
Figure 6. (A-F) SEM image and photograph of rGO in normal dip coating and interfacial gelation dip coating showing that the rGO was concentrated and localized on surface of sponge. (G) Schematic illustration of normal coating and selective surface coating leading to a higher concentration of photothermal materials (right bottom), which enhances the light absorption and solar evaporation on the surface. These figures are quoted with permission from Shao et al.[107] Copyright 2020 Royal Society of Chemistry. (H-J) Photographs of original sponge, sponge@MPN, and sponge@MPN-OTS with increased contact angle due to selective coating of MPN on sponge for photothermal evaporation. This figure is reproduced and quoted with permission from Wang et al.[141] Copyright 2023 Wiley-VCH.