
Prof. Jose M. Martin-Moreno Serves as the New Editor-in-Chief of One Health & Implementation Research

Published on: 1 Aug 2023 Viewed: 982

We are delighted and honored to announce that Prof. Jose M. Martin-Moreno from the University of Valencia in Spain serves as the new Editor-in-Chief of One Health & Implementation Research. He will lead the journal into a new development stage. The former Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Jorg Heukelbach stepped down from this position, we appreciate his invaluable support and contributions in founding this journal.    

Biography of Jose M. Martin-Moreno


Prof. Martin-Moreno is a highly respected scholar with years of research experience and a rich academic background in medicine and public health. He holds degrees from the University of Granada (MD, PhD) and Harvard University (MPH, DrPH), specializing in Preventive Medicine and Public Health with a concentration in Epidemiology, Cancer and NCDs, Public Health Services and Health Policy & Management.

Currently serving as Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Valencia, Prof. Martin-Moreno also serves as Director of the Training, Education and Knowledge Dissemination Unit of the University Clinical Hospital of Valencia (and is also linked to its research foundation, Health Research Institute of the Hospital Clínico of Valencia). He is a Full Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Valencian Community, a Member of the Advisory Board of the Spanish Society of Health Managers (SEDISA), a Member of the National Board of the Spanish Association Against Cancer, and a Member of Spain's Royal Academy of Medicine. Additionally, he holds the title of Honorary Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health of the UK (FFPH), a Corresponding Member of the Royal National Academy of Medicine, Honorary Member of the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom (FFPH-UK RCP). Moreover, he is a Member of the European Academy of Cancer Sciences, Core Faculty Member of the European School of Oncology and of the European Code Against Cancer Scientific Committee, a Member of the ESMO European Policy and Global Policy Committees, Director of the European Summer School of Public Health "Andrija Stampar", Co-Chair of the "Sciana: The World Health Leaders Network- Salzburg Global Seminar", and Senior Adviser on Health Systems and Public Health at the WHO Office for Europe.

Prof. Martin-Moreno has also held various significant positions, including Past-Chair of the Honours' Committee of Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER), Director of Program Management of the World Health Organization (WHO) for Europe, and previously held the position of Director General of Public Health & Chief Medical Officer of the Government of Spain, Dean of Spain's National School of Public Health and Director of the National Center for Epidemiology. He has also provided guidance to the European Commission (through working groups under the Directorate General for Health and Consumers, and the Directorate General for Research), the European Parliament (through its Scientific and Technical Office), and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Prof. Martin-Moreno is the author of over 400 peer-reviewed scientific articles and has received several prestigious awards, including the National Award as Best Medical Graduate, the Harvard University Distinguished Alumni Award, and the Stampar Medal - the highest award of the European Public Health Association given to "the most distinguished person, for excellence in the field of Public Health".

One Health & Implementation Research is a peer-reviewed gold open-access journal dedicated to advancing the common health of people, animals, plants and the environment on a global scale through multidisciplinary research within the "One Health" concept. Prof. Martin-Moreno will be responsible for ensuring that OHIR's content maintains high quality and integrity, advancing the state of One Health and promoting health for all, leading the journal to new heights.

Editor-in-Chief's message:

I am excited about the opportunity offered to me by OAE Publishing Inc. to begin this journey as Editor-in-Chief of One Health & Implementation Research.

The topic is absolutely relevant since an integrative and holistic approach to human, animal and environmental health is the only way to address the health challenges of the 21st century. This vision requires practice not only from the conceptual approach but also from the research barriers and facilitators for its effective implementation.

With One Health & Implementation Research, we hope to scientifically contribute as much as we can to a better world, and we invite you to participate in this adventure.

Respectfully submitted by the Editorial Office of One Health & Implementation Research.

One Health & Implementation Research
ISSN 2769-6413 (Online)


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