Editorial Board Members

College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China.
Xiaogang Yin has been working as an associate professor in the College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, at China Agricultural University since January 2018. Xiaogang Yin received his Ph.D. degree in agronomy from China Agricultural University in 2015, afterwards, he started postdoc research on C/N cycling in crop rotations based crop models and long-term experiments with the support of the MACRUR project and Marie Curie AgreenSkills + Fellowship in Aarhus University and INRA, respectively. Xiaogang is experienced in crop modelling, C-N cycling in cropping systems, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. His current research interests include 1) Climate Smart Agriculture, 2) Microbial mechanism of N2O emissions in the major dryland cropping systems, 3) C & N cycling in cropping systems based on experiments and crop modelling, 4) Sustainable development of cereal-legume rotations in China.
Research Interests:
N cycling in cropping systems; N2O emissions; Carbon sequestration; Cereal-legume rotations; Agricultural sustainable development; Crop modelling