Partner's Meeting
The expansion of the commercial space industry has led to the growth of the commercial launch / reentry operations and an increase in demand for space mission planning and operations models and technologies. Mission planning and operations are complex and multi-disciplinary tasks setting up ground stations, mission control structures, and procedures for mission operations. The Space Mission Planning & Operations (SMPO) journal covers all aspects of missions planning, operations, and control, including the transition from pre-operational planning to real-time operations and post-operation review and analysis. The principal objective of SMPO is to provide state-of-the-art information for academic researchers, policy-makers, scientists, and engineers concerned with developing new methodologies, tools, and technologies for space mission planning, scheduling, operations, control, and assessment.
This journal is intended for space scientists, engineers, computer scientists, operations researchers, management scientists, information scientists, and technology managers. The journal sources theoretical, empirical, and analytical research, real-world applications and case studies in space science and business, and space science and technology.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Aviation Safety
- Avionics Interface, Design, and Requirements
- Continuous Risk Management
- Cost-Effective Mission Operations
- End-of-Life Mission Disposal.
- Flight Operation Segment and Control
- Ground Infrastructure Design
- Ground Systems Design and Requirements
- Hazards and Mitigation Management
- Human Spaceflight and Mission Design
- Intelligent Space Technologies
- Launch and Early Orbit, and In-Orbit Operations
- Launch Vehicle Control
- Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
- Lunar Base Mission Planning
- Manned and Unmanned Launch Vehicles
- Manned Mission Planning
- Mission Algorithm and Software Development
- Mission Complexities and Trade-off Analysis
- Mission Contingency Planning
- Mission Data Analytics
- Mission Data Receipt and Delivery
- Mission Economics Modeling
- Mission Ground Operations and Systems
- Mission Integration
- Mission Operations Concepts
- Mission Performance Tradeoffs
- Mission Planning
- Mission Preparation, Validation and Training
- Mission Risk Assessment
- Mission Risk Management
- Mission Safety and Reliability
- Mission Tracking and Navigation
- Navigation Design and Operations
- Operational Safety
- Operations Planning
- Payload Scheduling and Prioritization
- Performance Assessment Tools and Technologies
- Quality Engineering
- Real-Time Mission Operations
- Reliability and Maintainability
- Reusable and Expendable Launch Vehicles
- Risk and Reliability Management
- Risk Management Plan
- Robotic Space Missions
- Safety and Mission Assurance
- Scheduling and Cost Control
- Simulation, Analysis, and Requirements
- Software Assurance
- Space Launch and Transportation Systems
- Space Systems Engineering
- Spacecraft Support and Analysis
- System Safety
- Systems Engineering Management
- Technical Integrity
- Trajectory and Maneuver Design and Operations