
Substantial subpial cortical demyelination in progressive multiple sclerosis: have we underestimated the extent of cortical pathology?

Figure 5. Meningeal inflammation and subpial cortical demyelination. Example infiltrates of the leptomeninges overlying the neocortex in a single coronal macrosection. Aggregates visualised by LFB/haematoxylin histology were rich in CD20+ B cells (A). The location of the infiltrates in (A) are marked as asterisks (*) on the serial anti-PLP stained section (B) (Case MS217). By grouping the cases based on their relative extent of leptomeningeal inflammation (0/+ vs. ++/+++), we constructed schema depicting all neocortical grey matter lesions noted per P1 section, per case (n = 18). Depth of colour (see heatmap representing percent lesion occurrence with 100% indicating tissue was demyelinated in every P1 section in that group) illustrates how frequently an area of neocortex was demyelinated in meningeal inflammation rated 0/+ and meningeal inflammation rated ++/+++ MS (C). PLP: proteolipid protein. (A) Scale bar = 200 µm; (B) Scale bar = 1 cm

Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation
ISSN 2349-6142 (Online) 2347-8659 (Print)


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