Metal nitride heterostructures capsulated in carbon nanospheres to accommodate lithium metal for constructing a stable composite anode
Although various hosts have been proposed to accommodate the Lithium (Li) metal to solve the uneven Li deposition and infinite volume change, the pulverization of the host or lithiophilic modification layer easily leads to structural damage and the poor cycling stability of the composite anode. Herein, we design a host of metal nitrides (Mo2N and WN heterostructures) nanoparticles capsulated in the hollow carbon nanospheres, which can accommodate Li metal to form a stable composite anode. The lithiophilic Mo2N guides uniform infusion and reduces the nucleation barriers of Li metal during electrochemical process. Note that the rigid WN matrix is uniformly composited with Mo2N, which can suppress the pulverization of Mo2N during the repeat Li plating/stripping, ensuring the stability of regulated deposition during long cycling. High mechanical strength, uniform surface potential distribution and good electrolyte wettability of the Li metal-based composite anode guarantee the rapid Li plating/stripping kinetics. Thus, the obtained composite anode can stably cycle 1400 h at
The energy density of conventional lithium (Li)-ion batteries (LIBs) based on the graphite anode is hard to meet the requirements of the rapid development of automobiles and portable electronic devices[1-4]. Li metal is the most promising anode for the next generation of high-energy batteries due to its ultrahigh capacity (3860 mA h g-1) and low reduction potential (-3.04 V vs. the standard hydrogen electrode)[5-8]. However, the critical problems, including uncontrolled Li dendrite formation[9-12], infinite volume expansion[13,14] and severe interfacial side reactions[15-20], cause safety issues and poor stability of lithium metal batteries (LMBs). Thus far, numerous strategies have been proposed to solve the above problems, such as artificial interface construction[21-23], host structure design[24-26] and electrolyte modification engineering[27-29]. Unfortunately, most of the above works are conducted under low-capacity loadings or with flooded electrolytes, far from the harsh practical conditions[9,30].
Compared with the pure Li metal anode, the Li metal-based composite anode is more promising for applications because of its better structural stability and capability for mass production[31-33]. Various materials have been used as hosts to accommodate the Li metal, including carbon-based hosts and three-dimensional metal foams[24,33]. However, these hosts have poor interfacial compatibility with lithium[34], and thus, many lithiophilic alloys such as metal nitrides and lithium compounds are used to modify the host surface to guide the uniform plating or infusion in the hosts. Nevertheless, these lithiophilic materials usually suffer the inevitable pulverization and agglomeration during long cycling because of the reaction with Li[35,36]. Therefore, the structural integrity of lithiophilic components and host materials is important to prepare a stable Li-metal-based composite anode and realize the uniform Li plating and stripping.
Herein, we design and prepare a host of metal nitrides (Mo2N and WN heterostructures) capsulated in the hollow carbon nanospheres (denoted WN/Mo2N@HCN). A composite Li metal anode was prepared by die pressing and heating the Li metal powder and WN/Mo2N@HCN host together
The WN/Mo2N@HCN host was obtained through micelle-interfacial copolymerization in the presence of soluble metal salts, followed by carbonization and nitridation[37-39]. The copolymerization of organic monomers triggers the condensation of metal salts at micelle interfaces, which achieves one-pot integration of nanoparticle preparation, encapsulation and shell formation. The WN/Mo2N@HCN host shows a well-defined spherical morphology and core-shell structure [Figure 1A and B]. In addition, this process also ensures the uniform growth of WN and Mo2N together to form a heterostructure-like structure due to the similar properties of the used salt precursors and simultaneous nitriding. The cavity thickness in the HCN is about ~24 nm suggested by the high-resolution TEM image [Figure 1C]. The specific surface area calculated by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method and the pore volume of WN/Mo2N@HCN are 206 m2 g-1 and 0.35 cm3 g-1, respectively, which are much lower than those of HCN (569 m2 g-1 and 0.54 cm3 g-1). The decrease in BET specific surface area and the disappearance of hysteresis loop suggest that the interior void of carbon is filled with the alloy nanoparticles after the incorporation of WN/Mo2N heterostructures
Figure 1. Structural characterization of WN/Mo2N@HCN and the obtained Li metal composite anode. (A) SEM image, (B and C) TEM images and (D) stacked HAADF and element mappings of WN/Mo2N@HCN; (E) XRD patterns, (F and G) surface and cross-sectional SEM images and (H) AFM image with Young’s modulus mapping of the composite anode.
The Li metal composite anode (WN/Mo2N@HCN/Li) was prepared by die pressing and heating the Li metal powder and WN/Mo2N@HCN host together with different ratios (Unless specified, the mass ratio between the WN/Mo2N@HCN and Li is 1:3), in which the molten Li uniformly infused into the host and formed compact stack with high bulk density [Supplementary Table 3]. After this process, the diffraction peaks of WN/Mo2N@HCN were weakened. The morphologies of the composite anode are shown in Figure 1F and G and Supplementary Figure 3A and B, which show a similar thickness (around 360 μm) to that of the prepared Li metal foil anode by Li metal powder. The surface modulus of the composite anode and lithium metal foil was characterized by an atomic force microscope (AFM). As shown in Figure 1H, the average Young’s modulus of the composite anode reaches 86.0 GPa, whereas that of Li metal foil is only
The reaction between Li metal powder and WN/Mo2N@HCN was investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The N 1s XPS peaks at 398.4 and 395.4 eV in the spectra of the composite anode
In order to investigate the electrochemical stability of the composite anode, the galvanostatic stripping/plating voltage profiles of symmetric cells with ether-based electrolyte were tested, as shown in Figure 2A. The composite anode exhibits stable cycling performance for more than 1400 h with an ultralow voltage hysteresis (~16 mV) without distinct voltage fluctuation at 1 mA cm-2 and 1 mA h cm-2. In contrast, the composite anodes of WN@HCN/Li and Mo2N@HCN/Li show enlarged overpotential after 600 h and 700 h, which should be ascribed to the inferior lithiophility of WN and the pulverization of Mo2N in long cycling. Note that the HCN/Li and Li metal foil anode show distinct voltage fluctuation in short cycling due to the nonuniform Li deposition, which induces uncontrollable dendrite growth. The comparison of semicircles at the high-frequency region of Nyquist plots [Figure 2B] also shows that the composite anode has the smallest electrochemical resistance due to improved ion diffusion and interfacial reaction kinetics, which is benefited from the introduction of WN/Mo2N@HCN. It is shown that Mo2N@HCN/Li also has a similar initial overpotential with the composite anode during the Li plating [Figure 2C], which is much smaller than those of other anodes, indicating the function of Mo2N in lowering the nucleation barrier[49]. Mo2N can serve as the preferred nucleation site for Li deposition, which can effectively reduce nucleation barriers, where Li can be deposited on Mo in an epitaxial manner with the lattice strain accommodated at the interface, leading to stronger Li-Mo bond than the Li-Li bond[41]. When the mass ratio of WN/Mo2N@HCN and lithium powder was adjusted to 1:2 and 1:4, the cycling performance became worse than that with the ratio of 1:3 [Supplementary Figure 7]. No cracks and dead Li can be observed on the composite anode surface after 200 h stripping/plating [Figure 2D and E]. Even at a high current density of 2 mA cm-2 and a high capacity of 2 mA h cm-2, the cells with the composite anode still maintain excellent cycling stability for 900 cycles [Figure 2F and G].
Figure 2. Electrochemical performance of the different anodes in symmetrical cells. (A) long-term plating/stripping profiles of composite anodes with the different hosts in symmetrical cells at 1 mA cm-2 and 1 mA h cm-2 and (B) the corresponding Nyquist plots; (C) overpotential profiles during the first Li plating cycle; SEM images of (D) WN/Mo2N@HCN/Li and (E) pure Li metal anode after 200 h cycles; (F) long-term plating/stripping profiles of WN/Mo2N@HCN/Li and pure Li metal anode in symmetrical cells at
The morphology of the composite and pure Li metal anodes was characterized to reveal the different Li stripping/plating behavior at the current density of 1 mA cm-2. With the deposition capacity of
Figure 3. Lithium deposition behavior of different anodes. Lithium deposition morphology at 1 mA cm-2 for (A) 1 h and (B) 3 h for the composite anode, (C) 1 h and (D) 3 h for pure Li metal anode; surface potential mappings of (E) the composite anode and (F) pure Li metal anode through Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) and corresponding (G and H) statistical distribution; (I) schematic illustration of Li deposition process on these two anodes.
The smooth and flat surface of the composite anode was shown after 100 cycles in the full cell, but the surface of Li metal foil anode showed many cracks [Figure 4A and B]. The above results clearly prove that the lithiophilic metal nitride nanoparticles effectively guide homogeneous Li stripping/plating and the carbon shells well buffer volume changes to release the stress[22], which strengthens the structural stability of the composite anode during cycling. The compositions of the SEI formed on the composite and Li metal foil anodes in the carbonate electrolyte were analyzed by XPS [Figure 4C-F]. In the C 1s spectrum, the peaks at 284.4, 286.4, 288.1 and 290.2 eV correspond to the C-C/C=C, COR, CO32- and C-F species, respectively[50]. The disappearance of Li2CO3 peak in the composite anode indicates that the side reaction was suppressed significantly benefited from improved interfacial kinetics. The peaks at 687.6 and 684.7 eV in the F 1s spectrum are assigned to C-F and LiF[51]. The results show more LiF contained in the SEI formed on the composite anode surface due to the existence of lithium nitride in the composite anode, which can regulate lithium deposition behavior by boosting rapid ion transport. Such differences are also suggested by the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy [Figure 4G and H]. The interfacial impedances of Li metal foil anode not only fluctuated wildly at different cycles in the Nyquist plots, but also were larger than that of the composite anode. The apparent activation energy of Li-ions migration across SEI film on the interface was also calculated by the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements under different temperatures[52]. As shown in Figure 4I, the ESEI of the composite anode (52.95 kJ mol-1) is obviously lower than that of Li metal foil anode (60.38 kJ mol-1), suggesting the improved dynamics of Li-ion migration through SEI for the uniform Li deposition[53].
Figure 4. Structural stability and SEI composition of different anodes. SEM images of surface topography for (A) composite anode and (B) pure Li metal anode after cycling; high-resolution XPS analysis of (C and D) C 1s and (E and F) F 1s spectra for the composite anode and pure Li metal anode after cycling; (G and H) Nyquist plots of NCM811 full cells with the above two anodes after different cycles;
The full battery was assembled with NCM811 cathode to show the practicability of the composite anode. The full cell using the composite anode delivers a higher initial specific capacity of 182.4 mA h g-1 and superior cycling performance with a capacity retention of 61.5% after 400 cycles, which are obviously higher than that of other composite anodes due to the synergistic effect of Mo2N and WN heterostructures
Figure 5. Electrochemical performance of NCM811 full cells with different anodes. (A) Cycling performance, (B) rate performance,
The rate performances of the above two full cells were also tested from 0.2 C to 10 C, as shown in
In summary, a host of metal nitrides (Mo2N and WN heterostructure) capsulated in the hollow carbon nanospheres was developed, which can accommodate Li metal to form a composite anode with excellent stability. The lithiophilic Mo2N guides the uniform infusion and the electrochemical plating of Li in HCN. At the same time, WN, which is well composited with Mo2N, acts as a rigid matrix to conquer the pulverization of Mo2N during the Li plating/stripping, enhancing the structural stability of the host and regulated deposition during long cycling. The obtained composite anode thus shows excellent electrochemical performance and stability. The symmetric battery can work stably for more than 1400 h at
Authors’ contributionsContributed equally to this work: Ding B, An X
Conceived the concept and directed the research: He YB, Lv W
Carried out the synthesis and characterization: Ding B, An X, Yu J
Gave advice to the research: Lv W, Kang F
Wrote the manuscript: Ding B, He YB
Availability of data and materialsSupplementary Information associated with this article can be found in the online version.
Financial support and sponsorshipThis work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. U2001220 and 51972190), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2021YFF0500600), Shenzhen All-Solid-State Lithium Battery Electrolyte Engineering Research Center (XMHT20200203006), and Shenzhen Technical Plan Project (Nos. RCJC20200714114436091).
Conflicts of interestAll authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.
Ethical approval and consent to participateNot applicable.
Consent for publicationNot applicable.
Copyright© The Author(s) 2022.
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Ding, B.; An, X.; Yu, J.; Lv, W.; Kang, F.; He, Y. B. Metal nitride heterostructures capsulated in carbon nanospheres to accommodate lithium metal for constructing a stable composite anode. Energy Mater. 2022, 2, 200039.
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