
Carbon Footprints Welcomes Prof. Yong Geng as the New Editor-in-Chief

Published on: 26 Feb 2023 Viewed: 1037

The Editorial Office of Carbon Footprints is pleased to announce the appointment of Yong Geng as the Editor-in-Chief of the journal since February 2023.

Prof. Yong Geng is chair Professor of Circular Economy and Industrial Ecology and also the dean at the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. His main research field covers industrial ecology, environmental management, climate change, carbon emission accounting, and sustainable development. He has published over 380 peer-reviewed papers in international journals such as ScienceNatureNature Climate ChangeNature CommunicationsScience AdvancesOne EarthGlobal Environmental ChangeWater ResearchEnvironmental Science & Technologyetc. He is also serving in various organizations and scientific communities, such as a Leading Author in IPCC AR-5 and AR-6, an expert in UN organizations (UNEP, UNIDO, UNU, UNCRD), and a consultant for Chinese local governments. He has been one of Clarivate's global most highly cited researchers in cross-field since 2019.

Prof. Geng expressed "It's honored to be named to this role. Carbon Footprint is part of my research areas, and I have engaged in this area for many years. Together with all members of our Editorial Board, we will shape an outstanding editorial leadership to grow the journal to a great height. We focus a lot on bringing early career investigators into the scientific publishing process as authors, reviewers, or members of a future early career investigators editorial board that will breathe new life into our present editorial team. "

Learn more about Prof. Geng in this interview:

The mission of a scientific journal is to record, disseminate and preserve scientists' research results. In the future, under the guidance of Prof. Geng, we will collaborate with more researchers worldwide to disseminate the latest innovative results in the field of carbon footprints. Please stay tuned.

Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office
Carbon Footprints (CF)

Carbon Footprints
ISSN 2831-932X (Online)


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