
Figure 3. ((A) Fabrication of integrated Co-SiCNO-x evaporator for water purification and evaporation. (B) Schematic representation of the synthesis of Co-SiCNO-x. Representative SEM image (C), TEM image (D and E), HRTEM image (F), inverse FFT pattern of selected regions (G), HAADF-STEM image (H) and corresponding elemental mapping images of Co-SiCNO-6. These figures are quoted and reproduced with permission from Zhu et al.[103] Copyright 2024 Royal Society of Chemistry. (I)Sulfonated PAM/PPy Cryogels with Lowered Evaporation Enthalpy for Highly Efficient Photothermal Water Evaporation. (J, K) SEM images of PAM-S (0.2) cryogel before and after loading polypyrrole. These figures are quoted with permission from Hou et al.[106] Copyright 2023 Polymers-MDPI.