
Identification of novel genera and subcluster classifications for mycobacteriophages

Figure 6. Novel genus assignments within cluster J. Novel groups are indicated within bold squares. (A) VIRIDIC alignment of the cluster J phages. Nucleotide similarity values range from 52% to 100%. When a similarity threshold of ≥ 60% is applied, two distinct groups can be observed in the alignment; (B) Gegenees proteome analysis of the cluster J phages. Proteome similarity values range from 42% to 100%. The two groups observed in the VIRIDIC analysis are reflected in this alignment when a threshold of ≥ 50% similarity is applied; (C) VICTOR-generated amino acid dendrogram. Two distinct branches are clearly depicted and therefore provide additional support for the creation of two genera and two subclusters within cluster J.

Microbiome Research Reports
ISSN 2771-5965 (Online)


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