Editorial Board Member

Nikiforos Alygizakis
Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
Dr. Nikiforos Alygizakis is working on the interdisciplinary field of Analytical Chemistry and Data Science. He holds a PhD in Analytical Chemistry which was funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions in the frame of the European project ANSWER (http://www.answer-itn.eu/). His team focuses on the development of new tools for the identification of contaminants of emerging concern. His research interests include digital archiving of high-resolution mass spectrometry data, wastewater-based epidemiology and non-target screening workflows. To achieve his objectives, he frequently uses machine learning and deep learning. One of his most important achievements is the creation of Digital Sample Freezing Platform (DSFP; https://dsfp.norman-data.eu/), which is a core component of the NORMAN Database System (NDS). NDS is a pan-European effort to gain better insights in chemicals in the environment and beyond. Through his publications, he has demonstrated the potential of retrospective suspect screening to revolutionize the environmental chemical monitoring. Among his research interests is the investigation of contaminants in top predators and prey samples. His engagement in LIFE APEX project (www.lifeapex.eu) highlighted the use of specimens retrieved from Environmental Specimen Banks (ESBs) and Natural History Museums (NHMs) to support chemicals’ management. The efforts go beyond the environment, and expand to food and human biomonitoring through the European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals (PARC project). He cooperates with experts from Europe and beyond through NORMAN network (https://www.norman-network.net). An updated list of his publications is available at https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5727-4999
Research Interests
Analytical chemistry, Environmental chemistry, Non-target screening, Retrospective suspect screening, Wastewater-based epidemiology, High-resolution mass spectrometry, Environmental chemical monitoring, Cheminformatics
Journal of Environmental Exposure Assessment
ISSN 2771-5949 (Online)


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