Editorial Board Member

Professor, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney, Kogarah, NSW, Australia
Professor Li graduated in Medicine from the Henan Medical University of China in 1987, and subsequently completed a MSc. degree in Medicine at Henan Medical University, China in 1992. He obtained a Ph.D. degree in Faculty of Medicine in 2000 from the UNSW Sydney, Australia, and then joined the Cancer Care Centre, St George Hospital, UNSW. After three years of Postdoctoral study at St George Hospital, UNSW, he was awarded the US Department Defence Prostate Cancer Research New Investigate Award in 2004 and then became an independent investigator. Professor Li is an established cancer researcher, with expertise in cancer biomarker discovery, radiation biology, targeted cancer therapy and cancer metastasis. He is the Director of Cancer Research Program since 2006. He was promoted to a conjoint Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, UNSW Sydney since 2020, and a Principal Scientific Officer by the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) since 2012. He was awarded an NHMRC Career Development Fellowship (Level 2) in 2010-2014; and an NHMRC Achievement Award (ranked No.1 in the industry fellow). He has a career total of 113 publications (3460 Scopus citations and 5665 google citations) since 1999. He have published papers and book chapters in peer-reviewed journals including the high impact journals, “Blood”, “Journal of Biological Chemistry”, “Clinical Cancer Research”, “Medicinal Research Reviews”, “Cancer and Metastasis Reviews”, “British Journal of Cancer” and “International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics”. He is the senior/corresponding author in most of his publication. 124 conference abstracts have been presented at international and national conferences. His Scopus h-index is 36 and Google i10 index is 80. His Field Weighted Citation Impact (FWCI) is 2.27 (Global average: 1.0; Australia average: 1.56).
Research Interests:
cancer, extracellular vesicles, liquid biopsy, biomarkers, diagnosis, prognosis