
The President of ENDO 2020 — Dr. Jean-François Rey: my experience and perspective

Published on: 12 Nov 2020 Viewed: 4065

This year, the editorial department of Mini-invasive Surgery (MIS) plans to launch a series of Special Issues and invite some well-known experts all over the world acting as the Guest Editor for these Special Issues. It is a great honor that we have successively invited the past-president of the World Endoscopy Organization (WEO), Dr. Jean-François Rey, who will lead a Special Issue titled "Interventional Endoscopy for Bilio-pancreatic Diseases: A Practical Approach". Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, we had an online interview with Dr. Rey about his experience and perspective.

Personal Introduction

Dr. Jean-François Rey is a French hepato-gastroenterologist whose main areas of expertise include high-definition endoscopy with electronic chromoscopy examination and digestion video capsule examination (small intestine, stomach and colon). He started ERCP with endoscopy pioneers in 1974. As the past-president of the World Endoscopy Organization (WEO), he has served in a number of institutions (SFED, ESGE, EUGF, etc.). He has got recognized by majors endoscopy societies for his endoscopic achievements (FJGES, FASGE, AGAF, etc.). Dr. Rey was the Chairman of the Second ENDO 2020 World Congress of Digestive Endoscopy in March 2020. At present, he is a medical practitioner at the Arnault Tzanck Institute of Saint-Laurent-du-var in France.


MIS: Why would you like to accept our invitation as a Guest Editor?

MIS: What is the impact on the endoscopic treatment of pancreaticobiliary diseases during the epidemic?

MIS: Is there any influence during your daily surgery?

MIS: The implementation of EUS and ERCP is technically demanding and requires a lot of learning curve. How to overcome the learning curve in the epidemic?

MIS: Now that we have entered the era of big data, what impact does artificial intelligence have on the current development of interventional endoscopy?

MIS: Could you give us some advice on minimally invasive surgery or endoscopy?

MIS: Thank you!

For more about the Special Issue, please click the link here (

Respectfully submitted by the Editorial Office of MIS.

Written by Mary Ma
Assistant Editor of MIS

Mini-invasive Surgery
ISSN 2574-1225 (Online)
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