Advanced 3D-structured electrode for potassium metal anodes
The potassium (K) metal anode, following the "Holy Grail" Li metal anode, is one of the most promising anode materials for next-generation batteries. In comparison with Li, K exhibits even more pronounced energy storage properties. However, it suffers from similar challenges as most alkali metal anodes, such as safety and cyclability issues. Borrowing strategies from Li/Na metal anodes, the three-dimensional (3D)-structured current collector has proven to be a universal and effective strategy. This study examines the recent research progress of 3D-structured electrodes for K metal anodes, focusing on the most commonly used host materials, including carbon-, metal-, and MXene-related electrode materials. Finally, existing challenges, various perspectives on the rational design of K metal anodes, and the future development of K batteries are presented.
Efficient utilization of devices and the development of various methods for storing energy are crucial to the functioning of society[1-3]. Since the first launch of C/LiCoO2 rocking batteries by Sony in 1991, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have developed rapidly and are gradually being applied in our daily lives. Over the past three decades, LIBs have developed significantly, accounting for more than 60% of the global battery market[4]. With the broad application of LIBs in portable electronic devices and electric vehicles, they require higher energy density, better sustainability, and larger scalability[5,6]. However, commercial LIBs using transition metal oxide cathodes and graphite anodes can hardly meet these requirements as they approach their energy density limit of 300 Wh kg-1[7]. Various promising alternatives have been proposed, such as sulfur (S) and O2 for the cathode[8,9] and alkali metals [Li, Na, and potassium (K)] for the anode[10,11]. Among the alkali metallic alternatives for graphite anodes, Li metal anodes exhibit more advanced properties, including a higher theoretical capacity [3,860 (Li) vs. 1,166 (Na) and 685 (K) mAh g-1] and lower redox potential [-3.040 (Li) vs. -2.714 (Na) and -2.930 V (K)] than Na and K[12,13]. However, compared to Na and K, Li metal suffers from the shortcomings of scarce resources, inhomogeneous distribution, and high cost[14-16]. Therefore, Na and K metal anodes have emerged as promising candidates for next-generation batteries.
Advantages of K metal anodes: Potassium-ion batteries (PIBs) were first introduced in 2004 by Eftekhari and have garnered considerable research interest ever since[17]. Even though PIBs are still in their infancy, significant research efforts have been devoted to electrode material design, electrolyte optimization, and better configurations[18-22]. With significantly higher energy density, the use of K metal anodes in PIBs holds great promise, similar to Li/Na metal anodes for lithium/sodium-ion batteries[23,24]. The specific strengths of the K metal anode can be identified as follows[18,25,26]: abundant resources distributed globally (K: 2.09 wt.% vs. Li: 0.0017 wt.%), cost-effective raw materials (K2CO3), reduced production cost and weight (owing to the use of an Al current collector), improved K+ ionic transportation kinetics (with lower desolation energy and higher ionic conductivity), environmental friendliness, and sustainability (without the use of cobalt).
Challenges of K anodes: Although K metal anodes offer several advantages, their development undoubtedly faces significant challenges, as is the case with most alkali metal anodes owing to long-term cyclability and safety issues. These two major problems mainly originate from the ultrahigh reactivity of alkaline metals and significant volume changes during plating/stripping[24,27]. More specifically, the highly reactive alkali-metals react with the electrolyte spontaneously to form an unstable and fragile solid electrolyte interface (SEI); the SEI easily fractures with variances in volume during plating/stripping, resulting in the exposure of fresh metal surface, repeated consumption of electrolyte, and formation of new SEI and "dead" alkali-metals. These issues not only lead to low coulombic efficiency (CE) and poor cycle life but also causes dendrites initiation/growth and separator penetration, inducing short-circuit and thermal runaway[26,28,29]. For K metal anodes, these problems can be more severe than those for Li or Na metal anodes because of their intrinsically higher reactivity and more significant volume changes during cycling.
Strategies for developing K metal anodes: To solve the problems associated with K metal anodes, extensive research has been conducted by borrowing ideas from Li and Na metal anodes. The strategies for obtaining high-performance Li metal anodes can be roughly divided into three major categories: electrolyte regulation, interface modification, and anode design[30-33]. Electrolyte regulation can be partially categorized as interface modification, as it aims to improve the quality of SEI films[34]. The commonly used electrolytes for K metal anodes include liquid- and solid-state electrolytes. The liquid electrolyte regulation strategy includes the addition of additives, changing solvents, or using multifunctional salts. These electrolyte modification methods can improve the quality of the naturally formed fragile SEI, boost its robustness, and prevent unwanted side reactions between the K metal anode and the electrolyte. In addition, a well-formed SEI can regulate the ion flux and guide uniform K metal deposition. The high reactivity of K metal anodes necessitates greater consideration of safety issues, which can be addressed by employing non-flammable electrolytes as a viable solution. However, the selection of suitable solvents for K metal anodes is difficult because of their ultrahigh chemical reactivity and further investigation is required to identify viable options. In addition to liquid electrolytes, solid electrolytes exhibiting higher safety, thermal stability, and mechanical strength are also capable of stabilizing K metal anodes. However, solid-state electrolytes also have challenges that need to be solved, such as low ionic conductivity and low stability of the electrode/SEI. This has been summarized in previously published reviews[35-38]. In addition, interface modification, including artificial SEI construction, has also been used to avoid the disadvantages of electrolyte-reduced films[39,40]. An ideal SEI film after interfacial modification should be electronically insulating and highly ionic conductive for uniform and improved ionic diffusion and mechanically strong to withstand dendrite initiation and volume fluctuation[41-43].
Secondly, the anode design is usually concerned with the construction of a three-dimensional (3D) host to decrease the local current density, increase the lithium deposition area, guide uniform ionic flux, provide sufficient space to accommodate the deposited lithium, and maintain mechanical stability to buffer volumetric fluctuations[27,30,44-47]. Moreover, the surface of a 3D matrix can be modified with alkaliphilic materials, such as secondary phases or heteroatom doping, to decrease the nucleation barrier, provide more nucleation sites, and guide uniform alkali metal growth[48]. In addition to the above-mentioned strategies, several other effective methods have been proposed, such as alkali-metal-based alloys[49], separator modification[50-52], advanced characterization tool exploration[53], and regulation of cell operation conditions[27].
3D-structured electrode: Among the proposed methods, a 3D porous current collector has proven to be a universal and effective method for synthesizing alkali metal anodes, which directly influences the initial alkali metal nucleation and subsequent growth process. Specifically, the structural features of a 3D current collector can homogenize the electronic/ionic distribution, provide sufficient space for metal accommodation, and effectively suppress dendrite formation. The advantages of 3D porous current collectors are apparent when compared to planar current collectors. First, the 3D porous current collectors with large specific surface areas can reduce the local current density and postpone the initiation of lithium dendrite growth. Second, the 3D current collector can also regulate the homogenous ion flux, facilitate electrolyte penetration, and reduce the polarization induced by the ionic concentration. In contrast, 2D current collectors with high current densities can easily cause uneven charge distribution, surface protuberances, and dendrite growth. Third, the porous host is capable of accommodating volumetric changes during plating/dissolution rather than the large volume expansion of the planar current collector. Fourth, the highly porous structure is effective in releasing the stress generated during deposition and avoiding the occurrence of whiskers, mosses, or dendrites. Moreover, the well-developed synthetic techniques of obtaining 3D porous structures promote the rapid development of alkali metal anodes with such structures. Therefore, extensive research has been conducted regarding Li metal anodes, including fabrication methods, microstructure construction, and functional design, which have been previously reviewed in detail[28,54].
For the rational design of K metal anodes, they should be robust enough to survive long-term cyclic processes, possess excellent electronic/ionic conductive matrices to ensure efficient charge transport kinetics, provide sufficient space for K accommodation, and make better use of low-cost raw materials and cost-effective synthesis processes[55,56]. Usually, the 3D host of the K metal anode is encapsulated with metallic K to form a K composite electrode, and the commonly applied methods include thermal infusion, electrochemical deposition, and mechanical pressing[55,57]. In recent years, there has been a growing research interest and progress in K metal batteries and K metal anodes. However, few studies focused on the
Carbonaceous materials exhibit several advantageous properties, such as low density, low cost, high electrical conductivity, high (structural, dimensional, and electrochemical) stability, multiple structures, excellent flexibility, and adjustable properties, and various synthesis methods are widely applied for the modified current collectors of alkaline metal anodes, especially the carbon materials fabricated into 3D architecture[28,30,44,57]. The 3D structure and surface chemistry can be tuned to regulate the electrochemical performance. Taking Li metal anodes as an example, there is a variety of 3D morphologic carbon-based electrode materials, such as interconnected carbon nanotubes[58], carbon fiber cloth (paper)[59], and graphene frameworks[60]. To induce homogeneous lithium deposition, carbon-based current collectors are commonly modified with lithiophilic functional groups, such as nitrogen (N)-[61], oxygen-[62], heteroatom-doped materials[63], and metal-based nanoparticles[64,65].
To realize stable and uniform K deposition on K metal anodes, Li et al. implanted an alkali metal affinitive metal oxide NiO in a carbon-based material-puffed millet (PM) through a pore-formation reaction[66]. In Figure 2A, the PM has a macroporous structure (80 μm) with small pores on the macropore wall (50 nm) and evenly distributed NiO in the pores (30 nm). The as-formed well-knit root structure, denoted as
Figure 2. (A) Illustrations of the dendrite-free PM/NiO/K and caducous dendritic Cu/K electrode. This figure is quoted with permission from Li et al.[66]. (B) The fabrication process of the K-ACM, and schematics of electron and ion channels in a traditional chunk of metallic K and in a K-ACM electrode; electrochemical performance of symmetric cells with bare K or K-ACM electrodes; comparison of the cyclic stability and coulombic efficiency of the K-ACM/PB and K/PB cells at a rate of 0.5 C. This figure is quoted with permission from Qin et al.[67].
The construction of mixed electronic and ionic conducting networks using stable and conductive hosts has been approved for use in Li and Na metal anodes. A commonly applied strategy involves accommodating Li or Na in a conductive host via melt infusion or electrodeposition. For K metal anodes, Qin et al. infused the molten K into the aligned carbon nanotube membrane (ACM) to construct 3D conductive K-ACM anodes[67]. During the preparation process shown in Figure 2B, liquid K was infused into the ACM host quickly, presenting a golden color owing to the strong capillary forces of the ACM. The pristine aligned structure of ACM was maintained, and metallic K was uniformly distributed in the 3D ACM framework. The as-prepared 3D K-ACM host improved the electrode/electrolyte interactions and constructed efficient electron and ionic pathways [Figure 2B]. Consequently, the K-ACM symmetric cells cycled at current densities of 1.0, 2.0, and 5.0 mA cm-2 exhibited long-term stability of 14,000, 10,000, and 3,500 h with small overpotentials of 0.1, 0.13, and 0.31 V, respectively, which was significantly better than those of K cells. The full cell coupled with K1.69Fe[Fe(CN)6]0.90 (PB) exhibited competitive cycling and rate performances, including a CE of 98.5% and a capacity of 84 mAh g-1 after 1,000 cycles at 0.5 C. The excellent electrochemical performance of K-ACM-based cells is beneficial because of their highly porous structure for K accommodation and local current density reduction, mechanical and structural stability to mitigate volume changes, and efficient electronic/ionic pathways to perform electrochemical redox reactions.
In addition to building a 3D host with a potassiophilic surface and infusing K into the 3D-K anode, the formation of a stable SEI layer is also an effective strategy. Ye et al. prepared N-doped C polyhedrons/graphene (HNCP/G) with metallic K plated inside (3D-K) and a solid electrolyte protective interface coating of Sn-based materials (Sn@3D-K)[68]. Figure 3A shows that the specific synthetic process mainly includes three steps: fabrication of HNCP/G with 0.1-2.1 μm HNCP particles anchored on the graphene surface; plating 5 mAh cm-2 K at 1.0 mA cm-2 into the HNCP/G to construct 3D-K; and preparation of the Sn-based SEI coated surface using the ion exchange method. The as-prepared Sn@3D-K has several advantages for K anode applications: Sn-based SEI to reduce side reactions and facilitate K ion transportation, formation of a KSn alloy to induce uniform nucleation and suppress dendrites, and a stable HNCP/G substrate to accommodate volume change and maintain structural integrity. Therefore, the Sn@3D-K cell exhibit long-term cyclic stability for 500 h at 0.2 mA cm-2 with low voltage polarization of
Figure 3. (A) Schematic of the preparation process for Sn@3D-K. This figure is quoted with permission from Ye et al.[68]. (B) The fabrication process of K wetting on active carbon cloth, DFT calculation of K growth on treated and untreated carbon surfaces, and the greatly improved wettability of the K metal on the functionalized carbon host. This figure is quoted with permission from Meng et al.[69]. (C) The synthesis of the SA-Co@HC; cycle stability of the symmetric cells at 0.5 mA cm-2 with a fixed areal capacity of 0.5 mAh cm-2; cycling and rate performance of full cells with SA-C@HC/K and bare K anode and a PTCDA cathode at different current densities. This figure is quoted with permission from Zhang et al.[70].
As demonstrated by the above results, the introduction of a 3D host and "potassiophilic" surface is an attractive strategy for synthesizing K metal anodes. However, the method is usually correlated with complex 3D scaffolds or nonuniform distribution of the "potassiophilic" sites. Therefore, the rational design of lightweight carbon hosts with evenly distributed K-affinity sites is highly desired. Meng et al. prepared a carbon-based anode using a facile and effective method, that is, the functionalization of a carbon cloth (CC) surface with NH3[69]. As illustrated in Figure 3B, the preparation process included the calcination of a CC to obtain the -NH surface and tune the wettability of the CC via
In the early stages of the electrode structural design for K metal anodes, Zhang et al. gained inspiration from natural wood with open, aligned, and stable channels to transport water to the entire tree[70]. They designed a low-tortuosity carbon host with an N-dopant and single-atom Co decoration, denoted as SA-Co@HC. The detailed preparation process is shown in Figure 3C, including the hydrothermal processing of the birch trunk in the CoCl2-containing ethanol/hydrochloric acid solution, the strong coordination of Co with the polar functional groups containing oxygen, and heat treatment to form single Co atoms on the N-doped carbon (NC) support. The as-prepared SA-Co@HC matrix well-preserved the architecture of natural wood with orientated rough microchannels (5-50 μm diameter) and transverse pores. The Co atoms were highly dispersed, forming a Co-Nx-C coordination environment and increasing the number of active sites. Benefiting from the synthetic effect of single-atom chemistry and low-tortuosity host design, the
Details of the host materials, synthetic methods, and electrochemical performances of various carbon-based K metal anodes
Host | Surface/interface/active sites | K composite electrode | Electrolyte | Synthetic method | Symmetric cellrates; current density (mA cm-2), capacity (mAh cm-2), cycle life (h), and overpotentials (mV) | Half-cell performance(coulombic efficiency)current density (mA cm-2), capacity (mAh cm-2), cycle life (h), and CE (%) | Full cellcathode; rate; initial capacity, cycle life, and capacity retention | Refs |
(Carbon-based material) PM/NiO | NiO | Electrodeposition | 1.0 M KPF6 in | Pore-forming reaction | 0.1-1.6 mA cm-2; | 0.4 mA cm-2, 200 cycles, CEs 99.771% | PPB; 0.1-2 A; 0.1 A g-1, 160 mAh g-1 after 180 cycles, 82% retention | [66] |
Aligned carbon nanotube membrane (ACM) | Molten K infusion | 0.8 M KPF6 in EC/DEC, v/v = 1:1 | 1 mA cm-2, 1 mAh cm-2, 14,000 mins, 0.1 V;2 mA cm-2, 1 mAh cm-2, 10,000 mins, 0.13 V;5 mA cm-2, 1 mAh cm-2, 3,500 mins, 0.31 V | PB (K1.69Fe[Fe(CN)6]0.90); 0.5 to 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 C; 1,000 cycles@0.5 C, 84 mAh g-1, and CE of 98.5% | [67] | |||
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) | Molten K infusion | 1.0 M KFSI in EC/DEC (1:1 vol%) | 0.5-6 mA cm-2, | Organic cathode PTCDA; | [71] | |||
CoZn-embedded hollow carbon tubes (CoZn@HCT) | CoZn nanoparticles | K molten infusion | 1.0 M KFSI in DME | Coaxial electrospinning and thermal annealing | 0.5-5 mA cm-2; 0.5 mA cm-2, | 1 mA cm-2, | Organic cathode (PTCDA); 0.02-1 A g-1; 0.1 A g-1, 200 cycles, 87 mA h g-1, 71% retention | [72] |
N-doped C polyhedrons/graphene (HNCP/G) | Sn-based SEI | Electrodeposition | KFSI in DME | Carbonizing ZIF-8/graphene composite; | 0.2 mA cm-2, 1 mAh cm-2, 500 h, 10 mV; 1 mA cm-2, | K1.56Mn[Fe(CN)6]1.08/G(KMnHCF), 1.0 C, initial 108.2 mAh g-1, 150 cycles, 73.5 mAh g-1, CE 97.9%, and retention 67.9% | [68] | |
Atomic Co catalysts in N-doped carbon (SA-Co@HC) | Co-Nx-C | Molten K injection | 3 M KFSI in EC/DEC (1:1, v:v) | Hydrothermal process and heating treatment | 0.5-5.0 mA cm-2, | Organic cathode: PTCDA; 100-2,000 mA g-1; 200 mA g-1, initial 130 mAh g-1, 200 cycles, retention 84% | [70] | |
Amine-functionalized carbon cloth (CC) | -NH site | Molten K infiltration | 0.8 M KPF6 in EC and DEC (1:1 in vol%) | Calcination activation and NH3 functionalization | 1-5 mA cm-2, 1 mAh cm-2; 1 mA cm-2, 1 mAh cm-2, 180 cycles, 240 mV | K0.7Mn0.7Ni0.3O2; 0.1-2.0 A g-1; 0.1 A g-1, 130 cycles, | [69] | |
Ag on carbon cloth (Ag-CC) | Ag nanoparticles | Electrodeposition | 0.8 M KPF6 in 1:1 (vol%) EC and DEC | Solution soaking and calcination | 0.5 mA cm-2, | Potassium Prussian blue (PPB); 0.5-5.0 C; 1 C, 600 cycles, | [73] | |
Co-embedded nitrogen-doped carbon nanofiber paper (Co-CNFs) | Co nanoparticles and N doping | Molten K infusion | 1.0 M KFSI in DME | Electrospinning and carbonization | 0.5 mA cm-2, | 1 mA cm-2, 1 mAh cm-2, 400 cycles, CEs 98.75%; 2 mA cm-2, | Organic cathode AQDS; 1-15 C, 5C, 700 cycles, retention 58% | [74] |
Oxygen-rich treated carbon cloth (TCC) | Oxygen functional groups | 1.0 M KFSI-DME | 5.0 mA cm-2, | 1 mA cm-2, 1 mAh cm-2, 1,000 cycles, CEs 99%; 3 mA cm-2, | [75] | |||
Carbon nanofiber paper (CBC) | Oxygen- functional groups | K melt-infusion | 1.0 M KFSI-DME; 3.0 M KFSI-DME | Carbonizing bacterial cellulose (BC) | 0.5 mA cm-2, | 1 mA cm-2, 1 mAh cm-2, 350 cycles, CEs 98% | K4Fe(CN)6 (KFC); | [76] |
SnO2-modified carbon cloth (CC@SnO2) | SnO2 nanoparticles | K molten infusion | 1 M KFSI in EC and DEC | Solvothermal and calcination treatment | 0.5-5.0 mA cm-2, | PTCDI;50-5,000 mA g-1; | [77] | |
SnO2-coated carbon nanofiber (PCNF@SnO2) | SnO2 coating layer | K molten infusion | 1.0 M KFSI-DME | Electrospinning, carbonization, and atomic layer deposition | 0.5-6 mA cm-2; 0.5 mA cm-2, | 1 mA cm-2, 1 mA h cm-2, 150 cycles, average CEs 98.3% | Organic cathode: AQDS; | [78] |
CuO on carbon fiber cloth (CC@CuO) | CuO nanoparticles | Molten K infiltrate | 1M KFSI in EC/DEC (1:1 by vol%) | Hydrothermal and thermal treatments | 0.5-6 mA cm-2; 0.5 mA cm-2, | PTCDA/rGO; 10-200 mA g-1; 20 mA g-1, 200 cycles, retention 53.2%; K0.5V2O5 (KVO); 25-500 mA g-1; | [79] | |
SnS2 nanosheets loaded on carbon paper (SnS2@CP) | SnS2 nanosheets | Electrodeposition | 1 M KPF6 in (EC/DEC) (vol% 1:1) | HNO3 soaking and heat treatment | 0.25 mA cm-2, | 0.25 mA cm-2, | Potassium Prussian blue (KPB), 0.05-0.2 A g-1; 0.05 A g-1, initial 65.6 mAh g-1, 150 cycles, retention 86.9%; 0.1 A g-1, initial 60.6 mAh g-1, 200 cycles, retention 83.7% | [80] |
Cu-based electrode materials
Metal-based current collector matrices with excellent mechanical properties and stability have been widely applied in Li or Na metal anodes. Yang et al. first applied a 3D porous Cu skeleton as a current collector to optimize the lithium deposition behavior, which was highly improved compared with the conventional 2D Cu[81]. Appropriate pore size, volume, and distribution are important for high-performance Li metal anodes. A large pore structure has a limited surface area for even deposition regulation; pores that are too small may limit lithium-ion diffusion and volume changes. Therefore, a high-performance 3D current collector requires the rational design of porous structures. Cu-based 3D current collectors for Li metal anodes have been extensively investigated and reviewed[54]. Based on their pore structures, 3D Cu current collectors can be divided into three categories. The first type is a disordered pore structure, which is easier for scalable production, even though the pore structure is difficult to control. For example, Yun et al. modulated the pore size through a simple chemical dealloying method of Cu-Zr alloys and tuned the treatment time[82]. The second type is an ordered pore structure, such as a 3D mesh prepared using a facile one-pot method[83]. The third type is related to special pore structures, including elastic pores for stress relaxation[84], gradient pores to improve space utilization[85], and the bidirectional pore structure desired for practical applications[86]. Additionally, because the Li nucleation energy on Cu remains very large, a lithiophilic surface design on the 3D Cu skeleton is commonly applied, including metal-forming alloys with Li, metal compounds as conversion reaction materials with Li, and heteroatom-doped carbon materials[54]. For Na metal anodes, Wang et al. fabricated a copper nanowire-reinforced 3D Cu foam as a current collector to increase the number of nucleation sites and decrease the local current density for uniform Na deposition[87,88]. The electrochemical performance of a 3D Cu Na current collector can be improved by modifying its sodiophilic surface with oxides and sulfides[89,90]. Moreover, the performance can be further enhanced by the protective layer over the "sodiophilic" surface to suppress side reactions[91].
To achieve stable K plating/stripping, Liu et al. utilized the synergistic effect of a 3D geometric Cu current collector combined with the potassiophilic surface chemistry effect of a reduced graphene oxide (rGO) coating, denoted as rGO@3D-Cu[92]. Specifically, the rGO@3D-Cu was fabricated using a combination of self-assembly and partial reduction strategies. As shown in Figure 4A, the graphene oxide (GO) layers are reduced, and the rGO layers stack on the surface of the 3D-Cu foam. The as-prepared rGO@3D-Cu exhibited highly enhanced potassiophilicity compared to the 3D-Cu foam, according to the K wetting behavior test. Moreover, the rGO@3D-Cu-based symmetric cells and half-cells exhibited superior electrochemical performance compared to 3D-Cu or planar (rGO)@Cu. During the symmetric cell tests, the rGO@3D-Cu cell cycled stably over a wide current density range of 0.1-2.0 mA cm-2, in contrast to the fading of Cu cell at a low current density of 0.5 mA cm-2. Upon measurement of the half-cell, it was demonstrated that the rGO@3D-Cu cell exhibits cyclic stability for 10,000 mins at 0.5 mA cm-2 and
Figure 4. (A) The partially reduced graphene oxide (rGO) coated on a 3D-Cu current collector, termed rGO@3D-Cu; Thermally infused symmetric rGO@3D-Cu//rGO@3D-Cu, with baseline Cu//Cu. This figure is quoted with permission from Liu et al.[92]. (B) The fabrication of Cu3Pt-Cu mesh, the process of Galvanic replacement reaction and the 2D electron density difference maps of K adsorbed Pt, Cu, and Cu3Pt; Voltage-time profiles of K||K, K@Cu mesh||K@Cu mesh and K@Cu3Pt-Cu mesh||K@Cu3Pt-Cu mesh symmetric cells at 0.5 mA cm-2 and 1 mAh cm-2. This figure is quoted with permission from Wang et al.[93].
In addition to the rGO surface coating, Wang et al. fabricated a Cu3Pt-functionalized 3D Cu mesh as a current collector for K anode applications[93]. As shown in Figure 4B, the Cu3Pt-Cu electrode is prepared via the simple galvanic replacement reaction as follows: immerse the Cu mesh in the [PtCl6]2- solution, deposit Pt on the Cu mesh surface with the dissolution of Cu atoms, and form Cu-Pt bimetallic alloy covered by rough Cu mesh. The Cu3P exhibited high affinity toward K, as demonstrated by the DFT calculation of the binding energy of K with Pt (-2.78 eV), Cu (-1.74 eV), and Cu3Pt (-2.68 eV). In combination with the facilitated electron transport pathways and ultrahigh surface area provided by the 3D Cu mesh, the
Wang et al. designed another K anode current collector using a Pd-coated Cu foam via a replacement reaction, denoted as K/Pd/Cu foam[94]. In accordance with their previous study[93], Pd and Pt, which belong to the same platinum group, exhibit similar properties. Pd exhibited higher affinity toward K, as demonstrated by the DFT calculations, as the binding energies between K and Cu (111) and Pd (111) were
Figure 5. (A) The preparation of the Pd/Cu, K/Pd/Cu foam anodes, and the deformation charge density of K+ absorbed on Cu and Pd substrates, respectively; Galvanostatic profiles for KMB cells with 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, and 10.0 mA h cm-2 of K on K/Pd/Cu foam and K/Cu foam. This figure is quoted with permission from Wang et al.[94]. (B) The synthesis and mechanism of Au/Cu foam current collector and the calculated adsorption energy of K+ with Au and Cu. This figure is quoted with permission from Li et al.[95].
In addition to Pt and Pd, Li et al. decorated the platinum-group element Au[95] via a chemical replacement reaction on Cu foam for K anode applications. As shown in Figure 5B, the cubic Au nanoparticles were uniformly distributed on the Cu foam surface. Au atoms with a higher potassiophilicity than Pt are helpful for establishing a uniform electric field, guiding uniform ion diffusion across the SEI, and improving the mechanical properties of the interface. When assembled into cells, the as-prepared highly porous Au/Cu current collector exhibits several advantages, including decreasing the local current density, promoting uniform nucleation, stabilizing the interface, suppressing side reactions, and restricting volume expansion during cycling. As expected, the Au/Cu-based half/symmetric/full cells exhibit significantly better performance than the cells without Au coating both at room temperature and low temperature of -20 °C. A comparison of the host materials, synthetic methods, and electrochemical performances of various Cu-based current collectors is summarized in Table 2.
Details of the host materials, synthetic methods, and electrochemical performances of various Cu, Al, alloy, and Mxene-based K metal anodes
Host | Surface/interface/active sites | K composite electrode | Electrolyte | Synthetic method | Symmetric cell rates; current density (mA cm-2),capacity (mAh cm-2), cycle life (h), and overpotentials (mV) | Half-cell performance(coulombic efficiency)current density (mA cm-2), capacity (mAh cm-2), cycle life (cycles), and CE (%) | Full cell cathode; rate; initial capacity, cycle life (cycles), and capacity retention (%) | Refs |
Reduced graphene oxide on 3D-Cu (rGO@3D-Cu) | Structural defects and O/OH groups | K molten infusion | 0.8 M KPF6 in EC/DEC/PC (2:1:2 vol%) | Self-assembly and partial reduction | 0.1-2.0 mA cm-2, 0.5 mAh cm-2; 0.5 mA cm-2, 0.5 mAh cm-2, 200 h, ~200 mV | 0.5 mA cm-2, 0.5 mAh cm-2, 100 cycles | [92] | |
Cu3Pt-functionalized Cu mesh (Cu3Pt-Cu) | Cu3Pt | Press K with the punching machine | 1 M KPF6 in 1:1 (v/v) EC/DEC + FEC | Galvanic replacement reaction | 0.5 mA cm-2, 1 or 2 or 3 mAh cm-2, 300 h, 500 mV; 5 mAh cm-2, 170 h | 0.5 mA cm-2, 0.5 mAh cm-2, 300 cycles, CEs > 95% | Prussian blue (KPB), 200 cycles, 51 mAh g-1, 71.8% retention | [93] |
Pd-coated Cu foam (Pd/Cu) | Pd-(K alloy) | K deposition | 3 M KFSI-DME | Replacement reaction | 1.0 mAh cm-2, 130 h; 3.0 mAh cm-2, 500 mV; 5.0 and 10 mAh cm-2 | 0.5 mA cm-2, 0.5 mAh cm-2, 450 cycles; 0.5 mA cm-2, | Prussian blue (PB), 100 cycles, | [94] |
Gold-decorated 3D copper foam (Au/Cu foam) | Au particles | K deposition | 3 M KFSI in DME; 0.8 M KPF6 in EC:DEC (1:1) | Chemical replacement reaction | 1 mA cm-2, 1 mAh cm-2, 350 h, | 1 mA cm-2, 1 mAh cm-2, 500 cycles | Prussian blue (KPB), 0.5 A g-1, 350 cycles, | [95] |
Cu2Se-modified 3D copper framework (K2Se/Cu) | K2Se | K thermal infusion | 1.0 M KFSI in EC:DEC = 1:1 | Solution selenization | 0.5-5 mA cm-2; 0.5 mA cm-2, 0.5 mAh cm-2, 1,000 h, 180 mV | [96] | ||
Aluminum-powder-coated aluminum foil (Al@Al) | Al powders | Pre-potassiated | 4 M KFSI in DME | Sintering | 0.1-3.0 mA cm-2, 0.5 mAh cm-2; 0.5 mA cm-2, 0.5 mAh cm-2, 440 h;3.0 mA cm-2, 0.5 mAh cm-2, 2,600 min | [97] | ||
Nitrogen-doped carbon@graphdiyne-modified Al current collector (NC@GDY-Al) | Cu QD on NC@GDY | K electrodeposition | 4M KFSI-DME | Copper envelope method | 0.4-5.0 mA cm-2, 1 mAh cm-2; 0.5 mA cm-2, | 0.2-5.0 mA cm-2; 0.2 mA cm-2, 0.2 mAh cm-2, 800 cycles, CEs 99.93% | [98] | |
3D-K3Bi@K | K3Bi matrix | Molten K reaction | 1.0 M KFSI in EC/DEC = 1:1 vol% | High-temperature reaction | 0.5 mA cm-2, 1 mAh cm-2, 450 h | [99] | ||
3D alkalized Ti3C2 MXene nanoribbon (α-Ti3C2) | F-/O-terminated functional groups | Electrodeposition | 0.8 M KFSI in EC:DEC (1:1, v/v) | HF etching and alkalization | 3 mA cm-2, 3 mAh cm-2, 100 h, 14 mV;5 mA cm-2, 5 mAh cm-2, 800 h, | 1.0 mA cm-2, 1.0 mAh cm-2, 300 cycles, CEs 99.5%; 3.0 mA cm-2, | K2Ti4O9 (KTO); 50-500 mA g-1; 200 mA g-1, 97.5 mA h g-1, 1,000 cycles | [100] |
3D Ti3C2TX MXene-melamine foam (MXene-MF) | F-/O- terminated groups | K pre-deposition | 0.8 M KFSI in EC and DEC | MXene ink soaking | 1-7 mA cm-2; 5 mA cm-2, 5 mAh cm-2, 800 h | 5 mA cm-2, 5 mAh cm-2, 55 cycles, CEs 96% | [101] | |
Defect-rich and nitrogen-containing MXene (DN-MXene) | -OH, =O, and -F | K melt infusion | 0.8 M KPF6/KFSI in EC:DEC (1:1, v/v) | Etching & Sonication and mix & filtration | 0.1-2 mA cm-2; 0.5 mA cm-2, 300 h, 300 mV | 0.5 mA cm-2, 5 mA h cm-2, 200 cycles, CEs 98.6% | Sulfur; 0.1-5.0 C; 0.5 C, 31 mAh g-1, 500 cycles, 230 mA h g-1 | [102] |
Other metal (Alloy)-based electrode materials
Commonly used current collectors for LIBs are Cu and Al foils. However, they are not applicable to lithium-metal batteries because of the reaction between Li and Al. For the K metal anode, there was no thermodynamic reactivity between K and Al. In comparison with the Cu foil, the Al foil exhibits several competitive features, including being four times cheaper than Cu and having only one-third the density of Cu. Liu et al. applied an Al-based current collector to K metal anodes for the first time[97]. As illustrated in Figure 6A, they designed an Al powder (mean diameter of 12 μm)-based 3D Al architecture layer with a thickness of 22 μm sintered on the Al foil, denoted as Al@Al. Additional samples of "Al@Al-D" (powder diameter of 3 μm, thickness of 22 μm) and Al foil were prepared for comparison. The Al@Al, Al@Al-D, and Al foils exhibited geometrical roughness values ranging from high to low, which corresponded to their electrolyte wetting behaviors. The electrochemical tests demonstrated that the Al@Al half-cell is cyclable for more than 1,000 cycles with high CEs of 98.9% at 0.5 mA cm-2, and the K-Al@Al cell can cycle stably over the wide current density range of 0.1-3.0 mA cm-2, which are significantly better than those of Al@Al-D and Al foil-based cells. The authors correlated the electrochemical performance with the electrolyte wetting properties; that is, the poorer the electrolyte wetting, the earlier the occurrence of unstable SEI and dendritic initiation, and the easier the formation of K islands and dead K upon repeated plating/stripping.
Figure 6. (A) Electrolyte wetting on Al@Al and Al foil and their corresponding effect on the plating/stripping behaviors. This figure is quoted with permission from Liu et al.[97]. (B) Schematic illustrating the synthetic steps of NC@GDY and the potassium adsorption energy on various substrates; cyclic stabilities of symmetric cells with different electrodes at 0.5 mA cm-2/0.5 mAh cm-2, 2.0 mA cm-2/2.0 mAh cm-2, and 2.0 mA cm-2/4.0 mAh cm-2. This figure is quoted with permission from Yi et al.[98]. (C) Comparison of the K plating/stripping processes on 3D-K3Bi@K and pure K metal electrodes. This figure is quoted with permission from Ye et al.[99].
Following the report by Liu et al., Yi et al. modified the surface of an Al current collector with potassiophilic graphdiyne (GDY) for K anode applications[98]. As shown in Figure 6B, the synthetic procedure included the synthesis of NC as a growth template for GDY and the growth of GDY with attached Cu quantum dots (QDs) on the NC template using the copper enveloping method. The as-prepared NC@GDY-Al electrode exhibits significant structural and chemical advantages: (1) the NC template can improve the conductivity and specific surface area of the electrode; (2) GDY is able to provide sufficient K+ ion transportation pathways and K nucleation sites; and (3) the interspersed Cu QDs further increases the affinity towards K and the overall electrical conductivity. Therefore, compared with the Al-, NC-Al- or NC@GDY-Al- (without Cu)-based cells, the NC@GDY-Al(Cu) asymmetric cell exhibits smaller nucleation overpotential, stable K plating/stripping for more than 2,000 h, remarkably high CE of 99.93% for over 800 cycles, and impressive rate capability over the wide current density range of 0.2-5.0 mA cm-2. The NC@GDY symmetric cells tested at 0.5/0.5, 2.0/2.0, and 2/4 (mA cm-2/mAh cm-2) can cycle stably for over 2,000, 2,400, and 850 h with low overpotentials of 10, 20, and 50 mV, respectively. The cyclic stability and low voltage hysteresis of the NC@GDY symmetric cells are manifested from 0.4 to 5.0 mA cm-2 with a fixed capacity of
According to previously reported 3D current collectors, a desired 3D host should exhibit both high ionic and electronic conductivities, resulting in uniform K deposition and suppressing dendrites growth. Ye et al. prepared a 3D-K3Bi@K electrode via high-temperature treatment of K metal and Bi powder, followed by rolling and cutting it into disks after cooling down[99]. The as-prepared 3D K3Bi framework exhibited high electron/ionic conductivities and potassiophilic properties, providing various advantages for K anode applications, including homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation, buffered volume expansion, and suppressed side reactions with the electrolyte [Figure 6C]. Therefore, the 3D-K3Bi@K electrode exhibits long-term cyclic stability for 450 h at 0.5 mA cm-2 at a fixed capacity of 1.0 mAh cm-2, in contrast to the early short-circuit of the K anode after merely 56 h.
MXene (Ti3C2Tx) has been widely applied in Li or Na metal anodes because of its several advantages, including high electronic conductivity, high ion diffusion capability, and strong affinity to alkali metals[103,104]. Delaminated MXene is prone to aggregation, which reduces the number of alkali deposition sites and the electrochemical performance. Therefore, the rational design of a 3D MXene network with a large surface area and sufficient potassiophilic sites is important for its application in K metal anodes.
Shi et al. prepared a 3D alkalized Ti3C2 (α-Ti3C2) MXene nanoribbon host for K metal anodes[100]. As illustrated in Figure 7A, the specific synthesis procedure included the preparation of a densely stacked
Figure 7. (A) Schematic illustration of the α-Ti3C2 Mxene nanoribbon framework and d-Ti3C2 Mxene nanosheet. This figure is quoted with permission from Shi et al.[100]. (B) Scheme of the fabrication process of the 3D Mxene-MF for the alkali-metal anode. This figure is quoted with permission from Shi et al.[101]. (C) Illustration for the preparation of the DN-Mxene/CNT scaffold and K@DN-Mxene/CNT metallic anodes; the Coulombic efficiencies of K plating/stripping on different scaffolds at 0.5 mA cm-2 in KPF6-based electrolyte; voltage profiles of symmetric cells with K@DN-Mxene/CNT, K@CNT, or bare K metal anodes at 0.5 mA cm-2; rate performances of three symmetric cells at different current densities. This figure is quoted with permission from Tang et al.[102]
In addition to the direct design of 3D MXene scaffolds, the construction of MXene surfaces combined with 3D networks is also a reasonable strategy. Shi et al. fabricated 3D Ti3C2TX MXene-melamine foam (denoted as MXene-MF) using an effective and scalable method, and the as-prepared 3D scaffold was applicable to a wide range of high-performance alkali metal anodes, including Li, Na, and K[101]. As shown in Figure 7B, the 3D MXene-MF scaffold was fabricated by soaking highly porous MF in a concentrated MXene solution that was subsequently freeze-dried. During the drying process, adhesive hydrogen bonds are formed between the molecular chains of MF (NH2, NH, and imine) and the surface functional groups of MXene (-OH and -F). Therefore, the MXene surface with high electronic conductivity and alkali affinity can facilitate charge transportation and homogenize the ionic flux, and in combination with the 3D MF with an interconnected porous network and high mechanical toughness, it further ensures low local current density and suppresses volume fluctuation. Consequently, the MXene-MF scaffold achieved superior electrochemical performance for the Li, Na, and K anodes. Notably, the MXene-MF-K symmetric cell achieves cyclic stability for 800 h at a current density of 5.0 mA cm-2 and capacity of 5.0 mAh cm-2.
Tang et al. first introduced N-containing MXenes with rich defects for K metal anode applications[102]. As shown in Figure 7C, the K metal anode is prepared via the extraction of Al from the Ti3AlCN-MXene precursor, a mixture of the obtained DN-MXene with CNTs (denoted as DN-MXene(Ti3−xCNTy)/CNT), and infusion of K into the pores as the final composite electrode K@DN-MXene/CNT. The as-prepared 3D DN-MXene/CNT matrix with an interconnected porous architecture can provide efficient electron and ion transport pathways, accommodation space for the deposited K and volume change, and decreased local current density for uniform ionic flux. More importantly, the DFT results verified the high K-philic property of the Ti3−xCNTy MXene based on the binding energy calculation, which can seed uniform K nucleation [Figure 7C]. As expected, the CEs of the DN-MXene/CNT-based two-electrode cell were as high as 93.1%, and small voltage gaps were observed during the 120 cycles; for the symmetric cell galvanostatic test, the K@DN-MXene/CNT cells exhibited both high cycling stability for 300 h with low voltage hysteresis of 0.3 V and superior rate capability; when assembled for full cell operation, the K@DN-Mxene/CNT//sulfur-poly(acrylonitrile) full cell with effective polysulfides suppression effect delivered high capacity and cyclic performance, all of which were significantly better than the results of bare K or (K@)CNT cells.
This paper summarizes the recent progress of 3D-structured electrodes for K metal anode applications. The rational design of nanostructured anodes increased the effective surface area and provided sufficient K metal accommodation space without any significant volume fluctuations. Synergistically, the surface potassiophilic sites decreased the nucleation barrier and guided the uniform deposition process, thereby improving the reversible K plating/stripping behavior and CEs values. This paper outlines advanced 3D structured hosts of K metal anodes based on the materials used, including carbon-based, metal-based, and MXene-related electrode materials. These three types of electrode materials exhibit unique characteristics and (dis)advantages in alkali-metal anode applications.
1. Carbon-based materials exhibit advanced characteristics that are beneficial for the application of alkali metal anodes, including low density, low cost, high electronic conductivity, high surface area, versatile structures, and fabrication methods that are readily adaptable to new fabrication techniques. Particularly, they have high specific surface areas and abundant catalytic sites that guide uniform nucleation and deposition. The ultrahigh surface area also increases the area exposed to the electrolyte, resulting in significant formation of SEI and electrolyte consumption. In comparison with metal-based materials, their electrical conductivity is lower, and their mechanical strength is less satisfactory, which needs to be further improved.
2. Metal-based materials exhibit various advantages, including high electrical conductivity and structural and mechanical stability. However, it should be noted that the fabrication into a 3D architecture may damage the mechanical strength to a certain extent. In addition, large-scale fabrication is costly, and most metals with high density do not meet the energy and powder density requirements. To maximize the advantages of carbon and metal-based materials, they can also be built into metal-carbon hybrid electrode materials, that is, a carbon framework with metal particles modified on the surface or a carbon framework on a metallic substrate. For the carbon framework with metal-based nanoparticles, the 3D carbon framework can provide highly porous and interconnected conductive networks; the metallic nanoparticles act as alkalic affinity sites to decrease the nucleation barrier and guide uniform K metal plating/stripping. For a metal substrate with carbon materials on the surface, the bottom metal substrate is highly electrically conductive and mechanically stable, supporting the top carbon layer with a large surface area. This is feasible for large-scale electrode fabrication, although it is unfeasible in terms of energy density.
3. MXene electrode materials with 2D structures exhibit high electrical/ionic conductivities, large surface areas, and rich functional groups with alkaline metal affinity. Therefore, they can be fabricated into 3D architectures and assembled using various substrates as alkaline metal anodes. Currently, its application as an alkali metal anode is still in its early stages owing to various challenges. For instance, the restacking issue of MXene nanosheets significantly limits their exposed area and nucleation sites. The mass production of MXenes remains a challenge, and most of the research on MXene-based electrode materials has been conducted on coin-type cells, which differs significantly from practical applications. Composite anodes composed of MXene/metallic materials or MXene/carbonate materials are expected to be a promising avenue for further development of MXene-based electrode materials.
Compared with Li/Na metal anodes, the investigation and development of K metal anodes are still in their early stage. However, the differences between K metal and Li/Na metal anodes should be clearly noted for their development. The K atom exhibits significantly higher reactivity and larger ionic radius than the Li and Na atoms, resulting in a more serious challenge for the K metal anode. Therefore, research on K metal anodes should focus on decreasing their reactivity and volumetric changes during plating/stripping. This calls for more comprehensive strategies, not only a rationally designed 3D host coupled with a stable interface layer but also in combination with electrolyte modulation, separator design, and other possible solutions to improve performance. In addition, to further promote the progress of K metal anodes, the following perspectives and challenges were proposed, indicating the need for additional research efforts:
1. For a metal-based current collector, a low-cost and lightweight Al foil can be used for K metal anode applications because K does not react with Al to form an alloy. Therefore, the rich host-modification experience of the Cu foil can provide valuable guidance in the rational design of Al-metal-based current collectors. The carbonaceous current collector for K metal anodes exhibits advantages from various aspects, such as light weight, versatile structure, and easy synthesis. However, its mechanical strength is unsatisfactory and needs to be improved to sustain long-term cycling or harsh working conditions.
2. For the material selection and functional modification of the current collector, most of the recently published studies are based on experimental trial-and-error in the laboratory and lack theoretical instructions. Therefore, it is highly promising and effective to apply appropriate simulation methods, such as high-throughput, to screen the optimized (metallic or carbonaceous) materials and estimate their material-structure-property relationships.
3. The 3D hosts of the K metal anode have large specific surface areas, which decreases the local current density to induce uniform K deposition and simultaneously causes significant electrolyte consumption. In addition, the large porosity is beneficial for metallic K accommodation and efficient charge transportation; however, it results in poor mechanical strength. Therefore, it is ideal to develop a protective interface layer to reduce the overuse of electrolytes. The mechanical strength of the 3D host should be further improved, striving for a balance between mechanical stability and accommodation capability.
4. The fundamental understanding of the mechanism of K metal anodes is limited, and an in-depth investigation is required. Investigation of the current advanced in situ and ex situ characterization techniques and post-mortem analyses to reveal the fundamental processes, such as the evolution of the SEI and K nucleation and growth behaviors, will provide valuable guidance for rational electrode design and effective dendrite suppression.
5. The most recently applied electrode designs or synthetic methods are complex, cost-effective, and barely compatible with the current battery industry applications. This calls for the simplification and manufacturing cost reduction of the electrode synthesis process to make it more easily accessible for practical applications.
The K metal shows great promise as an anode for metal batteries, which are considered to be advanced metal batteries beyond Li metal batteries. Therefore, the K metal anode is undoubtedly an attractive and hot research topic for next-generation battery technique, although several challenges still need to be overcome. We hope that this study will be helpful for researchers in this field in the rational design and development of K metal anodes.
Authors’ contributionsConceived the manuscript: Liu D, Cai X
Wrote the manuscript: Liu D
Discussion of the manuscript: Shen J, Jian Z, Cai X
Reviewed the manuscript: Cai X
Availability of data and materialsNot applicable.
Financial support and sponsorshipThis work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 22105129), Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (No. 2022A1515011048), and the Science and Technology Innovation Commission of Shenzhen (No. JCYJ20200109105618137).
Conflicts of interestAll authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.
Ethical approval and consent to participate.Not applicable.
Consent for publicationNot applicable.
Copyright© The Author(s) 2023.
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Liu, D.; Shen, J.; Jian, Z.; Cai, X. Advanced 3D-structured electrode for potassium metal anodes. Energy Mater. 2023, 3, 300028.
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