Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly awarded to Randy W. Schekman, James E. Rothman, and Thomas C. Südhof for their discoveries of the “Machinery Regulating Vesicle Traffic”
On August 18, the Special Issue “Extracellular Vesicles in Intercellular Communication and Clinical Applications: A decade of Achievements” co-led by Prof. Randy Schekman and Dr. Yoke Peng Loh, Editor-in-Chief of the journal EVCNA, was officially released online to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine which was jointly awarded to Randy W. Schekman, James E. Rothman and Thomas C. Südhof for their discoveries of the “machinery regulating vesicle traffic”.
This Special Issue consists of a compendium of invited articles from researchers known for their expertise in their specific areas of extracellular vesicle (EVs) studies, with a couple of chapters on the historical perspective of the field in classical secretory vesicles, leading to current research on EVs. The contributions will cover some of the most exciting developments in the field over the last decade.
The topics include chapters on EV biogenesis, secretion, and uptake by recipient cells; isolation and purification; role in diseases such as cancer, prion, immune and neurological disorders; function of bacterial, plant, and fungal extracellular vesicles; biomedical application of EVs in diagnostics and engineered EVs in drug delivery and therapeutics.
The Editorial Board and Editorial Office extend their deep gratitude to the following scientists for their strong support in conceiving and preparing this Special Issue:
Randy Schekman, UC Berkley, USA
Peng Loh, NIH, USA
Jacopo Meldolesi, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Italy
Chiara Zurzolo, Institut Pasteur, France
Robert J. Coffey, Vanderbilt University, USA
Meta Kuehn, Duke University, USA
David Walt, Harvard University, USA
Hailin Jin, University of California, Riverside, USA
Roger Innes, Indiana University, USA
Samir El-Andaloussi, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Graca Raposo, Institut Curie, France
Inge Zuhorn, University in Groningen, The Netherlands
David Lyden, Weill Cornell Medical College, USA