Scale-aware monocular reconstruction via robot kinematics and visual data in neural radiance fields
Reconstructing scale-aware 3D structures from monocular endoscopes is a fundamental task for some emerging surgical robotic systems, such as flexible robots [1–3]. It is also a prerequisite for applications such as multi-modal image registration and automatic navigation based on real-scale 3D modeling of human anatomies [4–6]. However, relying solely on monocular images is insufficient to accurately recover 3D structures with absolute scale in the surgical scene. Several methods for scene reconstruction from monocular endoscopes have been explored. Traditional multi-view stereo methods [7] can simultaneously recover 3D point clouds and camera poses in scenes with rich features. However, these methods cannot directly reconstruct structures with real scale, requiring manual estimation of the global scale and then optimization of it using "iterative closest point" registration algorithm (ICP) [8]. Recent deep learning-based methods [8–10] have exploited large numbers of surgical images with certain requirements, such as static tissue surfaces or ground truth depth labels, to train convolutional neural networks (CNN) for relative depth estimation and further reconstruction. However, based on our experiments, these methods only predicted relative depth by large training data and computed 3D reconstruction without an accurate scale.
Surgical robotic systems provide richer information beyond images, such as robot kinematics, which describes how robotic instruments are mechanically controlled. This kinematics information can enhance the perception in a multi-modal learning style [11]. Despite much work on recognition-related tasks using robotic information [12–14], joint modeling of kinematics and visual data for monocular 3D reconstruction has been rarely studied to date due to several challenges. First, acquiring large surgical datasets with static scenes for learning-based methods is difficult. Second, generating accurate ground truth depth labels of real endoscopic images is hard. Third, for 3D reconstruction, robot kinematics and endoscopic videos represent multi-modal data, and how to efficiently integrate kinematics data into the images remains underexplored.
Neural radiance fields (NeRF) have emerged as a promising technology [15, 16] for quality novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction. These methods utilize neural implicit fields to represent continuous scenes. Several variants of NeRF [17, 18] have incorporated sparse 3D points from structure from motion (SfM) techniques to guide ray termination and optimize the neural implicit field for view synthesis. However, these approaches have primarily focused on relative depth estimation in natural scenes. In the context of urban environments, urban radiance fields (URF) [19] have been introduced to apply NeRF-based view synthesis and visual reconstruction. URF leverages sparse multi-view images along with LiDAR data to reconstruct urban scenes. In the field of medicine, a recent work called EndoNeRF [20] has presented a pipeline for achieving single-view 3D reconstruction of dynamic surgical scenes. This methodology specifically addresses the challenges of reconstructing surgical scenes that involve deformable tissues.
In this paper, we propose a novel approach, KV-EndoNeRF, for reconstructing surgical scenes with an accurate scale using kinematics and visual data. Our contributions can be summarized as follows: Firstly, we introduce a NeRF-based pipeline specifically designed for scale-aware reconstruction from multi-modal data, addressing the challenging problem of reconstructing 3D scenes with scale from a monocular endoscope. Secondly, we incorporate scale information extracted from robot kinematics and coarse depth information learned from SfM into the NeRF optimization process, improving the accuracy of the reconstruction. Finally, we evaluate our proposed pipeline, KV-EndoNeRF, both qualitatively and quantitatively on the publicly available Stereo Correspondence And Reconstruction of Endoscopic Data (SCARED) robotic endoscope dataset. The results demonstrate that KV-EndoNeRF outperforms previous methods, showcasing its ability to achieve 3D reconstruction with accurate scale in monocular surgical scenes.
2.1 Overview of NeRF-based scale-aware reconstruction
Considering robot-assisted endoscopy, the goal of our proposed pipeline, KV-EndoNeRF, is to achieve scale-aware monocular reconstruction from limited multi-modal data (i.e., kinematics, and endoscopic image sequences). It requires neither large numbers of endoscopic images for training, nor other imaging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance image (MRI), for the ground truth labels. The key to our pipeline is to effectively incorporate the scale information from robot kinematics into NeRF-represented surgical scenes for optimization. Following the modeling in NeRF [15], we represent the surgical scene as a neural radiance field for further volume rendering (Section 2.2). As shown in Figure 1, we first extract the absolute scale from kinematics and then fuse it into sparse depth produced by SfM. Under sparse supervision, we fine-tune a monocular depth estimation network to the current endoscopic scene for scene-specific coarse depth (Section 2.3). After adjusting the scale of coarse depth estimation, we integrate it into the ray marching of NeRF and optimize the volumetric field to obtain the absolute depth (Section 2.4). Finally, the refined absolute depth maps are fused in a truncated signed distance functions (TSDF)-based volumetric representation according to the endoscopic trajectory (Section 2.5). This results in a reconstructed 3D model of the surgical scene with global-scale information.
2.2 Surgical scene representing and rendering by NeRF
NeRF has achieved impressive success in view synthesis by optimizing the neural implicit field. Our pipeline explores its potential for the optimization of depth estimates. We represent a surgical scene as a neural radiance field
In this way, the 3D structure of the surgical scene can be encoded as a continuous implicit function, which enables memory-efficient geometric representation with infinite resolution.
2.3 Coarse depth adaptation and scale recovery with kinematics
We use the SfM to reconstruct the surgical scene as a set of 3D points
To obtain scene-specific coarse depth from the current endoscopic data, we propose adapting a depth estimation network. This network is fine-tuned using the sparse depth supervision
2.4 NeRF-based optimization for absolute depth
According to Equation (2), we can determine the absolute scale between the reconstruction and real-world values using the robot kinematics information. To incorporate this calculated scale into dense monocular reconstruction, we propose guiding the NeRF sampling process with our coarse depth estimation and scale information. First, we align the scale of the coarse depth map
Next, during ray marching, we sample points using a Gaussian distribution guided by the prior from the scaled coarse depth. Assuming the coarse depth value for a pixel
To estimate the absolute depth of endoscopic frames, we can optimize the network parameter
2.5 Volumetric reconstruction on fine depth
To further refine depth accuracy, we use the view synthesis results of NeRF to calculate the per-pixel error for the predicted structure. If the rendering at a specific pixel does not match the input endoscopic image well, a high error is assigned to the depth prediction of that pixel. The error map
The error map is then used to improve the estimated depth by a filter. We apply an off-the-shelf post-filtering approach [23] to obtain the fine output, which enhances absolute depth estimates, particularly in regions where the renderings are not accurate.
Afterward, these fine depth maps are fused to create a surface reconstruction. We use TSDF [24] to build a volumetric representation of the tissue surface. Since the predicted depth maps and the endoscope poses are scaled to the real world, all data are made scale-aware and -consistent before fusion. The surgical scene is represented by a discrete voxel grid, and for each of them, a weighted signed distance to the closest surface is recorded. The TSDF is updated in a straight manner, using sequential averaging for each voxel and the predicted depth for each pixel in every image. Finally, the whole 3D structure is reconstructed by the marching cubes method [25] from the volumetric representation.
3.1 Dataset and implementation details
We evaluate our scale-aware monocular reconstruction pipeline on the publicly available SCARED dataset [26]. This dataset consists of seven training datasets and two test datasets captured by a da Vinci Xi surgical robot. Each dataset is collected from a porcine model and contains four or five keyframes. Each keyframe includes a video with kinematic information about the endoscope. From each dataset, we randomly select one keyframe and extract a set of 40 to 80 images that cover the entire surgical scene. During the data collection process, the robot manipulates an endoscope to observe the interior scenes of the porcine abdominal anatomy. A projector is used to calculate high-quality depth maps for each frame. As a result, the dataset provides endoscopic videos with ground-truth depth maps and robot kinematics. Typical examples of the SCARED data are illustrated in Figure 2. In addition, the robot kinematics information is utilized to restore the scale.
Figure 2. Four typical examples of the SCARED data. For every row, when the robot manipulates the endoscope to move, diversified views and corresponding robot kinematics are recorded in sequence. SCARED: Stereo Correspondence And Reconstruction of Endoscopic Data.
In our implementation, we used the network architecture proposed in Mannequin Challenge [27] with pre-trained weights as the monocular depth network for coarse depth adaptation. Twenty fine-tuning epochs were used in the surgical scene-specific adaptation. We set
3.2 Performance metrics
Table 1 lists the depth evaluation metrics [28] used in our experiments, where
Depth evaluation metrics
Metrics | Definition |
Abs Rel | |
Sq Rel | |
RMSE | |
3.3 Evaluation on scale-aware depth estimation
We compare the accuracy of depth estimation using the KV-EndoNeRF method with several other deep learning-based approaches and the SfM method, specifically COLMAP [7].
● COLMAP [7] is a general-purpose SfM pipeline used for reconstructing 3D point cloud reconstruction from ordered and unordered image collections. In our study, we apply it to monocular surgical scene reconstruction. The recovered points are then projected onto each image plane to obtain the sparse depth maps for evaluation.
● EndoSLAM [30] is an unsupervised relative monocular depth estimation method specifically designed for gastrointestinal tract organs. It combines residual networks with a spatial attention module to focus on highly textured tissue regions. We fine-tune the depth model using the SCARED data for comparison.
● AF-SfMLearner [10] is a novel self-supervised network for estimating monocular depth in endoscopic scenes. It is trained on the SCARED datasets, which contain severe brightness fluctuations induced by illumination variations, non-Lambertian reflections, and inter-reflections.
● DS-NeRF [17] is a general depth-supervised NeRF method that utilizes sparse reconstruction from the SfM to recover dense 3D structures. We apply DS-NeRF to estimate dense depth maps for each endoscopic image.
We present the quantitative depth comparison results on SCARED data in Table 2, which rescales the results using the ground truth median scaling method. In addition to standard depth evaluation metrics, we calculate the means and standard errors of the rescaling factors to demonstrate the scale-awareness ability. KV-EndoNeRF achieves the best up-to-scale performance with respect to five metrics and ranks the second best for the other two metrics. Notably, KV-EndoNeRF also achieves nearly perfect absolute scale estimation. These quantitative results show that our proposed method effectively extracts absolute scale information from kinematics and integrates it into NeRF for further depth optimization, resulting in accurate absolute depth estimation.
Quantitative comparisons for scale-aware depth estimation on SCARED
Method | Scale | Error ↓ | Accuracy ↑ | ||||
Abs Rel | Sq Rel | RMSE | RMSElog | ||||
COLMAP [7] | 4.04 ± 2.24 | 0.044 ± 0.028 | 0.065 ± 0.033 | ||||
EndoSLAM [30] | 77.77 ± 17.10 | 0.079 ± 0.047 | 0.897 ± 1.090 | 7.160 ± 4.818 | 0.099 ± 0.052 | 0.931 ± 0.124 | 0.997 ± 0.009 |
AF-SfMLearner [10] | 2.12 ± 0.45 | 0.056 ± 0.028 | 0.437 ± 0.560 | 5.103 ± 3.143 | 0.073 ± 0.034 | 0.999 ± 0.005 | |
DS-NeRF [17] | 22.04 ± 9.75 | 0.049 ± 0.034 | 0.458 ± 1.012 | 4.866 ± 3.432 | 0.070 ± 0.041 | 0.972 ± 0.067 | 0.997 ± 0.012 |
Ours | 0.95 ± 0.07 | 0.347 ± 0.351 | 4.583 ± 2.247 | 0.984 ± 0.029 | 0.999 ± 0.003 |
Furthermore, we select four representative images from the SCARED dataset for qualitative depth comparison. As shown in Figure 3, our method with NeRF-based optimization produces depth predictions with sharp boundaries and fine-grained details, outperforming other approaches in terms of absolute depth estimation. However, COLMAP could only recover sparse depth maps without the entire 3D geometry of the tissue surface. While EndoSLAM and AF-SfMLearner are capable of generating reasonable 3D structures of tissues, they lose many details in tissues with complex geometries and edges. Lastly, the estimated depth values from DS-NeRF contain significant noise, which could affect the surgeons' observations of complicated tissue surfaces.
Figure 3. Qualitative comparisons on SCARED. Our method outperforms COLMAP[7], EndoSLAM[30], AF-SfMLearner[10], and DS-NeRF[17] in terms of depth quality. A large depth value is encoded with yellow, while a small depth value is encoded with purple. SCARED: Stereo Correspondence And Reconstruction of Endoscopic Data; NeRF: neural radiance fields.
3.4 Comparison with state-of-the-art methods
We compare our method with state-of-the-art approaches in terms of 3D reconstruction and view synthesis. Firstly, we quantitatively assess the reconstruction results and compare them with ground truth 3D models calculated by a structure light camera [26]. Unlike other monocular scene reconstruction methods, we do not scale the structures during evaluation, thanks to our scale-aware depth estimation. KV-EndoNeRF achieves high accuracy in 3D reconstruction, with an average root mean square error (RMSE) error of
Figure 4. (A) Qualitative reconstruction comparisons on SCARED; (B) Results on view synthesis. Better viewed when zoomed in. More results are shown in the Supplementary Materials. SCARED: Stereo Correspondence And Reconstruction of Endoscopic Data.
3.5 Ablation studies
We perform ablation studies to validate the effectiveness of the proposed pipeline in estimating fine absolute depth using robot kinematics and NeRF-based optimization. Results in Table 3 demonstrate that each module contributes to the final depth quality. Although the coarse depth estimation is not scaled, it provides a relatively accurate depth basis for the following NeRF-based optimization, as shown in the table. After computing the scale from kinematics data, we incorporate it into NeRF to optimize depth further. We observe that the NeRF improves the depth quality and retains the absolute scale information. Additionally, the refinement operation based on the view synthesis enhances absolute depth estimates, which is beneficial to the final scale-aware reconstruction.
Ablation studies on each module of our pipeline using dataset-5/keyframe-4
Coarse Depth | NeRF | Refinement | Scale | RMSE | |
✓ | 21.83 ± 3.64 | 2.864 ± 0.452 | 0.991 ± 0.008 | ||
✓ | ✓ | 0.89 ± 0.05 | 2.730 ± 0.391 | 0.993 ± 0.008 | |
✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 0.90 ± 0.04 | 2.688 ± 0.415 | 0.995 ± 0.007 |
Nowadays, robotic surgery has become a valuable tool for surgeons, offering advantages such as improved precision in positioning and repetitive accuracy. However, despite these benefits, certain challenges persist, including the absence of 3D anatomical structures and a limited field of view. The accurate representation of the surgical scene in 3D, with proper scaling, is crucial for ensuring surgical safety and effectively controlling robotic systems [31]. To address these issues, we propose a novel NeRF-based method that leverages both visual information and robot kinematics to achieve scale-aware 3D reconstruction of monocular endoscopic scenes. Notably, our approach does not require labeled data or the use of CT scans for training. By incorporating robot kinematics as an additional modality, we can extract scale information that bridges the gap between the 3D reconstruction and the real world. Given the widespread adoption of robotic surgery, it is imperative to integrate robotic kinematics as a multi-modal data source in the visual reconstruction process.
In Ear-Nose-Thorat (ENT) surgery [6] or colonoscopy [32], surgeons manipulate flexible endoscopes or instruments to observe anatomies or perform specific operations. Considering the narrow space of the surgical site, it is crucial for the surgeon or the robot to have an accurate understanding of the 3D structures with real-scale representation of the environment. Therefore, our proposed method can be applied to ENT surgery and colonoscopy. When a limited number of monocular images are obtained from the endoscope, the NeRF-based method can reconstruct the 3D geometry of the tissue surface. For the kinematics data, an external tracking system, such as EM-Tracker and FBG sensors, can be embedded into the surgical robot. In this case, our proposed 3D reconstruction method seamlessly integrates into current surgical robotic systems.
While some existing methods employ external sensors, such as stereo cameras [33, 34], to recover real-scale 3D structures, their practical implementation is hindered by their high cost. Additionally, in certain scenarios like ENT surgery and colonoscopy, the limited operating space poses challenges for using stereo cameras. Alternative approaches involve the use of optical tracking [35] or electromagnetic systems [36] to register the endoscope with CT/MRI data. However, these devices are typically treated as independent sources of information for multi-modal data registration. In contrast, our method integrates robotic information into a comprehensive framework, enabling the reconstruction of scale-aware structures from monocular endoscopes. Moreover, compared to learning-based monocular reconstruction approaches [37], our proposed NeRF-based method does not require large amounts of domain-specific training data and can render novel endoscopic views for surgeons to observe the surgical scenarios. Additionally, while other SLAM-based reconstruction methods [38] can only recover sparse 3D point clouds without accurate scaling, our framework can obtain dense 3D structures with an absolute scale to represent tissue surfaces.
However, our method does have some limitations that should be addressed in future work. Firstly, the current approach relies on two separate processes to extract scale data from robot kinematics and monocular images, which is complex and time-consuming. To overcome this, we aim to develop an end-to-end learning method that can efficiently distill information from different modalities. Secondly, the use of the NeRF technique to represent the 3D geometry requires significant computational resources and training time, making real-time rendering and reconstruction challenging. To tackle this issue, we plan to investigate more efficient neural representations, such as 3D gaussian, which can be integrated into our method to enhance efficiency for real-time application. Furthermore, while the kinematics information provided by rigid robots is relatively accurate and has minimal noise, flexible surgical robots can only provide rough and inaccurate kinematics data. Currently, our framework does not account for errors in robot kinematics during scale recovery. In future work, we intend to design an optimization module that can jointly utilize the translation and rotation components of the poses from robot kinematics and visual data. Additionally, we aim to collect more multi-modal data from different surgical scenes to thoroughly evaluate the performance of our method.
In this paper, we introduce a novel NeRF-based pipeline that enables scale-aware monocular reconstruction with limited robotic endoscope data. It neither requires large medical images nor ground truth labels for network training. We first integrate the scale information extracted from kinematics and learning-based coarse depth supervised by SfM into the optimization process of NeRF, resulting in absolute depth estimation. Then, 3D models with a real scale of tissue surfaces are reconstructed by fusing refined absolute depth maps. We also evaluate the pipeline on SCARED data to demonstrate its accuracy and efficiency. In the future, more robotic endoscope data will be collected to validate our pipeline. The reconstructed scale-aware 3D structures will be utilized for automatic navigation systems in various robotic surgeries, including ENT surgery.
Authors' contributions
Conceptualization, methodology, software, validation, formal analysis, investigation, data curation, visualization, writing - original draft: Wei R
Conceptualization, formal analysis, writing - review and editing: Guo J
Conceptualization, writing - review and editing: Lu Y, Zhong F
Conceptualization, resources, formal analysis, Writing review and editing, supervision: Liu Y, Sun D, Dou Q
Availability of data and materials
Stereo Correspondence And Reconstruction of Endoscopic Data (SCARED) is publicly available at
Financial support and sponsorship
This research work was supported in part by Shenzhen Portion of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone under HZQB-KCZYB-20200089, in part by Hong Kong Research Grants Council Project No. T42-409/18-R, and in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China Project No. 62322318.
Conflicts of interest
All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.
Ethical approval and consent to participate
As our research does not deal with any patient data or broadly, we did not obtain an institutional review board (IRB) for this study.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
© The Author(s) 2024.
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Wei, R.; Guo J.; Lu Y.; Zhong F.; Liu Y.; Sun D.; Dou Q. Scale-aware monocular reconstruction via robot kinematics and visual data in neural radiance fields. Art. Int. Surg. 2024, 4, 187-98.
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