30 Apr 2024

Submission Information

For Author Instructions, please refer to https://www.oaepublish.com/energymater/author_instructions
For Online Submission, please login at https://www.oaecenter.com/login?JournalId=energymater&IssueId=energymater2404301749
Submission Deadline: 30 Apr 2024
Contacts: Jenna Wen, Assistant Eidtor, editor@oae-publish.com

Energy Materials
ISSN 2770-5900 (Online)
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