
The Journal of Cardiovascular Aging is included in the CAS databases

Published on: 20 Apr 2023 Viewed: 891

We are thrilled to announce that The Journal of Cardiovascular Aging (JCA) has been included in the prestigious Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Databases on April 15, 2023. This is a significant achievement for our journal in disseminating scientific research of the highest quality.

CAS is a division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and is dedicated to improving people's lives through the transformative power of chemistry. Its team of highly trained scientists identifies, aggregates, and organizes all publicly disclosed chemistry information, creating the world's most valuable collection of content that is vital to innovation worldwide.

The inclusion will enhance the visibility and accessibility of the JCA to scientific researchers, patent professionals, and business leaders worldwide. This will contribute to collaboration and innovation in the field of cardiovascular aging.

We extend our gratitude to our authors, reviewers, and Editorial Board, whose hard work and dedication have contributed to the success of the JCA. We look forward to continuing to publish high-quality research and expanding our reach to a wider audience.

Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office of the JCA.

The Journal of Cardiovascular Aging


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