Improved interfacial li-ion transport in composite polymer electrolytes via surface modification of LLZO
Composite polymer electrolytes that incorporate ceramic fillers in a polymer matrix offer mechanical strength and flexibility as solid electrolytes for lithium metal batteries. However, fast Li+ transport between polymer and
Composite polymer electrolytes (CPEs) are a promising candidate for solid-state lithium metal batteries that require strong yet flexible electrolytes[1-3]. While the polymer matrix ensures this flexibility and good electrode contact, ceramic fillers add mechanical strength[4-6]. Adding active fillers - those that transport lithium ions through ceramic phase - can possibly increase total lithium ion conductivity[2], enabling fast charging rates for various applications such as electric vehicles. However, with common fillers such as
To overcome this large barrier to Li+ exchange between Li+-conducting fillers and the polymer matrix, recent research has focused on functionalization of the filler surface. The most common modification is via silane chemistry[15-19], a relatively simple way to covalently bond some functional organic chemistry to the oxide particle surface via Si-O bonds. Ideally, bridging the gap between organic polymer and inorganic filler phases with the silane will activate the bulk of the active filler (or at least the filler surface) for Li+ transport. While this approach seems successful with sulfide active fillers[15,19], functionalizing LLZO and other oxide fillers does not boost conductivity of the composite up to even one order of magnitude higher than the unfunctionalized material or polymer matrix alone at optimum filler loadings[16-18]. Thus, there appears to still be some fundamental barrier for activating “bulk-to-bulk” LLZO-to-polymer Li+ transport, either due to slow microscopic Li+ exchange at the LLZO surface and/or a macroscopic resistance accumulated over numerous interfacial Li+ exchanges to transport Li+ through the composite[20]. Moreover, even if bulk conductivity can be significantly increased by activating the active fillers, most of the battery resistance at the lab scale comes from the lithium anode-electrolyte interface. This is mostly attributed to resistance to Li+ transport across the solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) and is apparent from virtually all impedance data in the composite electrolyte literature[10]. Whether or not filler surface modification impacts this interface resistance remains an open question, but one worth answering so that area-specific resistance can be minimized for optimal battery efficiency.
Herein, we studied the effect of silane modification of LLZO NPs and NFs on multiple chemical and electrochemical characteristics in CPEs. An anhydrous synthesis procedure allows attachment of amine
Solid-state 7Li and 6Li nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) shows that Li+ only exchanges between the
PEO (Mv~600 kDa), LiTFSI (99.95% metals basis), acetonitrile (ACN, 99.8%, anhydrous), APTES (98%), GPS (98%), toluene (99.8%, anhydrous), lithium nitrate (LiNO3), lanthanum(III) nitrate hydrate
Lithium foil electrodes [Li, 250 µm thickness, Micro Technology Innovation Korea (MTI Korea)] were polished with a steel brush and lint-free cloth to remove surface contaminants. Au@Cu electrodes were prepared by first cleaning 1.0 cm2 copper foil (Cu, 6 µm thick, MSE Supplies) discs with dilute HCl and acetone, followed by sputtering 20 nm of gold at a rate of 1.0 Å/s (DST1-170 sputter coater, Element Pi). Isotopically enriched 6Li metal (95 atom %, Sigma-Aldrich) was cut and pressed between steel plates before polishing, followed by typical cell assembly with electrode areas of 0.7-1.0 cm2.
Composite electrolytes
CPEs with 0, 10 and 50 wt % LLZO NPs were prepared by mixing PEO, LiTFSI, and LLZO NPs in acetonitrile. Briefly, LiTFSI and LLZO were first mixed by ultrasonication for 30 min, and then PEO was added into the solution followed by 30 min mixing with a dual-asymmetric centrifuge speed mixer (FlackTek SpeedMixer®). The PEO concentration was kept at 6 wt % (EO:Li ratio = 15:1), and the LLZO mass ratio was respected to that of PEO. After preparation, the viscous slurry was coated onto a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) film (McMaster-Carr) via slot-die coating (FOM vectorSC, FOM Technology) and dried in ambient to yield homogeneous membranes of 50-60 µm thickness with ±2 µm variation in thickness across the membrane. Good ductility and relatively uniform fiber distribution in the polymer matrix were observed for these membranes [Supplementary Figure 1]. The authors also found that thinner membranes with a desired thickness of less than 20 µm and uniform fiber distribution can be obtained by optimizing slurry ink rheological properties and coating conditions such as slurry injection rate, coating gap, and web moving speed. The dry membranes were punched into 1.6 cm2 area discs and into a glovebox for cell assembly. PEO-LiTFSI samples (0 wt % LLZO NP) were processed in an identical process but did not include LLZO nanomaterials.
For silane modification, LLZO was thermally treated at 620 °C for 30 min in argon to remove surface carbonates. Silane modification of LLZO was carried out by dispersing 1 g of LLZO NPs or 0.1 g of LLZO NFs in 80 mL toluene in a round-bottom flask inside the glovebox. After adding 3 ml of APTES or GPS, the mixture was stirred and refluxed under nitrogen for 24 h. The functionalized particles were centrifuged and washed with ethanol several times before drying to remove excess silane reagent. For the preparation of
Electrochemical measurements
All electrochemical measurements were performed on a Biologic VSP300 potentiostat in a
For trilayer electrolyte measurements, Ta-doped LLZO pellets were annealed in a muffle furnace inside an Ar-filled glovebox to remove surface contaminants[22-24]. The samples were placed in a MgO crucible with a lid and heated at 250 °C then 500 °C, with 5 °C/min ramps and one hour dwells each step before cooling naturally overnight. For APTES@LLZO pellets, the annealed LLZO was soaked in a 3 wt % solution of APTES in ACN inside the glovebox for several hours to mitigate any air exposure from the procedure required for LLZO NP functionalization, then rinsed thoroughly with ACN and dried. While this method differs from LLZO NP functionalization, it is still suitable for functionalization of the flat pellet surface compared to the more rigorous, longer reflux in toluene needed for high surface area NPs. After surface preparation, PEO-LiTFSI was drop-cast from a dilute ACN solution onto one side of the pellet, dried at
Cells were ramped from 5 to 70 °C at 5° C increments every 30 minutes, then ramped down and allowed to equilibrate at 60 °C before subsequent measurements. Electrochemical impedance (EIS) measurements were performed with a 7 MHz-1 or 0.1 Hz frequency range, 0.0 V vs. open circuit DC bias, 10 mV amplitude AC sine wave, and 20 points per decade sampling. Chronoamperometry was performed at +50 mV bias for 1,000 s with 1 mV/1 s sampling intervals to capture accurate currents. Galvanostatic cycling was performed in 10 µA/cm2, 10 min steps with 40 min total rest time and EIS measurements in between each step. Transference numbers were estimated as the Bruce-Vincent current fraction[25]:
where i0 and iss are the initial and steady-state currents from chronoamperometry, ΔV is the applied bias, and RAnode-Int,0/ss is the medium frequency resistance from EIS measurements before and after chronoamperometry. The apparent Arrhenius activation energy was determined for narrow temperature ranges via:
where σ is the calculated conductivity from impedance measurements, Ea is the Arrhenius activation energy, R is the gas constant, and T is temperature.
Materials characterization
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was performed using a Bruker Vertex 70 with an Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) accessory. Raman microscopy was performed on a Renishaw inVia system with 633 nm laser at 5 mW and a 50x objective (NA = 0.5).
Solid-state NMR spectroscopy was performed on a Bruker Avance III wide-bore 400 MHz spectrometer under a field of 9.5 T. Samples were packed into a 1.9 mm ZrO2 rotor with polyimide caps. All spectra were acquired while spinning at 20 kHz. 7Li 1D spectra were acquired using the Larmor frequency of 155.5 MHz and a 90o pulse time of 0.9 µs with a corresponding power level of 90 W. Recycle delay times were optimized for each sample and varied between 20 - 40 s. 6Li 1D spectra were acquired using the Larmor frequency of 58.9 MHz and a 90o pulse time of 5 µs at 40 W. The recycle delay time was fixed to 50 s. All 6/7Li chemical shifts were referenced to solid LiF at -1.0 ppm. 2D 7Li-7Li exchange were acquired using the same 90o pulse times as the 1D spectra. Additionally, 2D spectra were acquired using a recycle delay time of 3 s and a mixing time of 1.5 s.
Composite electrolyte samples were prepared for solid-state NMR with bidirectional galvanostatic cycling at 5-10 µA for 5-7 days with 6Li foil electrodes at room temperature. The cell was disassembled, the electrodes were removed, and any excess pieces of lithium metal were cut from the sample with a razor blade since residual metal can disrupt the magic-angle spinning. The 6Li-enriched samples were then loaded into 1.9 mm ZrO2 rotors in ambient atmosphere; exposure to ambient is not expected to influence the distribution of Li+ in the sample.
A detailed description of the computational model for estimating conductivity and transference number can be found in the Supplementary Materials.
Surface modification and stability of LLZO nanofillers
LLZO NPs and NFs (nanofillers generally) were modified via silane chemistry. Silane modification allows the covalent attachment of many pendant groups to the oxide surface, where these chemistries can increase the interaction with the surrounding polymer matrix to influence local Li+ transport. Since LLZO is very sensitive to humid air, we developed an anhydrous toluene-based synthesis procedure. LLZO nanofillers
Figure 1. (A) Raman Zr-O peak in the LLZO nanofibers (B) Raman shift of Zr-O peak with air exposure time (C) FT-IR spectra of LLZO NP before (Neat LLZO NP) and after (APTES@LLZO NP) treatment with APTES (structure inset); (D) Differential absorbance spectra with APTES@LLZO NP subtracted from Neat LLZO NP. Positive values indicate new chemistries added to the material; negative values indicate chemistries removed from the material following silane treatment. LLZO: Li7La3Zr2O12; FT-IR: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; NPs: Nanoparticles; APTES: (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane.
Figure 1C shows FT-IR spectra of unmodified LLZO NPs (“Neat LLZO NP”) and LLZO NPs treated with an amine-terminated silane APTES (“APTES@LLZO NP”), showing clear emergence of peaks related to the silane (1,575 and 3,550 cm-1 for N-H stretching) and attenuation of peaks (3,675 cm-1 for O-H stretching) related to common LLZO surface contaminants. These changes are more apparent with differential absorbance [Figure 1D], where the appearance of N-H, C-H, and Si-O-Si bond vibrations show the APTES is successfully attached to the LLZO surface. Interestingly, there is also a loss of O-H and O2C-O vibrations from LiOH and Li2CO3, respectively. This indicates that the treatment removed some (but still not all) of the native LLZO surface contaminant layer, something unexpected for a non-acidic, simplistic non-aqueous treatment[26-29]. It is also possible that LiOH and Li2CO3 were prevented from forming further when the sample was exposed to air for the measurement.
This last observation reveals another benefit of silane modification of LLZO - the ability to process the electrolytes in air. To highlight this, we performed in situ Raman spectroscopy on LLZO NFs. The NFs have the same nominal chemical composition as the commercial NPs but have much higher surface area. This greater area increases the rate of reaction with humid air, leading to the formation of LiOH, which then reacts with CO2 to form a Li2CO3 surface layer. Meanwhile, Li+ ions are exchanged for H+ in the bulk structure of LLZO [Figure 2A][30].
Figure 2. (A) Raman spectra of freshly annealed LLZO nanofibers from 3 to 246 min of air exposure as depicted on the right; (B-D) Detailed spectra showing peak shifts and intensity changes for (B) LLZO lattice vibrations; (C) Zr-O vibrations; and (D) C-O vibrations in Li2CO3; (E) Normalized integration of the Li2CO3 peak over time. Kinetics are estimated for pseudo-first-order reactions; (F) Spectra of the Zr-O band for LLZO NFs before and after 16 h of air exposure as well as 16 h of anhydrous treatment with GPS followed by 4 h of air exposure; (G) Comparison of the Zr-O band of freshly annealed LLZO NFs and LLZO NFs treated with GPS under acidified aqueous methanol and anhydrous toluene conditions. Raman shifts of the peak centers are labeled. LLZO: Li7La3Zr2O12; NFs: Nanofibers; GPS: Silane with terminal epoxide group.
Following heat treatment in the glovebox to remove carbonates, LLZO NFs were exposed to air with spectra taken after given time intervals. Even within a couple of minutes, the effects of carbonate formation are apparent. Figure 2B shows distortion and shifting of the cubic LLZO peaks as Li+ is replaced with H+ in the bulk structure. This process is most apparent in the Zr-O vibration at 640 cm-1 [Figure 2C], which not only blue-shifts but forms a shoulder at higher wavenumbers as well[31]. The reacted surface layer quickly accumulates Li2CO3, visible in Figure 2D. Interestingly, the accumulation of Li2CO3 seems to follow two distinct growth regimes [Figure 2E]: rapid growth in the first few hours of air exposure, followed by much slower but still continuous growth for up to a full day. Assuming a pseudo-first-order reaction, the kinetics for these growth regimes are 1.2 × 10-2 s-1 and 1.8 × 10-4 s-1, respectively. This may be due to the blocking of surface sites by Li2CO3 to hinder reaction with H2O and/or the ability of the LLZO lattice to accommodate H+ and continue transporting Li+ to the surface[32].
With the baseline LLZO response established, we examined the bulk LLZO lattice stability under certain conditions following silane treatment. For this study, we used a silane with terminal epoxide group (GPS) instead of APTES to prevent the silane from acting as a proton source or pH buffer, but the results should be generally applicable to many silane chemistries. Figure 2F shows the Zr-O band of LLZO NFs after 16 h of direct air exposure and after 16 h of reaction with GPS under anhydrous conditions. While there is still a shift in the Zr-O band (~9 cm-1 blue-shift) indicative of some H+/Li+ exchange, there is much less than with unmodified LLZO exposed to air (~13 cm-1 blue-shift). After silane treatment, exposure to air for several hours does not lead to any further shift of the peak, indicating the surface is passivated by the silane and any residual Li2CO3.
Another benefit of the anhydrous silane treatment is limiting LLZO lattice disruption during the reaction itself. Most silane treatments involve acidic, partially aqueous solutions to activate the silane chemistry and undergo quick reactions with the oxide surface[16] However, as pointed out above, this is highly detrimental to LLZO. Figure 2G compares the Zr-O shift after GPS silane treatment and air exposure where the reaction was performed in anhydrous toluene or under an acidified methanol solution. The Zr-O blue-shift is significant (~19 cm-1) and almost appears as two or three separate peaks for the acidic condition, indicating the extensive H+/Li+ exchange in the LLZO. This H+ replacement of Li+ is known to lower conductivity of bulk LLZO[33,34] so it seems necessary to limit this as much as possible by processing in aprotic solvents[34] to achieve optimal conductivity in LLZO-containing CPEs.
Conductivity of modified LLZO composites
To understand the effect of LLZO surface chemistry on Li+ transport, we fabricated CPEs with 0, 10, and 50 wt % LLZO NPs. The LLZO was either unmodified (“Neat”), modified with APTES via anhydrous toluene reaction (“APTES@LLZO NP”), or coated with ~10 nm of Al2O3 via ALD (“Al2O3@LLZO NP”), as shown in Figure 3A. In our previous work, we demonstrated that ~10 nm Al2O3@Cu electrodes have RInt values exceeding 10 kΩ cm2, indicating that these layers have very slow ion transport, as RInt reflects the conductivity of ions (i.e., Li+) through the electrolyte-surface layers-electrode interfaces. Note that APTES acted as a model silane agent because it exhibits a slightly higher Li transference number compared to
Figure 3. (A) Color scheme for modified LLZO nanoparticles; (B and C) Arrhenius-type plots of total bulk ionic conductivity for (B)
At 10 wt % LLZO NPs, the total bulk ionic conductivities of Neat, APTES, and Al2O3 samples are incredibly similar and greater than that of PEO-LiTFSI alone at all temperatures [Figure 3B]. However, at 50 wt % LLZO NPs, the conductivities vary drastically. Neat LLZO is fairly similar to PEO-LiTFSI; APTES@LLZO demonstrates lower conductivity at most temperatures but with different temperature dependencies, and
The temperature-dependent ionic conductivities of different CPEs plotted in Figure 3B and C demonstrate a reverse “S”-type shape. The reported ionic conductivity values are very well within the range reported in existing literature, within 10-8 - 10-3 S/cm[35] The flat region, with lower activation energy at higher temperatures (T > 55 °C), can be associated with faster ionic transport through the CPE with molten PEO. The higher activation energy observed at the intermediate temperatures (55 °C > T > 20 °C) can be attributed to the transport of the ionic species through the crystalline or semicrystalline PEO that demonstrates lower conductivity. The source of lower activation energy at lower temperatures (T < 20 °C) is unknown and can possibly be attributed to the variation in temperature dependence of ionic conductivity, which can be associated with the non-linear Vogel-Tammann-Fulcher (VTF) behavior. Note that transport of the lithium ions, which is considered to be the major ion-carrying species, is assumed to occur through the bulk of the PEO or PEO/LLZO interface, and not through the bulk of LLZO.
These numbers represent the total ionic conductivity, including contributions from both Li+ and the counterion TFSI-. To probe true Li+ transport, tLi+ values were estimated with the Bruce-Vincent method as current fractions (ρBV; see Supplementary Figures 3 and 4)[25]. We note that this method - which is predicated on a homogeneous polymer system - is likely not applicable to truly quantify transference numbers for heterogenous composite electrolytes with highly variable impedances[36]. Nonetheless, we expect that the qualitative trends here are still relevant based on the propensity of the electrolytes to achieve steady-state current-voltage profiles[37] [Supplementary Figure 5] with triplicate measurements, even if the exact tLi+ values may not be accurate. Figure 3D shows that adding 10 wt % LLZO NPs with any surface modification increases tLi+ above that of PEO-LiTFSI, from ~0.13 to ~0.16 for Neat LLZO and APTES@LLZO (disregarding one outlier) and surprisingly to ~0.20 for Al2O3@LLZO. When moving to 50 wt %, the surface chemistries diverge in much the same way as in the case of bulk conductivity. APTES@LLZO exhibits the highest tLi+ at ~0.21; Neat LLZO is close at ~0.19, but Al2O3@LLZO plummets to ~0.05. This agrees with the hypothesis that increasing LLZO-PEO interactions via silane chemistry helps Li+ transport, while coating with Al2O3 shuts down those interactions completely.
Figure 3E plots the total ionic conductivity and estimated Li+ conductivity (σLi+ = tLi+ × σTotal) as a function of LLZO NP content at 60 °C. At 10 wt % LLZO NPs, surface chemistry matters very little and increases in both total ionic conductivity and relative Li+ mobility are observed. At 50 wt %, Neat LLZO shows the highest Li+ conductivity, while APTES@LLZO shows similar σLi+ to PEO-LiTFSI despite having lower total conductivity. Al2O3@LLZO NPs at 50 wt % show extremely poor Li+ conductivity at the 10-6 S/cm level. Despite these differences in total and Li+ conductivity, the apparent Arrhenius activation energy [Figure 3F] in the 55-70 °C range, above the melting point of PEO, does not vary significantly across all surface chemistries and LLZO weight fractions (all within the 0.44-0.56 eV range). This indicates that PEO still dominates ion transport in these systems, and that bulk LLZO is not directly involved in Li+ transport.
PEO-LLZO interphase resistance
The lack of through-LLZO Li+ transport (ion movement from the polymer phase into LLZO, through the bulk of the LLZO phase, and back into the polymer phase) is likely due to the high interfacial resistance between LLZO and the PEO-LiTFSI matrix[38], which has been hypothesized to come from the restricted polymer movement, local polymer crystallization, and space charge effects at the ceramic interface[9,12,13,39]. The fact that different Li+ transport is observed for both APTES@LLZO and Al2O3@LLZO compared to Neat LLZO implies that surface modification affects this process in some way, effectively changing the interphase resistance. We use the term “interphase” here because cations and/or anions (lithium, lanthanum, zirconium, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, fluorine, sulfur, or nitrogen) must interdiffuse between an ordered ceramic phase and a more disordered polymer phase, and there is evidence in the literature that LLZO reacts with the ether chains in PEO to form decomposition layers more akin to a solid electrolyte interphase[40].
To quantify this interphase resistance, trilayer cells consisting of a sintered LLZO pellet sandwiched between thin 10-15 µm PEO-LiTFSI layers with blocking electrodes were prepared [Figure 4A][24,41] The LLZO pellet was freshly annealed in an Ar-filled glovebox within 24 h of cell assembly to remove added resistance from surface contaminants. APTES@LLZO pellets were prepared by soaking the annealed pellet in a 3 wt % APTES solution inside the glovebox for five hours. From Nyquist plots alone, cells with APTES@LLZO pellets exhibit lower total impedance than those with Neat LLZO [Figure 4B and Supplementary Figure 6]. Fitting to a three-part equivalent circuit provided the best fits and shows that while the bulk conductivities (R1) of both cells are identical, the resistances of the medium frequency R2 and R3 elements are halved when the LLZO is modified with APTES [Figure 4C][42,43]. These medium frequency elements are attributed to the LLZO|PEO-LiTFSI interphase resistance, as LLZO and PEO-LiTFSI alone are only expected to show one R-CPE element due to bulk transport[20]. We do not understand at this point why two semicircles are apparent (possibly due to resistance at the true microscopic LLZO|PEO interface followed by some
Figure 4. (A) Schematic of the trilayer blocking cells; (B) Nyquist plots of PEO-LiTFSI|LLZO|PEO-LiTFSI cells at 60 °C with Neat LLZO (top) and APTES@LLZO (bottom) pellets. Grayscale lines show semicircles from each fit R-CPE element; (C) Equivalent circuit and fit resistances of the cells at 60 °C. Measurements at 25 °C can be found in Supplementary Figure 6. LLZO: Li7La3Zr2O12; PEO-LiTFSI: Poly (ethylene oxide)-lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide; APTES: (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane; CPEs: Composite polymer electrolytes.
Lower interphase resistance for APTES@LLZO over Neat LLZO agrees with our observation of higher Li+ current fractions, but the decrease in total conductivity at 50 wt % APTES@LLZO NPs as compared to Neat LLZO NPs (as reported in Figure 3E) cannot be explained from the observations made using the trilayer configuration. This trend of maximum conductivity boost at 5-20 wt % ceramic filler followed by lower conductivity at higher weight fractions[7,12] is theorized[39] but unexplained in the field according to the existing literature, which will be attempted in the next couple of paragraphs using a theoretical model.
To fit this unintuitive conductivity trend, a PEO-LiTFSI-LLZO NP composite model was constructed with two interphases between the bulk polymer matrix and the LLZO NP. The outer interphase is treated as conductive (i.e., conductivity in this phase is higher than bulk PEO-LiTFSI; dark blue in Figure 5A), while the inner interphase is treated as resistive (conductivity is lower than bulk PEO-LiTFSI; dark orange in Figure 5A). Presence of the resistive interphase adjacent to LLZO is based on the experimental evidence of a decrease in ionic conductivity in polymer electrolytes near a ceramic surface due to the impeded polymer chain motion[46]. The conductive interphase can be rationalized by the observation that adding nanofillers to semicrystalline polymers tends to decrease crystallinity[47,48], so a locally amorphous layer of PEO around the LLZO domain would experience increased conductivity relative to the semicrystalline bulk[49]. Interestingly, LLZO particles on the micron scale only decrease conductivity and do not show the local maximum at low weight fractions[7], indicating this plasticizing might be both material- and size-dependent and requires nanofillers[39]. The addition of this conductive interphase to a resistive interphase (already hypothesized theoretically[12]), where both interphases are dominated by the polymer, is a new conception that will be explored here. The interphase resistance between the resistive interphase and LLZO was treated as 4 kΩ cm2 in all cases, but previous modeling has shown that even the hundreds of Ω cm2 of the APTES@LLZO|PEO-LiTFSI interphase at 60 °C is still orders of magnitude greater than the 1-10 Ω cm2 required to achieve Li+ transport through the LLZO and not preferentially through the polymer phases[38].
Figure 5. (A) Visualization of 10 wt % (4 vol %) and 50 wt % (20 vol %) LLZO NPs in a PEO-LiTFSI matrix. The bulk materials and interphases are labeled accordingly. Interphase resistances are not necessarily to scale; (B-D) Modeled values of LLZO NP composite electrolytes for (B) total ionic conductivity at 25 °C; (C) total ionic conductivity at 60 °C; and (D) effective bulk transference number at 60 °C overlaid with experimentally determined values. Fit parameters are found in Supplementary Table 1. LLZO: Li7La3Zr2O12; NPs: Nanoparticles; PEO-LiTFSI: Poly (ethylene oxide)-lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide.
From Figure 5A, it is clear that at low LLZO content (10 wt % LLZO is roughly equivalent to 4 vol % LLZO in PEO-LiTFSI composites), the volume fraction of the composite comprised of conductive interphases is relatively high. A Li+ ion moving from one electrode to the other is likely to go through these regions, experiencing high mobility in the process. However, at high LLZO content, the volume fraction of resistive interphases takes over. In this case, there is essentially no pathway where ions can move without going through a resistive, low-mobility phase; or even if a percolating conductive phase exists, their volume fraction is usually very low and the pathway remains highly tortuous, which is unable to significantly contribute to the effective conduction of ions. The conductivities, thicknesses, and effective tLi+ of these layers - especially the inner resistive interphase - may be dependent on the particle surface chemistry, which changes how the PEO interacts at that boundary. Interphase conductivity and thickness were varied for Neat LLZO, APTES@LLZO, and Al2O3@LLZO composites to identify best fits at 25 °C and 60 °C, as were transference numbers to fit experimental data at 60 °C [Supplementary Tables 2 and 3]. The interphase thicknesses ranged from 200-400 nm for the inner resistive interphase (slightly larger than the 70-190 nm thicknesses predicted by Bonilla et al. for higher molecular weight PEO chains[12]), while the conductive interphase thickness ranged from 300-700 nm. Although this model treats the interphases as spatially distinct entities, in reality they should overlap to an extent due to the dynamic nature of the polymer phase. Also, considering the average size of the LLZO NPs being around 500 nm, the combined interphase regions with total thickness ranging between 500-950 nm substantially envelop the ceramic particles. Regardless, good fits between the model and experimental conductivity are seen in Figure 5B and C at low and high temperatures. Only incorporation of both conductive and resistive interphases allowed us to fit these trends, showing the complexity of the composite system.
It is worth pointing out that the mechanism of ion transport through the composite electrolyte is relatively simple, where the current is carried by the lithium cations (Li+) and the salt anions (TFSI-, used in the polymer electrolyte) through the migration and diffusion processes. At the interface between PEO and LLZO, evolution of the space charge layer is not considered[50], except for the presence of a large ohmic resistance that prevents transport of lithium ions from the polymer to the ceramic, and vice versa (for more details about the ion transport mechanisms and governing equations please see the Supplementary Information section). The experimentally observed increase and decrease in ionic conductivity with increasing ceramic fraction is captured by altering the properties of the polymer electrolyte located within a certain distance from the ceramic particles, which are characterized here as the resistive and conductive interphase regions. Ion transport mechanism within both the interphase layers constitutes migration and diffusion processes, which is very similar to the transport of ions within the bulk of PEO, but with different transport properties (such as conductivity, transference number, etc.). The flow of current within the composite electrolyte at room temperature and 60 °C is provided in Supplementary Figure 7 where it is clearly demonstrated that the majority of the current passes through the conductive interphase region.
The model is also able to replicate the macroscopic transference number by accounting for locally different transference numbers in the interphase regions [Figure 5D]. An effective bulk transference number was estimated from simulations and reflects a macroscopic value of microscopic interactions between bulk and interphase regions of differing transference numbers (tLi+Bulk and tLi+Interphase). While the bulk PEO-LiTFSI phase has similar transference numbers in all cases (tLi+Bulk ~ 0.11-0.18), the interphase controls effective Li+ mobility, with APTES@LLZO showing tLi+Interphase ~ 0.57 and Al2O3@LLZO showing essentially tLi+Interphase = 0
Chemistry and Li+ transport at the LLZO|PEO-LiTFSI interphase
Solid-state Li NMR was used to investigate the chemistry of the LLZO|PEO-LiTFSI interphase and experimentally demonstrate how modification influences Li+ transport at the interphase. Previous studies have used 2D NMR to measure Li+ exchange between ceramic and polymer phases in composites[8,14,40,52-55] with some suggesting that secondary species such as LiOH on the LLZO surface mediate transport between these phases[14].
7Li-7Li 2D exchange spectroscopy (EXSY) was conducted on 50 wt % Neat LLZO NP and APTES@LLZO NP composite electrolytes [Figure 6A and B] cycled at low current densities. Two peak regions with peaks show Li+ from the PEO-LiTFSI phase at -1.3 ppm and from LLZO phases at -0.6-1.0 ppm. The 2D NMR results show that for both Neat LLZO and APTES@LLZO composites, there is some overlap between both phases, indicating Li+ exchange from PEO to LLZO and LLZO to PEO. This demonstrates that Li+ is mobile to some extent through the composite interphase(s).
Figure 6. (A and B) 7Li-7Li 2D NMR spectra of (A) 50 wt % Neat LLZO NP and (B) 50 wt % APTES@LLZO NP composite membranes; (C) 7Li-1H CPMAS spectra showing Li+-PEO interactions for both samples; (D and E) 6Li NMR spectra of the composite samples before and after 6Li||6Li symmetric cell cycling. LLZO: Li7La3Zr2O12; NPs: Nanoparticles; NMR: Nuclear magnetic resonance; APTES:
Notably, the LLZO region was very broad, with an upfield shoulder at -0.6 ppm discernable apart from the bulk LLZO signal at 0.1 ppm. This shoulder is typically attributed to the “LLZO-PEO interface”[40,52,53], something that is vaguely defined and which has been shown above to be very complicated from an electrochemical standpoint. To interrogate the chemistry of this “interphase”, 7Li-1H cross-polarization magic-angle spinning NMR (CPMAS) was carried out on both Neat LLZO and APTES@LLZO composites. As seen in Supplementary Figure 8, excitation of the 1H nuclei in the PEO phase only results in a signal from the 7Li nuclei in the PEO-LiTFSI phase, not from the LLZO regions. Therefore, the chemistry of the “interphase” signal here is almost certainly LLZO-based. Whether this is a sub-population of non-bulk-like LLZO or a decomposed LLZO shell around the bulk LLZO particles[53] is still in question but appears to be influenced by the surface coating [Supplementary Figure 7]. This “LLZO interphase” is not necessarily the resistive interphase used in our modeling [Figure 5] but could contribute to the resistance against Li+ transport through the bulk LLZO phase.
To better resolve and understand Li-dynamics in this interphase, 1D 6Li NMR was employed on Neat LLZO NPs and APTES@LLZO NPs. First, we note a decrease in Li signal for APTES@LLZO NP in comparison with Neat LLZO NPs [Figure 6C]. These results are in great agreement with Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) measurements [Supplementary Tables 2 and 3]. The chemical composition of APTES-modified LLZO shows slightly lower Li content (Li = 4.68) compared to the neat LLZO NP (Li = 5.99), indicating loss of Li during the surface modification and Li-vacancy formation. Furthermore, a significant decrease in the linewidth (full width at half maximum, FWHM) for the LLZO signal was observed [Figure 6C]. The peak for APTES@LLZO exhibits a FWHM of 46 Hz, approximately
Effects on cell characteristics and performance
With a fundamental understanding of how LLZO surface modification affects Li+ transport in CPEs, we finally turned to Li||Li symmetric cell cycling to determine how modification affects cell performance. Nyquist plots of EIS for representative Neat LLZO NP, APTES@LLZO NP, and Al2O3@LLZO NP composites are shown in Figure 7A. Despite having similar bulk resistance values with 10 wt % LLZO, the medium frequency impedance RAnode-Int (attributed to a combination of SEI resistance, charge transfer resistance, and other factors[56-58] at the electrolyte-Li anode interface) are surprisingly different. For Neat LLZO, the RAnode-Int decreases by half relative to PEO-LiTFSI; for APTES@LLZO, it is about the same; and for Al2O3@LLZO, it more than doubles. For 50 wt % LLZO, the RAnode-Int of Neat LLZO increases drastically above the 0 and 10 wt % cases; APTES@LLZO only increases slightly more than 10 wt %; and Al2O3 increases by an order of magnitude. These values better reflect the bulk conductivity trends of Figure 3, but there appear to be some hidden relationships between bulk Li+ transport and interface impedance. Note that the charge transfer resistance at the Li|PEO-LiTFSI interface, measured at 60 °C, is around 300 Ω.cm2, which is within the range reported by other recent publications that did not apply external pressure[59]. Lower resistances at the Li|PEO-LiTFSI interface can be obtained by either operating at higher temperatures[60], applying external pressure[61], or through the adoption of complex electrode/cell fabrication procedures[43].
Figure 7. (A) Nyquist plots of representative Li||Li symmetric cells comparing PEO-LiTFSI with 10 and 50 wt % Neat LLZO NP (left), APTES@LLZO NP (middle), and Al2O3@LLZO NP composites; (B) Representative galvanostatic cycling curves (10 min applied current, 40 min rest) for 50 wt % LLZO NP composites with different surface modifications; (C) Critical current density as a function of LLZO content. Small points represent values measured from individual cells, and large points and error bars represent the mean and standard deviation of three cells; (D) Correlation between CCD and total ionic and Li+ conductivities; (E) Correlation between CCD and RAnode-Int; (F) Correlation between RAnode-Int and total ionic and Li+ conductivities; All points in (D-F) are individual cells. Reported R2 values are from linear regressions (solid and dashed lines) of the presented data. LLZO: Li7La3Zr2O12; NPs: Nanoparticles; PEO-LiTFSI: Poly (ethylene oxide)-lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide; APTES: (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane; CCD: Critical current density.
Next, the Li||Li cells were galvanostatically cycled at increasing 10 µA/cm2 intervals for ten minutes at a time, followed by extended rest periods, to determine the critical current density (CCD) at which the cell exhibits soft-shorts or complete short-circuiting [Figure 7B and Supplementary Figure 9][62]. This unidirectional, short pulse-long rest protocol was chosen to only allow time for voids in the stripped lithium working electrode to fill in and not lead to current focusing that would cause the cell to prematurely short[63]. We also chose short times to allow better comparison with the PEO-LiTFSI control condition, as previous work from our group with continual plating and stripping shows that the inclusion of ceramic fillers artificially increases the CCD by creating tortuous pathways for dendrite growth and breaking up lithium filaments before they short[10], a mechanism not possible with 0 wt % LLZO.
Figure 7C shows the CCD as a function of LLZO content for the three different LLZO surface modifications. The measured CCDs are in the range of 100 µA/cm2 to 250 µA/cm2 (or 0.1 mA/cm2 to
The best correlation between all studied parameters [Supplementary Figure 10] is actually between RAnode-Int and σLi+ (R2~0.664), as seen in Figure 7F. In this way, σLi+, which is related to the Li+ diffusivity - a true descriptor of limiting current of an electrolyte[66-68] - does influence the CCD. However, due to the practical issues associated with many electrochemical cell designs (uneven pressure in the cell stack, heterogeneous thickness of electrolytes, electrode roughness and purity, etc.) and the propensity of lithium metal to form uncontrolled filaments, Li+ diffusivity only indirectly controls the measured performance limit of the cell. Recent works have demonstrated ways to circumvent some of these challenges to probe performance even in coin cell formats[68,69].
In addition to these practical design improvements, we would like to draw the field’s attention to the fundamental and intricate ways Li+ transport as a bulk property can influence the behavior at interfaces within the battery [Figure 8]. Lithium-ion transport is not simply increased by adding Li-containing particles; as we have demonstrated, Li+ does not move directly from the polymer through LLZO under these conditions due to large interfacial barriers. Multiple interfaces and interphases exist in an inherently heterogenous CPE. The interphases formed between ceramic particles and the polymer matrix dictate not only total ionic conductivity but also local conductivity of Li+ around the particle surface. Depending on the volume fraction of the ceramic filler, as well as the surface chemistry that may help or hinder Li+ mobility, the resulting size and conductivity of these interphases lead to global increases or decreases in Li+ conductivity. At the electrode interface, Li+ must move from the bulk electrolyte into the SEI, which is typically assumed to be a single-ion conductor made of inorganic and organic salt-like lithium compounds. Therefore, lithium-ion conductivity - a mixture of both transference number and total ionic
We have demonstrated how surface modification of LLZO nanofillers in LLZO-PEO-LiTFSI composite electrolytes can improve or hinder overall conductivity and cell resistance by causing local changes in Li+ transport. Functionalization of LLZO was carried out with an anhydrous silane treatment to prevent disruption of the bulk LLZO structure due to H+/Li+ exchange in ambient air. CPEs with 10 wt % Neat LLZO, APTES@LLZO, and Al2O3 NPs show virtually no difference in conductivity. At 50 wt % LLZO loading, APTES@LLZO has slightly decreased conductivity but slightly higher effective tLi+ than Neat LLZO, while Al2O3@LLZO decreases massively in conductivity and transference. Trilayer electrolyte experiments show that APTES functionalization decreases the apparent PEO-LLZO interphase resistance from
Solid-state 7Li NMR shows Li+ exchange between LLZO and PEO phases with both Neat and APTES@LLZO NPs in 50 wt % LLZO composites. However, 6Li exchange and CPMAS experiments show that only a “LLZO interphase” is enriched with 6Li during cell cycling, and virtually no Li+ transport occurs through the bulk of LLZO, in contrast to many claims in the literature. Appropriate characterization of the lithium transport pathway through the LLZO/PEO composite electrolyte using NMR, providing strong evidence of possible lithium transport through the surface of LLZO, is another major finding reported in this article.
Connecting the different surface chemistries to CCD and anode interface resistance in Li||Li symmetric cells reveals subtle relationships between local Li+ transport and macroscopic cell performance. A mechanism for how LLZO-PEO interphases in the bulk can influence electrode-electrolyte interface resistance is proposed based on these results. Given that increasing LLZO content hinders rather than increases Li+ conductivity, Li+ transport is highly sensitive to filler surface chemistry, and virtually no Li+ flows through bulk LLZO phases during cell cycling as determined by NMR, the typically reported mechanism of rapid ion transport through active fillers in the composite electrolyte field is found to be dubious unless the electrolyte system is heavily modified. A surface-mediated, interfacial transport pathway better explains any transport enhancements in CPEs with active and inactive fillers in a polymer matrix. This work demonstrates that the hidden interfaces in inherently heterogenous CPEs can be effectively tuned but must be considered to understand performance of the entire solid-state battery.
Authors’ contributions
Planned experiment planning, conducted electrochemical experiments, analyzed data, and contributed to writing: Counihan, M. J.
Planned experiment planning, fabricated materials, characterized materials, analyzed data, and contributed to writing: Lee, J.
Conducted solid-state NMR experiments, analyzed data, and contributed to writing: Mirmira, P.
Performed computational modeling, analyzed data, and contributed to writing: Barai, P.
Fabricated materials and performed material characterization: Burns, M. E.
Interpreted data and supervised the project: Amanchukwu, C. V.
Interpreted data and supervised the project: Srinivasan, V.
Planned experiments, interpreted data, supervised the project, and contributed to writing: Zhang, Y.
Planned experiments, interpreted data, supervised the project, and contributed to writing: Tepavcevic, S.
Availability of data and materials
All data can be available upon an E-mail request to the corresponding author.
Financial support and sponsorship
This work was funded by the USA. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Vehicle Technologies Program (Grant# VT1201000), with support from Thompson, S. T. and Duong, T. Research was carried out at Argonne National Laboratory which is supported by the USA. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under contract no. DE-AC02-06CH1135. Roll-to-roll electrospinning and slot-die coating capabilities were established with the funding support from the Roll-to-Roll Advanced Materials Manufacturing DOE Laboratory Collaboration program sponsored by the USA. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO). Use of the Center for Nanoscale Materials, an Office of Science user facility, was supported by the USA. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. Use of the Materials Engineering Research Facility (MERF) at Argonne National Laboratory was supported by the USA. Department of Energy. C.V.A. and P.M. acknowledge the UChicago Materials Research and Engineering Center (MRSEC), which is funded by the National Science Foundation under Award DMR-2011854. We thank Dr. Mane, A. for assisting with deposition of Al2O3 via ALD and Dr. Tsai, C. L. for providing LLZO pellet samples.
Conflicts of interest
All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.
Ethical approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Copyright © 2025 UChicago Argonne, LLC, Operator of Argonne National Laboratory. Published by OAE Publishing Inc.
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Counihan, M. J.; Lee, J.; Mirmira, P.; Barai, P.; Burns, M. E.; Amanchukwu, C. V.; Srinivasan, V.; Zhang, Y.; Tepavcevic, S. Improved interfacial li-ion transport in composite polymer electrolytes via surface modification of LLZO. Energy Mater. 2025, 5, 500032.
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