
Identification of novel genera and subcluster classifications for mycobacteriophages

Figure 2. The supporting evidence for 10 novel genera within cluster A. The 256 MP dataset for this cluster was reduced to the genomes relevant for the description of the novel genera for legibility purposes. Novel genera are indicated in bold squares. The genus Luchadorvirus is included in each analysis to act as a control genus. (A) VIRIDIC analysis of the novel genera. The similarity values range from 24% to 100% nucleotide similarity. Based on a ≥ 70% nucleotide similarity threshold, 11 novel groups and one previously established group are observable; (B) Gegenees analysis of the novel cluster A genera. The proteome similarity values range from 21% to 100%. Most of the novel genera are clearly reflected in this analysis; however considering a ≥ 50% proteome similarity boundary, two of the VIRIDIC-identified genera can be combined and a total of 10 novel genera are observable; (C) VICTOR-generated dendrogram of the novel genera. The 10 novel genera are clearly represented as monophyletic clades that are similar to the “control” clade, i.e., the established genus Luchadorvirus.

Microbiome Research Reports
ISSN 2771-5965 (Online)


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