
Identification of novel genera and subcluster classifications for mycobacteriophages

Figure 5. Proposed cluster assignments for cluster H. (A) VIRIDIC alignment of cluster H. The single Predatorvirus, Predator, does not meet the ≥ 70% nucleotide similarity threshold for inclusion with the larger H1 genus, Konstantinevirus; (B) Gegenees proteome alignment for cluster H. Predator also does not meet the proposed minimum proteome similarity threshold of 50% for inclusion in the same subcluster as any member of the Konstantineviruses; (C) (i) Existing subcluster classifications of cluster H. H1 and H2 are observable on two very distinct clades. Predator shares a clade with the other H1 viruses. (ii) Proposed subcluster creation for Predatorviruses. While Predator shares a clade with the Konstantineviruses, the divergence of its branch from the other phages would appear to reflect the < 50% proteome similarity noted in the Gegenees output, which would support the creation of a novel subcluster (indicated in the red square).

Microbiome Research Reports
ISSN 2771-5965 (Online)


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