Interviews with Our Authors
Hepatoma Research is about to establish a new platform for listening to thoughts from scholars. Scientists need to have a channel to express their ideas in another way, not just limited to publishing papers. In accordance with the development mode in the new era, especially the development of Internet, there should be more innovations in the development of the journal as well. Based on this, “Voice from Experts” (provisional name), a new section for HR journal will be established. Last week, we invited two authors from our journal to express their opinions relevant to their fields accordingly.
1. Interview with Dr. Flavia Feier-- The author of "Should selection criteria for HCC be the same (or different) between LDLT and DDLT?" Corresponding Author: Dr. Flavia Feier, Liver Transplantation Department, Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Rua Ramiro Barcelos 2350, Porto Alegre 90035-903, Brazil.
Dr. Flavia Feier is from Brazil. She has her own unique perspective on the criteria for living donor liver transplantation. Her view has been recognized by experts in this field. Here is the Question Overview:
1: Who is suitable for living donor liver transplant in HCC patients? 2: What’s the difference between LDLT and DDLD? 3: What complications will appear after LDLT? 4: What does LDLT cost? Will the cost be afforded by ordinary patients? 5: Is there any relevant surgery that impresses you most?
2. Interview with Dr. Dar-In Tai-- The author of "The role of genetic factors in HBV-related HCC: perspectives from local genetic backgrounds and clinical epidemiology" Corresponding Author: Dr. Dar-In Tai, Liver Research Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Chang Gung University College of Medicine, 199 Tung-Hwa North Road, Taipei 10591, Taiwan.
Dr. Dar-In Tai currently works at the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. Dr. Tai does research in gastroenterology, hepatology and infectious diseases. Their current project is “Elastography in chronic liver disease and genetic roles on chronic HBsAg carriers.” Here is the Question Overview:
1: What are genetic background and clinical epidemiology differences in HBV-related HCC between Africa and East Asia? 2: What are the risk factors for HCC in patients with HBV? 3: What are screen strategies for early diagnosis of HCC? 4: Would you please talk about the current situation in achieving the goal of eliminating HBV infections in children under five years of age by 2020 initiated by WHO? 5: What will you focus on in your following research?
Looking forward to listening to more experts’ thoughts in video from our platform.
Respectfully submitted by the Editorial Office of HR.