Editorial Board Member

IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
Dr. Giovanoulis received his PhD in Applied Environmental Science from Stockholm University in Sweden. His research interest focused on evaluating the contribution to human body burdens of phthalate esters and alternative plasticizers using environmental monitoring and biomonitoring samples. As a Marie Curie fellow at the EU funded Advanced Tools for Exposure Assessment and Biomonitoring (ATEAM) project, he contributed to develop understanding of external and internal exposure to organic contaminants using a single, well-characterized human cohort (2013-2017). Prior to that, he has studies and previous experience as analytical chemist in industry and obtained a MSc degree in Biotechnology – Quality assessment in Nutrition and the Environment. Since 2017, Georgios is working as Project Manager at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute where he applies his analytical competence in chromatography and mass spectrometry in several research projects for monitoring chemicals of concern and performs a multi-pathway human exposure assessment. He has published various scientific papers in high impact journals, and scientific reports.
Research Interests
Environmental monitoring, Biomonitoring, Target & Non-target screening, Risk assessment, Endocrine disruption, Indoor environment, Organic pollutants