
Change of Editor-in-Chief

Published on: 14 May 2019 Viewed: 2662

In May, 2019, Mini-invasive Surgery (MIS) entered a new phase with the change of its Editor-in-Chief (EIC). Prof. Giulio Belli from General and HepatoPancreatoBiliary Surgery, Loreto Nuovo Hospital, Naples, Italy, became the new EIC of MIS. Prof. Charles F. Bellows stepped back and was appointed as the Founding Editor of the journal by OAE Publishing Inc. after two years' service as the EIC.

Over the past two years, MIS has maintained a stable development momentum and become widely accepted in the scientific community and the periodical industry, with a good influential presence in the international mainstream retrieval system. By May 13, 2019, 92 articles had been published online with increasing numbers of views and downloads. We all owe Prof. Bellows and other Editorial Board members an enormous debt of gratitude for the efforts and professional ways that they have handled topic selection, peer-review, promotion, and other publication issues while under the double pressure of research and management work over the past two years. 

To accelerate MIS's development and to enhance its overall strength, Prof. Belli replaced Prof. Bellows as the new EIC of MIS in May, 2019, and will manage 37 Editorial Board members. We are confident that the quality of MIS will continue to benefit from his leadership and his collaboration with the members of the Editorial Board and Editorial Office. We look forward to prospering and growing into an influential academic journal in the minimally invasive surgery field. Given Prof. Belli’s long and productive history in the field of minimally invasive surgery, we anticipate that he will be able to leverage all of his experiences to lead MIS forward successfully.

Professor Giulio Belli is head of General and HPB Surgery at Loreto Nuovo Hospital in Naples, Italy. He earned his degrees in Medicine and General Surgery from the University of Naples. He was trained in HPB Surgery at Hammersmith Hospital of London (LH Blumgart), and at the Transplant Centre of Pittsburgh (TE Starzl). He got his Honorary Diploma from the European Board of Surgery HPB Division. He was Founder Member of the World Association of HPB Association (WHBPA) developed in IHPBA, former Member of the Scientific Committee of IHPBA, Member in Charge of Development Committee of IHPBA, former Council Member of A-EHPBA, Member in Charge of the Board of the UEMS working group for HPB Surgery, former Board Member of the Italian Society of Surgical Endoscopy, former Board Member of the Italian Society of Surgery (SIC), former President of IHPBA-Italian Chapter, Council Member at large in Charge of International Laparoscopic Liver Society (ILLS), President in Charge of Italian Group of Mini-invasive Liver Surgery (IGOMILS). He is an internationally renowned expert in liver surgery and in laparoscopic liver resection including major ones. He was Guest Editor of the special issue of HPB Journal focused on Laparoscopic liver surgery in 2004, and later on he published extensively on this topic. He is in the Editorial Board of British Journal of Surgery, Journal of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Science, HPB and Associated Editor of Hepatoma Research. He was an invited member of many consensus conferences including the management of acute cholecystitis and cholangitis, and all the International Consensus Conferences on Laparoscopic Liver Surgery (Lousville 2008, Morioka 2014 and Southampton 2017). He is a reviewer for many international journals including Annals of Surgery, Archives of Surgery, British Journal of Surgery, HPB, Journal of Hepatology, Digestive Surgery, Surgical Endoscopy. He is the author of 11 HPB book chapters including American College of Surgery Multimedia Atlas of Surgery-Liver Surgery Volume and Manual of European Association of Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) on Minimally Invasive Procedures. He has been invited as a speaker for lecture in 125 National and 81 International Congress. He has published more than 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals.

Mini-invasive Surgery
ISSN 2574-1225 (Online)
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