
Announcing EVCNA 2023 Best Reviewer Award Recipients

Published on: 17 Jan 2024 Viewed: 616

We are delighted to announce the recipients of the "EVCNA 2023 Best Reviewer Award". The Selection Committee of EVCNA, led by Dr. Yoke Peng Loh, has meticulously evaluated the reports of all reviewers throughout 2023. Two exceptional reviewers have been honored with the Best Reviewer Award, each to be presented with an award of $350. Our heartfelt congratulations extend to both well-deserving awardees!

Here are the two esteemed Best Reviewers:

1. Dr. Kotb Abdelmohsen, National Institute on Aging (NIH), U.S.      
2. Dr. Murray David M. Mitchell, The University of Queensland, Australia

We wish to express sincere gratitude to all reviewers who have provided constructive and insightful feedback, significantly contributing to the improvement of the submitted papers. The growth and success of our journal are inherently tied to the dedicated efforts of each individual involved. We eagerly anticipate the continued engagement of scholars in the following year and beyond, as our commitment to elevating the journal to new heights of excellence remains unwavering.

Editor: Sally
Language Editor: Catherine Yang
Production Editor: Yan Zhang
Respectfully submitted by the Editorial Office of Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids

Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids
ISSN 2767-6641 (Online)
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