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Interpretable physics-informed machine learning approaches to accelerate electrocatalyst development
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J Mater Inf 2025;5:[Accepted].
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Identifying exceptional electrocatalysts from the vast materials space remains a formidable challenge. Machine learning (ML) has emerged as a powerful tool to address this challenge, offering high efficiency while maintaining good accuracy in predictions. From this perspective, we provide a brief overview of recent advancements in machine learning for electrocatalyst discoveries. We emphasize the applications of physics-informed machine learning (PIML) models and explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) to electrocatalyst development, through which valuable physical and chemical insights can be distilled. Additionally, we delve into the challenges faced by PIML approaches, explore future directions, and discuss potential breakthroughs that could revolutionize the field of electrocatalyst development.
Electrocatalysts, machine learning, physics-informed machine learning, explainable artificial intelligence
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Wu H, Chen M, Cheng H, Yang T, Zeng M, Yang M. Interpretable physics-informed machine learning approaches to accelerate electrocatalyst development. J Mater Inf 2025;5:[Accept].
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