
Figure 1. Photomicrographs of liver sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE, left row ×100, right row ×400). (C) Control rat showing normal hepatocytes architecture; (HCC) liver of HCC rat treated with CIS, showing damage hepatocytes with lymphocyte cells infi ltration; (HCC + CIS) liver of HCC rat treated with CIS showing congested central vein and blood sinusoids; (HCC + IN) liver of HCC rat that received IN similar to control group; (HCC + CIS + IN) liver of HCC treated with both CIS + IN showing maintained hepatic architecture, with minimal damage. C: control; IN: inulin; CIS: cisplatin; HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; CV: central vein; HP: hepatocytes; BS: blood sinusoids; VHP: vascular hepatocytes; DBS: degenerated blood sinusoids; PV: portal vein; H: hepatocytes; white arrow: blood sinusoids; arrowhead: Kupffer cells; black arrow: endothelial cells; *Lymphocytic cell infi ltration