
Figure 5. Protein signatures of Phage TP-J34 Ltp and Phage Aquarius gp41. (A) Phage TP-J34 Ltp. Output from InterPro (blue) indicated the presence of several protein signatures, including the two conserved domains that comprise the active site region of Ltp (residues 49-92 and 96-141). Other notable signatures included a prokaryotic lipoprotein (residues 1-20), regions of disorder (residues 21-50 and 21-37), signal peptide H-region (residues 4-15), signal peptide C-region (residues 16-20), signal peptide N-region (residues 1-3), signal peptide (residues 1-20), transmembrane signal peptide (residues 1-28), and a non-cytoplasmic domain (residues 21-142). Output from MEME (red) indicated the presence of two conserved motifs as well, spanning residues 46-77 and 91-141. Output from RaptorX (green; depicted on ruler) also identified a generally high region of disorder spanning from the first residue to roughly residue 50, and a small region at the very end of the peptide spanning roughly one to two residues; (B) Protein signatures of Phage Aquarius gp41. Output from InterPro (blue) indicated the presence of several notable protein signatures, including regions of disorder (residues 23-89 and 34-51), signal peptide H-region (residues 8-19), signal peptide C-region (residues 20-24), signal peptide N-region (residues 1-7), signal peptide (residues 1-24), transmembrane signal peptide (residues 1-25), transmembrane helix (residues 7-26), and a non-cytoplasmic domain (residues 25-179). Output from MEME (red) indicated the presence of two conserved motifs as well, spanning residues 84-133 and 137-177. Output from RaptorX (green; depicted on ruler) also identified a generally high region of disorder spanning from the first residue to roughly residue 91, and a small region at the very end of the peptide spanning roughly three to five residues. MEME: Multiple Em for Motif Elicitation.