
Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Microstructures in 2022

Published on: 29 Dec 2022 Viewed: 1130

A rigorous and impartial peer-review process is essential for publication, which can help authors revise their papers in a timely manner and maintain a sound academic environment. Here, we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the time and effort of the following reviewers in reviewing manuscripts, especially their dedication to improving the quality of published work in Microstructures in 2022.

Ian BakerJamieson BrechtlMatthew Cabral
Jesus Canales-Vazquez Brian CantorYang Chai
Benoît ChampagneShihhsun ChenChihchia Cheng
Shaobo ChengShaokun ChongNarendra B. Dahotre
Jiyan DaiMichel DevelRaquel E. Galian
Kaveh EdalatPål EfsingBruno Fabre
Hao FengRoberto FigueiredoStefano Frangini
Jens FreudenbergerDawei FuYong X. Gan
Qilong GaoSpiros GardelisAnand Gaur
M. GhalambazCesare GrazioliBranimir Grgur
Atef Saad HamadaYunbin HeYihua Hu
Like HuangChangheui JangZhengyi Jiang
Alberto Moreira Jorge JuniorReza D. KamachaliJurij Koruza
Manjeet KumarAnil KunwarHongyan Li
Jizi LiuYongchang LiuYunya Liu
Zhichao LiuCharlene LoboM. Lourdes
Raimondo LucianoŁukasz MarciniakJoseph R. McDermid
S. M. Beladi MousaviToshihiro NonakaJoão Pedro Oliveira
Gang OuyangShuaihang PanPierre Pichat
Venkata Sreenivas PuliTimon RabczukYang Ren
Prashant Kumar SarswatAshutosh SharmaJinjie Shi
Alessandro StroppaJin-Yoo SuhYingjuan Sun
Zhihua SunShinya TakaishiXiaoli Tan
Minghua TangJacek TomkówFrancesco Tornabene
Laszlo TothSteffen TrimperEirini Eleni Tsiropoulou
Magdalena UrbańskaS. V. Prabhakar VattikutJeffrey Jones Vemevuel
Ramana VenkataPetrica VizureanuJian Wang
Qing WangXiaocha WangXiaolei Wang
Yifei WangZhongwei WangJ.M. Wesselinowa
Fugen WuMinggang XiaFuren Xiao
Arun Kumar YadavYusuke YamauchiXuehua Yan
Xusheng YangHeng-Yun YeYu Yin
Haibo ZhangShanqing ZhangWeixiong Zhang
Yonghao ZhaoYulin ZhongZechao Zhuang

Thank these reviewers again for providing professional review reports for journal submissions!

For more information about preferential policies for journal reviewers, please contact our Editorial Office:

Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office

ISSN 2770-2995 (Online)


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