
Exclusive Interview with Dr. Pingping Han – the 2022 IADR ANZ Oral Biology Award Winner

Published on: 14 Oct 2022 Viewed: 1162

On October 11, 2022, the Editorial Office of Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids (EVCNA) had an exclusive interview with Dr. Pingping Han to talk about her current research projects in periodontitis and her research journey, as well as her views on the role of extracellular vesicles in periodontitis.

Dr. Han is from the School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences of the University of Queensland, Australia. She is also a Junior Editorial Board member of EVCNA. Recently she was awarded the 2022 IADR ANZ Oral Biology Award, which aims to encourage recipients to advance their research work in oral biology.

The interview mainly involved the application of extracellular vehicles (EVs) in periodontal diagnosis and therapy. Dr. Han first gave a brief and clear introduction to periodontitis from a professional point of view and shared many new ideas on how to apply the emerging tool - EVs to this disease and its future development direction. In addition, Dr. Han also talked about her future research plans and goals and gave four helpful suggestions for researchers to begin their journey in this field. Here's what went down:

Q1: Can you talk about your career journey and what inspired you to focus research interests on oral biology?

Q2: What are the general challenges in periodontal therapy?

Q3. What projects will the fund be invested in? What are the main areas of your current project?

Q4: What role do extracellular vesicles play in periodontitis?

Q5: What are your research goals for the next five years?

Q6: What piece of advice will you give scientists to start their journey in this field?

Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids
ISSN 2767-6641 (Online)
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